ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
May 7, 2004
From: British Soc. Plant Pathol., New Disease Reports [edited]
First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting
chilli pepper in Pakistan
M. Hussain, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic
Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan;
S. Mansoor, (as for
Hussain); S. Iram, (as for Hussain); Y. Zafar (as for Hussain);
and R.W. Briddon, Department of Disease and Stress Biology, The
John Innes Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK.
Accepted for publication 15 Apr 2004.
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), a bipartite
begomovirus, infects tomato and watermelon crops in the Indian
subcontinent (Padidam et al., 1995a; Mansoor et al., 2000).
Chilli pepper, an important crop on the Indian subcontinent,
often shows symptoms similar to tomato leaf curl, such as
yellowing, leaf curling, reduction in leaf size and stunting.
Since chilli and tomato crops overlap in the field, it is likely
that chilli peppers may become infected with tomato
To assess the presence of ToLCNDV in chilli pepper, symptomatic
plant samples were collected from several locations in the
Punjab Province, Pakistan. To confirm begomovirus infection,
total DNA was isolated from leaf samples, resolved in agarose
gels and blotted onto nylon membranes and probed with a
radioactively-labelled probe of DNA A of ToLCNDV. The probe
hybridised with bands in all samples collected from symptomatic
plants, when the blot was washed at medium stringency.
To confirm infection of ToLCNDV, PCR was carried out using
degenerate begomovirus DNA A primers and products were obtained
from these samples. A nearly full-length clone of this DNA A
product was partially sequenced and was found to share 95
percent sequence identity with DNA A of ToLCNDV. These results
confirmed ToLCNDV
infection in chilli pepper in Pakistan. The DNA A positive
samples were also tested by hybridisation using ToLCNDV DNA B as
a virus-specific probe (Padidam et al., 1995b).
A positive signal was detected in 6 of 8 samples that were
positive using the DNA A probe. The presence of ToLCNDV was
further confirmed by PCR using specific primers for DNA B
(Padidam et al., 1995), based on the movement protein gene of
primers produced products of the expected size from all samples
shown to be positive by hybridisation.
These results prove the occurrence of ToLCNDV in chilli pepper
crops in Pakistan. Previous reports have identified the presence
of distinct begomoviruses in chilli crops (Shih et al., 2003),
but this is the first confirmed finding of ToLCNDV.
Mansoor S, Khan SH, Hussain M, Mushtaq N, Zafar Y, Malik KA,
2000. Evidence that watermelon leaf curl disease in Pakistan is
associated with tomato leaf curl virus-India. Plant Disease 84,
Padidam M, Beachy RN, Fauquet CM, 1995a. Tomato leaf curl
geminivirus from India has a bipartite genome and coat protein
is not essential for infectivity. Journal of General Virology
76, 25-35.
Padidam M, Beachy RN, Fauquet CM, 1995b. Classification and
identification of geminiviruses using sequence comparisons.
Journal of General Virology 76, 249-263.
Shih, SL, Tsai WS, Green SK, Khalid S, Ahmad I, Rezaian MA,
2003. Molecular characterisation of tomato and chili leaf curl
begomoviruses from Pakistan. Plant Disease 87, 200.
[Tomato-infecting begomoviruses are particularly damaging to
solanaceous crops. In the 1970's there were only 3
tomato-infecting begomoviruses in the Americas, but at present
there are at least 14 new ones, of which 7 are distinct ToLCNDV
species. Recombination or pseudorecombination are driving forces
in the evolution of new
viruses, especially in tropical regions.
Disease management of ToLCV depends in part on preventing
movement of Bt-infested plants (e.g.. tomato transplants) to
virus-free areas, where the virus can become established and
implementation of phytosanitary procedures.
Various control options include removal of infected plants
(roguing) and removal or burial of infected crop residues and
intercropping in combination with chemical insecticides and use
of available resistant cultivars. Use of plastic UV-absorbing
screening material to exclude Bt is another method. Genetic
resistance to begomoviruses has been reported in some wild
_Lycopersicon_ species such as _L. hirsutum_ and _L. peruvianum_
which might be transferred to tomato. In Pakistan, resistance to
leaf curl virus has been incorporated into tomato and chili
A useful reference:
- Mod.DH] |