ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: 28 Aug 2008
Source: Farm Weekly [edited]
WA [Western Australia] grain growers are being warned that stem
rust has been observed in a 700-hectare (1730 acres) wheat crop
at Warralakin in the eastern wheatbelt and are being asked to be
vigilant checking their own crops. David Keamy of Merredin Rural
Supplies found the rust in less than 10 percent of the crop,
with the infection averaging 5-10 pustules on leaves and stems
of scattered plants at early flag leaf emergence.
Dr Colin Wellings, plant pathologist at the Grains Research and
Development Corporation [GRDC] supported Cereal Rust Laboratory
[CRL], University of Sydney, described stem rust as "a disease
to be nervous about." "It could represent the beginnings of an
epidemic if conditions are favourable," he said. "Optimal
average daily temperatures are 18-30 deg C [64.4-86 deg F] and
the latent period, which is the time between infection and
production of new spores, is
8 to 12 days. If moisture conditions become favourable, we could
have a problem."
Samples are now being typed at CRL, but the process takes 3
weeks. Dr Wellings said Yitpi, a wheat variety grown in WA and
widespread in the Mallee region of SA [South Australia], is
vulnerable to stem rust.
Under favourable conditions, stem rust outbreaks could destroy
up to 70 percent of a susceptible wheat crop, according to Dr
Rohan Rainbow, GRDC Manager, Crop Protection. "The Warralakin
outbreak is a classic example of green bridge proximity, where
small patches of self-sown Yitpi, with advanced heading plants,
spread the disease to the sown crop," Dr Rainbow said. "After
this season's [2008] harvest, growers should be careful with
variety selection for next year and make informed choices based
on several factors, including degree of rust resistance."
Communicated by:
[Wheat stem rust (also called black rust) is caused by the
fungus _Puccinia graminis_ f. sp. _tritici_. Yield losses of up
to 70 percent are reported, but some fields are totally
destroyed. If stem rust arrives early in the growing cycle,
losses are higher. Spores are spread by wind and with infected
straw, but the fungus needs living tissue to survive between
seasons. Volunteer wheat plants forming a 'green bridge' are
often a source of infection for a new crop.
New pathogen races are emerging with increased virulence. The
most dangerous at present is strain Ug99, which is spreading
eastwards on prevailing winds from its origin in Uganda. At this
time Ug99 has not spread beyond the Middle East, nevertheless
the typing of the strain in WA which is currently in progress is
important. For more information on stem rust and Ug99 please see
previous ProMED-mail posts and links listed below.
and <http://healthmap.org/promed?v=-25.7,134.5,4>
Western Australia:
Pictures of stem rust symptoms:
and <http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/diseases/images/fac15s01.jpg>
Information on wheat stem rust:
Information on Ug99:
Ug99 distribution and potential global impact:
_P. graminis_ f.sp. _tritici_ taxonomy:
Global Rust Initiative:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also
in the
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Iran: 1st rep, alert
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Kenya: new variant 20071217.4054
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - multistate: resistance screening
20071208.3957 Barley yellow dwarf virus & stem rust, cereals -
Kenya 20070705.2132 Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Yemen (02):
government response 20070430.1399 Wheat stem rust, spread: FAO,
Global Rust Initiative 20070414.1241 Wheat stem rust, strain
Ug99 - Yemen: 1st report 20070117.0229
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Pakistan: susp., 1st report
20060514.1366 Stem rust, wheat - multicountry: new strains
Wheat stem rust, Ug99, new strain - East Africa 20050928.2849
Wheat stem rust, new strain - Uganda 20050912.2698
Wheat stem rust fungus, new virulence genes - So Afr
20020814.5049 2000
Wheat stem rust in resistant wheat lines - Uganda 20000702.1092
Stem-rust fungus, mutant, wheat - Uganda 19990519.0812] |