ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
November 13, 2005 From: British Society for
Plant Pathology, New Disease Reports, Vol 12 [edited] <http://www.bspp.org.uk/ndr/jan2006/2005-93.asp>
First report of Alternaria tenuissima causing leaf
spot and fruit rot on eggplant in India
P Raja, AV Ramana
Reddy, US Allam, Department of Plant Pathology, Agricultural
College, Bapatla-522 10, Andhra Pradesh, India. Accepted for
publication 11 Oct 2005.
A leaf spot disease of eggplant (_Solanum melongena_) was
observed during 1997-2000 in Guntur district Andhra Pradesh,
India. The symptoms recorded were small, circular, brown
necrotic spots all over the foliage. The spots
gradually enlarged in size and later became irregular in shape
or remained circular with concentric rings or zones. In the
later stage of infection, these spots coalesced, resulting in
withering, extensive drying and leaf shedding. On fruit,
the symptoms started as small concentric dark brown sunken
spots, which coalesced and covered the entire surface of the
fruit. Affected fruit rotted completely, causing severe yield
The causal agent of this disease was successfully isolated on
potato dextrose agar (PDA) from diseased leaves and fruits.
After 4 to 5 days of incubation at 26 C with a 12 hour
photoperiod, the fungus produced colonies which were regular and
flat, with a rough upper surface. The periphery of the colony
was olive-green, with a black center and dull white spots. The
growth of the fungus was smooth. The conidiophores were short,
arising singly, measuring 81.6 to 163.2 mm in length and were
4.08 to 8.16 mm thick. The size of the conidia varied from 26 to
48.75 mm in length and 9.75 to 16.27 mm in width, with an
average beak length of 9.58 mm. Horizontal and vertical
septations of conidia varied from 1 to 6 and 0 to 2,
On the basis of the morphological characteristics of the
conidiophores and conidia, the pathogen was identified as
_Alternaria tenuissima_. The culture was sent to the Indian type
culture collection, located at the Indian Agricultural Research
Institute in New Delhi, where its identity was confirmed.
Pathogenicity tests were conducted on 60 day old eggplants (cv.
Bapatla Local) by spraying with a spore suspension (500 000
spores per ml) using an atomizer in the late evening. Inoculated
plants were covered with a
polythene bag and incubated at 26 C with a 14 hour photoperiod.
30 days after inoculation, the symptoms were similar to those
previously observed.
The fungus was consistently re-isolated from the inoculated
plants. At the same time, control leaves, sprayed with distilled
water, did not develop any symptoms. _A. tenuissima_ is a
cosmopolitan fungus already identified in India on several hosts
- for example, taro _Colocasia esculenta_, pigeon pea _Cajanus
cajan_, and _Ipomoea carnea_.
This is the 1st record of _A. tenuissima_ on eggplant in India.
Solankure RT, Rao VG. Alternaria leaf spot of taro from India.
Indian Phytopathology 1972; 25: 457-9.
Kannaiyan J, Nene YL. Alternaria leaf spot of pigeon pea.
Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin 1977; 9: 34.
Reddy MN, Rao AS. A new leaf spot disease of _Ipomoea carnea_
Jacq. Current Science 1975; 44: 367.
[The is the 1st report of this disease in India. The interval
between completion of the work and its submission seems
inordinately long, but I am overlooking that because the piece
involves a 1st report of the disease,
which is worthy of record.
Link: <http://www.bspp.org.uk/ndr/jan2006/2005-93.asp>
- Mod.DH]