ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
[1] _Tomato spotted wilt virus_ - Jordan:
1st report
[2] _Tomato infectious chlorosis virus_ - Jordan: 1st report
[1] _Tomato spotted wilt virus_ - Jordan: 1st report
Date: October 2007
Source: European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting
Service no. 10, 2007/190 [edited] <http://archives.eppo.org/EPPOReporting/2007/Rse-0710.pdf>
First record of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Jordan
In Jordan, tomatoes showing necrotic and chlorotic ring patterns
were observed in many vegetable markets in 2003. In 2004 and
2005, severe disease symptoms resembling those of _Tomato
spotted wilt virus_ (genus _Tospovirus_, TSWV - EPPO A2 List)
were observed in tomato fields in the Jordan Valley. Molecular
tests (RT-PCR, IC-RT-PCR, sequencing) confirmed the presence of
TSWV. This is the 1st report of TSWV in Jordan.
Anfoka GH, Abhary M, Stevens MR (2006): Occurrence of _Tomato
spotted wilt virus_ (TSWV) in Jordan. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO
Bulletin 36(3), 517-522
Communicated by:
[2] _Tomato infectious chlorosis virus_ - Jordan: 1st report
Date: October 2007
Source: European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting
Service no. 10, 2007/191 [edited]
First record of Tomato infectious chlorosis virus in Jordan
In Jordan, symptoms resembling those of _Tomato infectious
chlorosis virus_ (genus _Begomovirus_, TICV - EPPO A2 List) were
observed in 2004 on tomato plants grown under greenhouses in the
Jordan Valley. Molecular tests (RT-PCR, sequencing) confirmed
the presence of TICV. The virus was also detected in weeds
(_Chenopodium album_ and _C. murale_). The incidence of TICV was
studied in 4 regions of the Jordan Valley. In all surveyed
areas, disease incidence was high and ranged from 74 to 100
percent. This is the 1st record of TICV in Jordan.
Anfoka GH, Abhary MK (2007): Occurrence of _Tomato infectious
chlorosis virus_ (TICV) in Jordan. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin
37(1), 186-190
Communicated by:
[_Tomato spotted wilt virus_ (TSWV; type species of genus
_Tospovirus_) has one of the broadest host ranges among plant
viruses and has had a serious impact on many crop species
worldwide causing up to 100 percent yield loss in some
instances. On tomato, it affects both leaves and fruit causing
spotting and necrosis. It is one of the few plant viruses with a
host range that includes dicots and monocots. Weed species can
serve as pathogen reservoirs.
TSWV is transmitted by various species of thrips, including the
western flower thrips (_Frankliniella occidentalis_), the onion
thrips (_Thrips tabaci_), and the chilli thrips (_Scirtothrips
dorsalis_). The insects retain the ability to transmit the virus
for life. TSWV is not seed transmitted but transmission by
mechanical means has been reported. Disease management includes
vector control, clean planting material, and phytosanitary
measures. Natural resistance appears to be rare amongst
tospovirus hosts. For more information on tospoviruses see
ProMED-mail post 20070524.1670.
_Tomato infectious chlorosis virus_ (TICV, genus _Crinivirus_)
is transmitted by the whitefly vector _Trialeurodes
vaporariorum_. Insects remain infectious for 2-3 days after
virus acquisition. It has been reported from southern Europe and
a few locations in North America and Asia. Besides tomato, TICV
can also affect artichoke, potato, lettuce, and several weed and
ornamental species. Symptoms include interveinal leaf yellowing
and necrosis. They may be confused with nutritional problems and
are also similar to those of _Tomato chlorosis virus_, a related
species in the same genus (see recent ProMED-mail post
TICV has been reported to cause serious yield losses in both
glasshouse and field tomato crops. Since the insect vector is
widespread, long distance spread of the virus occurs mainly with
infected plant material. Disease management of whitefly
transmitted viruses is difficult and includes vector control,
removal of reservoirs of both virus and vectors, use of crop
varieties with increased pathogen tolerance, and clean planting
Worldwide distribution of TSWV (Sept. 2006):
Worldwide distribution of TICV (Dec. 2005):
TSWV symptoms on whole tomato plants:
TSWV symptoms on tomato fruit:
Western flower thrips:
TICV leaf symptoms, tomato:
TICV-affected tomato field:
_T. vaporariorum_:
TSWV information:
TSWV fact sheet:
TSWV description:
Description of western flower thrips vector:
Thrips information:
TICV information:
Information on whitefly transmitted viruses, including TICV:
TICV description:
Genus _Crinivirus_ taxonomy and species list:
Information on whitefly vectors:
EPPO quarantine alert list:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also in
Tomato chlorosis virus - Turkey, Mayotte: 1st reports
Tomato spotted wilt virus, tomato - USA (CA) 20070608.1872
Tomato viruses - Ecuador 20051125.3418
Tomato criniviruses - France: 1st report 20051122.3397
Tomato spotted wilt, Sw5 resistance gene - Italy 20050329.0914
Tomato spotted wilt, Iris yellow spot, onion - USA (GA)
Tomato spotted wilt, pepper - Spain 20040605.1519
Tomato spotted wilt, tomato - USA (FL & GA) 20031009.2539
Tomato infectious chlorosis, tomato - Indonesia 20030709.1676
Tomato criniviruses, detection - Greece 20021130.5939
Tomato infectious chlorosis virus, tomato - Spain 20020706.4678
Tomato spotted wilt, tomato - USA (MA): Correction 20020627.4618
Tomato spotted wilt, tomato - USA (Massachusetts) 20020626.4608
Tomato spotted wilt, tomato - USA (North Carolina) 20020622.4565
Tomato spotted wilt, tomato - (USA) Virginia 20020620.4545
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus, soybean - Iran 20011229.3130
Tomato spotted wilt, peanut - Iran 20011220.3069
Tomato spotted wilt disease, tomato - Kenya 20011109.2778
Tomato viruses - Tunisia 20010926.2349
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus, crops - USA (Georgia)
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus - Europe 20000302.0286
Tospoviruses - Argentina 20000213.0197] |