ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
July 2, 2004
From: European and
Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
Reporting Service 2004, No. 01 [edited]
2004/008 First finding of Pepino mosaic potexvirus in
Following a survey in 2003, the National Plant Protection
Organisation (NPPO) of Slovakia recently recorded the first
finding of Pepino mosaic potexvirus [PepMV] (EPPO Alert List) on
tomatoes (_Lycopersicon esculentum_). Commercial tomato
production sites in fields, plants under protected conditions as
well as imported plants were inspected. 58 inspections of 19 487
tomato plants (grown on 47.5 ha) were made.
13 samples (corresponding to 26 plants) were collected and
tested by DAS ELISA in a diagnostic laboratory. Only 1 sample
was found positive. The sample came from a plastic house in a
leisure garden at Liptovsky Mikulas.
All plants in this plastic house (grown on 7 square metres) were
immediately destroyed.
The situation of PepMV in Slovakia can be described as follows:
1st reported in 2003, tomato plants grown in a small and
non-commercial plastic house at Liptovsky Mikulas, under
Source: NPPO of Slovakia, 2004-02.
[Fortunately only 1 of 13 samples was infected. Given that
PepMV is extremely infectious, quick action on the part of
quarantine officials stopped what might have been an outbreak.
Continued vigilance is required to prevent spread of PepMV. -
Mod.DH] |