A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: 30 September 2008
Source: The Daily Star [edited]
Pest attack makes aman prospect bleak
Aman paddy [rice] fields in 5 northern districts have been
affected by massive pest attack. Agriculture officials apprehend
that the production may fall short of the target by around 5
lakh [500 000] tonnes in the 5 northern districts.
Fields have been attacked by leaf blight disease and pests
including brown plant hopper. Pesticides available in markets
are ineffective in controlling the disease and pest attack,
farmers said, as they are adulterated. The disease and pest
attack, which started about 2 weeks ago, have by now affected
about 192 240 hectares [475 035 acres] in the districts of
Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Joypurhat, Thakurgaon, and Panchagarh.
Vast areas of aman (lowland rice) fields have been attacked by
pest and diseases also in Gaibandha. The fields are turning
yellowish and the affected areas are increasing day-by-day,
farmers and DAE [Department of Agricultural Extension] officials
said. By now, fields in 17 unions in Gobindaganj Upazila have
been affected. Agriculture Officers said the pest attack
increased this year [2008] due to 'untimely rain'.
[Byline: Kongkon Karmaker]
Communicated by:
[Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) of rice is caused by _Xanthomonas
oryzae_ pv. _oryzae_ and has been reported from Asia, northern
Australia, Africa, and the USA. The pathogen causes yellowing
and drying of leaves, wilting of seedlings, and reduces yield.
Yield losses of up to 60 percent have been reported in Asia. The
bacterium is short-lived in soil and suspected to be seed-borne,
and it is spread mainly by windblown rain and mechanical means.
Disease management includes phytosanitation (control of weed and
volunteer rice reservoir hosts, removal of contaminated
materials), cultural measures (optimal plant spacing and
fertilisers), and use of resistant crop varieties. For more
information on BLB please see previous ProMED-mail posts and
links below.
The types of rice grown in the region are 'aman' (lowland rice
grown June to November), 'boro' (irrigated, cold-tolerant,
cultivated during winter), and 'aus' (rainfed lowland or upland
rice, broadcast and transplanted March to September). BLB
affecting boro production was reported earlier this year (2008).
Recent outbreaks of BLB have also been reported from India.
Brown planthoppers (_Nilaparvata lugens_) are one of the worst
pests of rice in the Australasian and Pacific Island region.
They are also the vector of _Rice ragged stunt virus_ (RRSV) and
_Rice grassy stunt virus_ (RGSV), which can cause severe crop
losses. Epidemics of these viruses are usually associated with
high vector numbers (more information via ProMED-mail post no.
20080322.1093, see below).
Furthermore, leaf damage by insect activities also increases the
risk of bacterial and fungal crop infections.
and <http://healthmap.org/promed?v=23.8,90.3,5>
Districts and cities:
BLB symptoms on leaves and whole plants via:
Comparison of BLB effect on resistant and susceptible cultivars:
Brown planthoppers:
BLB disease information:
Comprehensive BLB review:
Information on rice diseases, including BLB:
Genus _Xanthomonas_ taxonomy and species list:
Information on brown planthoppers:
Details of rice varieties:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also
in the
Bacterial leaf blight, rice - India: (PB) 20080923.3002
Bacterial leaf blight, rice - Bangladesh 20080416.1364 Virus
diseases, rice - Viet Nam: update (02) 20080322.1093
Rice diseases - Bangladesh 20071030.3524 Bacterial leaf blight,
rice - Pakistan (Sindh, Punjab) 20071005.3293 Bacterial leaf
blight, rice - India (Punjab) 20070824.2775
Flag smut, bacterial leaf blight, rice - India (Punjab &
Haryana) 20050927.2841]