ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
July 12, 2005
Source: British Society for Plant Pathology, Vol. 11 [edited] <http://www.bspp.org.uk/ndr/july2005/2005-52.asp>
First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting
chilli in India
M.S. Khan, S.K. Raj
and R. Singh, Molecular Virology, National Botanical Research
Institute, Lucknow-226001, India Accepted for publication 24 May
Chilli (_Capsicum annuum_), a member of the family _Solanaceae_,
is an important spice crop cultivated in tropical and
sub-tropical countries. The crop is severely affected by leaf
curl disease in most of the chilli- cultivating areas of India.
Symptoms consisting of leaf curling, shortening of internodes
and petioles, crowding of leaves and stunting of whole plants
were observed in chilli fields around Lucknow. The pathogen was
experimentally transmitted from infected to healthy chilli and
tomato seedlings by the whitefly _Bemisia tabaci_. Inoculated
chilli plants developed typical symptoms of the disease.
However, inoculated tomato plants developed severe leaf curl
symptoms similar to those of leaf curl disease of tomato caused
by Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV).
To confirm the association of a begomovirus with the disease,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using the total
DNA isolated from naturally infected chilli leaves and a set of
primers designed to amplify the coat
protein region of ToLCNDV (previously called Indian tomato leaf
curl virus; Hallan, 1998). An amplification product of the
expected size (~800 bp) was produced. The amplicon was cloned
and sequenced (AY883570). A Blast search analysis of the
nucleotide sequence showed 89-93 percent identity with various
ToLCNDV isolates (X78956, AY428769, TLU15016 and AF448058).
However, the isolate under study was found to be only distantly
related to Pepper leaf curl Bangladesh virus (AF314531) and
Chilli leaf curl virus-[Multan] (AF336806) to which it shows 86
percent and 81 percent identity, respectively.
Based on these findings, the virus infecting chilli has been
tentatively identified as an isolate of ToLCNDV. This is the 1st
report of ToLCNDV affecting chilli crops in India. Taken
together with the recent report of ToLCNDV affecting chilli
cultivation in Pakistan (Hussain et al., 2004), this indicates
that, on the Indian sub-continent, chilli is a major alternative
host of ToLCNDV.
Hallan V, 1998. Genome organization of a geminivirus causing
leaf curl in tomato (_Lycopersicon esculentum_). Lucknow, India:
University of Lucknow, Ph.D thesis.
Hussain M, Mansoor S, Iram S, Zafar Y, Briddon RW, 2004. First
report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting chilli
pepper in Pakistan. Plant Pathology 53, 794.
[Natural hosts of ToLCNDV include tomato (_Lycopersicon
esculentum_) and potato (_Solanum tuberosum_). Aside from the
damage that ToLCNDV can cause in potato and tomato, there is the
added fact that chilli pepper (_Capsicum annuum_) is a major
host of the virus. Growers will likely have to contend with
using herbicides in order to provide better growing conditions
in their fields. To date, there are 17 strains of ToLCNDV in
addition to 2 from Thailand and a potential strain from India
(ToLCNDV) from pumpkin. The majority of ToLNDCV stains are from
India (13) and Mexico (8).
[see also in the
Tomato leaf curl virus - Bangladesh 20050608.1593
Tomato leaf curl virus, New Delhi strain - India 20050603.1548
Tomato leaf curl virus, new species - France (Mayotte)
20040528.1444 Tomato leaf curl virus, chilli pepper - Pakistan
20040509.1255 2003
Tomato leaf curl virus, potato - India: first report
20031001.2470 2001
Tomato leaf curl begomovirus, tomato disease - India
20010331.0649 Tomato leaf curl begomovirus, tomato disease -
India (02) 20010402.0663 Tomato leaf curl begomovirus, tomato -
Greece 20010707.1307] |