ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: Thu 14 May 2009
Source: University of Georgia College of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences [edited] <http://georgiafaces.caes.uga.edu/storypage.cfm?storyid=3729>
Watermelon farmers fear gummy stem blight [GSB] more than any
other disease. To develop better ways to manage it, University
of Georgia [UGA] plant pathologists are leading a regional
effort to figure out how GSB epidemics start each year. Once GSB
hits a field, it can be hard to contain, especially in hot, wet
weather, said David Langston, UGA. It attacks leaves and stems,
severely reducing yields and sometimes killing plants.
Langston said, "If you don't know where the inoculum is coming
from, it is near impossible to control a disease." Farmers
typically spray fungicides 8 times during the growing season.
There are many fungicides to fight GSB, but the disease is very
good at becoming resistant to them quickly, Langston said -- as
fast as in just a few years of the 1st use. This is a big
Georgia is a top watermelon-producing state. Farmers typically
plant transplants grown from seeds from Asia, South America, and
Australia. Farmers in these places use fungicides to control the
disease, but which ones and how often is not known in the US.
Langston believes that GSB strains are becoming resistant to
certain fungicides in foreign fields.
The disease could be due to the seeds, or it could be spread
through a build up of [local] spores. Research will determine if
US greenhouse plants are being infected by GSB spores either
already inside or flying in from the outside. If GSB is seen
[inside] before spores arrive in the area [outside], it came
from the seeds. The GSB spores collected from infected plants
and the air will be tested to see if they are resistant to
The UGA researchers will do similar comparisons in farmers'
fields using spore traps [see below] in Florida, Georgia, South
Carolina, and North Carolina to determine if fungal spores are
present at or during GSB epidemics. If the disease is mostly
seed-borne, cooperative efforts with seed companies and their
foreign growers could reduce or eliminate fungicide resistance
problems. If air-borne spores are the problem, more aggressive
fungicide rotation programs and management practices could be
[Byline: Brad Haire]
Communicated by:
[Gummy stem blight of cucurbits is caused by the fungus
_Didymella bryoniae_ and is the most common leaf disease of
watermelon. Symptoms include lesions on leaves and stems of
seedlings. The seedling may be girdled by the lesions and
collapse, or be so weakened by the infection that it is never
productive. Gummy stem blight requires prolonged moisture to
become established and consequently is a serious problem in
regions of high rainfall and glasshouse crops. The fungus also
causes black rot if it infects the fruits.
Spores may be seed-borne or spread by air currents, water from
rain or irrigation systems, or insects. The fungus can survive
between growing seasons in an over-wintering structure, and wild
cucurbits or volunteer hosts may serve as pathogen reservoirs.
Disease management includes fungicides and use of certified
GSB-free seed from reliable
sources. It is not clear why seed certification does not appear
to be available or effective for the farmers mentioned in the
story above.
Spore traps are used for determining identity and time of
dispersal of fungi. Spores can be identified by morphology to
genus and sometimes species. They can indicate the presence of a
fungal pathogen before disease is discovered in the field
because symptoms need time to develop and may initially be
difficult to detect.
Maps of USA:
GSB on cucurbit transplants:
GSB on watermelon:
GSB on cucurbits, photo gallery:
Spore trap:
Gummy stem blight and black rot information:
GSB review and disease history:
_D. bryoniae_ taxonomy:
Information on spore traps:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also
in the
Downy mildew, cucurbits - USA (02): clarification 20071109.3633
Downy mildew, cucurbits - USA: (SC), new strain 20071023.3448] |