ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
November 27, 2004
Source: Reuters.com [edited]
First isolation of Asian fungus in Brazil soybean harvest
The Asian soybean rust [SR] fungus was detected for the first
time in the commercial cycle of 2004/2005 (Oct/Sep) of Brazilian
soybeans, according to a statement on 22 Nov 2004 by the
Brazilian Company of Agricultural Investigation (Embrapa). The
outbreak appeared in the municipality of Tres Barras, in Parana
state. The soybean crop was planted in Sep 2004.
Previous detection of SR in Brazil had occurred in research
areas or in volunteer soybean plants that germinated
spontaneously from grains that fell to the ground during the
last harvest.
[The fact that soybeans infected with soybean rust fungus
(_Phakopsora pachyrhizi_) have entered the commercial trade in
Brazil means that control of SR will become a higher priority in
managing the disease. There is no durable resistance to SR.
Producers in Brazil will have to increase the applications of
chemical fungicides so as to reduce SR inoculum. Assuming that
they are registered for use in Brazil, chlorothalonil and
based fungicides are recommended.
Chlorothalonil based fungicides have provided fair to good rust
control in dry beans when applied before infection. Preventative
treatment will be critical once SR is actually present.
Azoxystrobin based fungicides are in the relatively new
strobilurins and are environmentally safer, according to results
of foreign trials. Unfortunately, the strobilurins are a single,
specific mode of action, so resistance management is a big
concern if they are overused or misused. Triazoles will be very
important in protecting the strobilurins from rust resistance.
Resistance to azoxystrobin has been reported in the United
States from 3 powdery mildew isolates.
I thank Pablo Nart <pablo11@hotpop.com> for contributing this
piece to ProMED-mail.
Link: <http://www.agweb.com/news_printer.asp?articleID=111783>
- Mod.DH] |