A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
[1] Kenya (Rift Valley): stem rust, severe strains
[2] India (Punjab): stripe rust [3] Australia: stem and stripe
[1] Kenya (Rift Valley): stem rust, severe strains
Date: Tue 3 Mar 2009
Source: Voice of America (VOA) News [edited]
Disease hits Kenyan crops
Kenya, with nearly a quarter of its 38 million people facing
severe hunger, is now reporting a rapid spread of diseases
affecting the country's vital wheat and banana [see ProMED-mail
post no.
20090311.1006] crops.
Recent reports from Kenya's breadbasket region of the Rift
Valley have confirmed what the country can ill-afford -- the
spread of a deadly strain of a parasitic fungus called stem rust
that is threatening to wipe out the country's wheat fields.
Kenyan Agriculture Permanent Secretary Romano Kiome said, "It is
a serious concern. Stem rust, of course, is controllable with
chemicals, but it is damn expensive. The only solution is to
bring in new varieties that are resistant to stem rust."
In Kenya, most of the fields affected by the stem rust strain
belong to small-scale farmers, who grow 20 percent of the wheat
consumed annually. Although maize is the staple among most
Kenyans, wheat flour has grown crucial to the country's overall
food supply, especially in the past year.
[Byline: Alisha Ryu]
Communicated by:
[2] India (Punjab): stripe rust
Date: Tue 10 Mar 2009
Source: New Kerala, United News of India (UNI) report [edited]
Rising temps halt spread of yellow rust on wheat in Punjab
As the wheat crop is at late dough stage and the climatic
conditions, particularly increasing temperatures, are not
favourable for the yellow rust development, the farmers need not
spray any fungicide for the management of the disease at this
Yellow rust of wheat had appeared in certain pockets of the
state, particularly on wheat cultivar PBW-343. The disease
started appearing in the 1st week of February [2009] in the
district of Ropar, Fatehgarh Sahib, and Hoshiarpur.
Subsequently, it started spreading to others area due to
favourable conditions but the rising temperatures halted the
further development and spread of the disease
Communicated by:
[3] Australia: stem and stripe rusts
Date: Wed 11 Mar 2009
Source: ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Rural News
[edited] <http://www.abc.net.au/rural/news/content/200903/s2512921.htm>
Worries that winds could bring grain diseases to South
A plant pathologist says South Australian broadacre crops are at
risk of both stem and stripe rust migrating from interstate.
Hugh Wallwork, from South Australia's Research and Development
Institute [SARDI], says stem rust has been found in
flood-affected northern New South Wales and in Esperance in
Western Australia. He says bi-monthly winds from the east, as
well as prevailing westerly winds, could carry the disease into
South Australia.
"Although we have really no volunteer [wheat plants] probably
harbouring stripe rust in South Australia, there is a
particularly high risk of stripe rust surviving in northern New
South Wales and that could form a threat to us in the coming
Communicated by:
[Wheat stem rust is caused by the fungus _Puccinia graminis_ f.
sp. _tritici_. Overall yield losses of up to 70 percent are
reported, but some fields are totally destroyed. New races are
emerging, and the most dangerous at present is strain Ug99,
which has overcome the major resistance gene used in our current
wheat varieties. Ug99 is
spreading eastwards from its origin in Uganda and is now
considered present in much of East Africa, Yemen, and Iran, and
also suspected in some additional countries in the region. An
even more virulent variant able to overcome additional
resistance genes has recently emerged in Kenya. The stem rust
reported in item [1] from Kenya is likely to be either Ug99 or
the even more severe newer strain, but these strains are at this
time not present in Australia (item [3]).
Stripe rust (also called yellow rust) of cereal crops is caused
by the fungus _Puccinia striiformis_ var. _striiformis_. It
causes yellow leaf stripes, stunting of plants, and reduces
grain production with yield losses of 40 to 100 percent. It
affects wheat, some barley varieties, triticale, and a number of
grass species. New pathogen strains with increased virulence
have been reported in recent years from wheat growing areas in
Europe, North America, and Australia. In India, an outbreak of
stripe rust has also recently been reported from Jammu and
Kashmir (ProMED-mail post no. 20090305.0897)
For both fungi, spores are spread by wind and with infected
straw, and some grasses or volunteer wheat may generate a "green
bridge" providing inoculum for the next cropping season. Disease
management includes the use of resistant varieties (if
available), fungicide applications, and control of volunteer
wheat. For more information on stripe rust, stem rust, and Ug99
please see previous ProMED-mail posts and links listed below.
Kenya provinces:
Stem rust:
Stripe rust on wheat leaf:
Stripe rust on wheat head:
Information on wheat stem rust:
Information on Ug99:
_P. graminis_ f.sp. _tritici_ taxonomy:
Global Rust Initiative:
Information on wheat stripe rust:
_P. striiformis_ taxonomy:
- Mod.DHA]
[see also
in the
Rust diseases, wheat, mustard - India: (JK) 20090305.0897
Stripe rust, wheat - China 20090208.0579
Wheat stem rust Ug99 - Australia ex Ethiopia: interception
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - multicountry: update
Stripe rust, wheat - Australia (02): (VIC) 20080916.2897
Stem rust, wheat - Australia: (WA) 20080905.2769
Stripe rust, wheat - Australia: (QLD, NSW), alert 20080716.2156
Wheat stripe rust, oilseed rape sclerotinia - China
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Iran: 1st rep, alert
Stripe rust, wheat - Denmark: new strains 20080211.0542
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Kenya: new variant 20071217.4054
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - multistate: resistance screening
Stripe rust, wheat - Australia (SA): new strain 20070921.3135
Stripe rust, wheat & wheat streak mosaic - Australia (SA, WA)
Fungal diseases, wheat & pulses - Australia (SA) 20070821.2729
Ergot & stripe rust, cereals - USA (MT) 20070706.2144
Barley yellow dwarf virus & stem rust, cereals - Kenya
Stripe rust, wheat - USA, Australia 20070614.1950
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Yemen (02): government response
Wheat stem rust, spread: FAO, Global Rust Initiative
Wheat stripe rust, wheat - China 20070413.1230
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Yemen: 1st report 20070117.0229
Wheat stem rust, strain Ug99 - Pakistan: susp., 1st report
Stem rust, wheat - multicountry: new strains 20060406.1039
Stripe rust, wheat - Australia 20051031.3173
Wheat stem rust, Ug99, new strain - East Africa 20050928.2849
Wheat stem rust, new strain - Uganda 20050912.2698
Wheat stripe rust - USA (FL) 20050601.1521
and older items in the archives]