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August 09
launches unique crop protection formulation robot
Syngenta to
acquire Monsanto’s hybrid sunflower seeds activities -
further strengthening its leading sunflower business
Syngenta erwirbt Aktivitäten in
Hybrid-Sonnenblumensaatgut von Monsanto – weiterer Ausbau
des führenden Sonnenblumengeschäfts
Syngenta rachète les activités de semences de tournesol
hybrides de Monsanto, renforçant davantage sa position de
leader sur le marché du tournesol
July 09
Syngenta half year
results 2009
European Food Safety Authority:
(Reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2005-11) for the placing on the market of
insect-resistant genetically modified maize MIR604 event, for
food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC)
No 1829/2003 from Syngenta Seeds S.A.S on behalf of Syngenta
Crop Protection AG
Syngenta to boost
pollinators across Europe
Davor Pisk,
Chief Operating Officer, Syngenta Seeds, speaks at The World
Agri Invest Congress 2009
June 09
Berendes, Head of Global Business Development at Syngenta,
speaks at Agri Vision 2009
Syngenta and
Evogene to collaborate on soybean nematode resistance
licenses Chromatin gene stacking technology for sugar cane
Syngenta issues EUR 500
million Eurobond
platziert Euroanleihe von EUR 500 Millionen
Syngenta COO: Worldwide
collaboration needed to raise yields
collaboration mondiale est indispensable pour accroître les
Steigerung der Ernteerträge erfordert weltweite
April 09
Syngenta holds Annual General
von Syngenta
Syngenta tient son
Assemblée générale
Syngenta calls
for greater international collaboration to address food
security challenge
Syngenta ruft zu verstärkter internationaler
Zusammenarbeit zur globalen Ernährungssicherung auf
Pour faire face au défi de la sécurité alimentaire, Syngenta
réclame une plus grande collaboration internationale
Syngenta's Q1
2009 sales: performance reflects ongoing growth in demand
Umsatz 1. Quartal 2009: Performance spiegelt weiterhin
steigende Nachfrage
Chiffre d’affaires au premier trimestre 2009 : la
performance du groupe reflète la hausse constante de la
Syngenta and Dow
AgroSciences agree to cross license corn traits
Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences vereinbaren gegenseitige
Lizenzierung von Mais-Traits
February 09
Syngenta CEO highlights crucial
role of technology in improving food security
Syngenta-CEO betont die
Bedeutung von Technologien in der Landwirtschaft für die
Sicherung der Nahrungsmittelversorgung
Syngenta Board proposes Stefan
Borgas to become new Director
Syngenta schlägt
Aktionären Stefan Borgas zur Wahl in den Verwaltungsrat vor
Le Conseil
d’Administration de Syngenta propose Stefan Borgas de devenir
expands biomarker discovery collaboration with Syngenta for
improving metabolomic data processing
Nematodes: an
emerging threat to top-quality corn production
Syngenta enters
into research collaboration with Anhui Academy, China
Syngenta conclut un accord de collaboration avec l’Académie
d’Anhui, Chine
Syngenta vereinbart Forschungskooperation mit der Anhui Academy
in China
reports full year results 2008: Record sales and earnings
growth, winning technology offer
Résultat de l’exercice 2008: Croissance record des ventes et
du bénéfice avec une offre technologique gagnante
Jahresabschluss 2008: Rekordwachstum bei Umsatz und Gewinn,
starkes Technologieangebot
December 08
Syngenta share
repurchases: end-year report
Rachat d’actions de Syngenta: compte rendu de fin d’année
Syngenta Aktienrückkäufe: Endjahresbericht
U.S. Food and
Drug Administration completes consultation process on Syngenta's
Agrisure Viptera trait - Broad-spectrum lepidopteran corn trait
passes another milestone
approves new Syngenta Agrisure trait - New trait designed to
provide control of a broad spectrum of Lepidopteran corn pests
Syngenta and
Dow AgroSciences jointly to develop Dow compounds for use in
Syngenta Seed Care
Syngenta et Dow AgroSciences vont développer conjointement
des molécules de Dow pour être utilisées dans les produits de
Syngenta Seed Care
Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences entwickeln gemeinsam Wirkstoffe
von Dow zur Verwendung bei Syngenta Seed Care
November 08
Syngenta issues
CHF 350 million domestic bond
Syngenta platziert Inlandsanleihe von CHF 350 Millionen
Syngenta acquires Argentine seeds
company SPS
Syngenta acquiert le
semencier argentin SPS
Syngenta erwirbt
Saatgutunternehmen SPS in Argentinien
October 08
Syngenta to
acquire assets from Bulgarian distributor AgroStar and to set up
own organization in Sofia
acquires Chrysanthemum and Aster business from US flowers
producer Yoder Brothers
Syngenta acquiert l’activité chrysanthèmes et asters du
producteur de fleurs américain Yoder Brothers
Syngenta erwirbt Chrysanthemen- und Asterngeschäft des
US-Blumenproduzenten Yoder Brothers
Syngenta adquiere el negocio de
crisantemo y aster del productor ornamental norteamericano Yoder
announces breakthrough sugar cane planting technology in Brazil
Syngenta annonce une percée technologique pour la plantation
de la canne à sucre au Brésil
Syngenta entwickelt neuartige Technologie zum Anbau von
Zuckerrohr in Brasilien
Syngenta announces third quarter
2008 sales: strong growth in all regions
Umsatz drittes Quartal 2008:
starkes Wachstum in allen Regionen
Chiffre d’affaires du troisième trimestre 2008: forte croissance
dans toutes les régions
acquires Resource Seeds' wheat and triticale business
acquires US flower seeds producer Goldsmith Seeds
acquiert le producteur américain de semences florales Goldsmith
Syngenta erwirbt US Blumensaatgut-Unternehmen Goldsmith Seeds
Syngenta regrets
to announce the death of former Chairman Heinz Imhof
September 08
Syngenta and
Metabolon Inc. in collaborative research agreement for
biochemical profiling technology
tropical sugar beet receives World Business and Development
Syngenta erhält World
Business and Development Award für tropische Zuckerrüben
La betterave à sucre tropicale de Syngenta reçoit le World
Business and Development Award
significantly expands investment in Hawaii with purchase of 848
acres in Kunia to expand research operations
Syngenta Board
appoints new Head of Global R&D to Executive Committee, proposes
retiring Head to join Board of Directors
Le Conseil d’administration nomme
un nouveau Head of Global R&D à l’Executive Committee et propose
que le titulaire sortant du poste rejoigne le Conseil
Verwaltungsrat beruft
Dr. Alejandro Aruffo als neuen Leiter Forschung & Entwicklung in
die Geschäftsleitung - Bisheriger Leiter, Dr. David Lawrence,
wird als neues Verwaltungsratsmitglied vorgeschlagen
announces business unit appointments
Neue Leiter für Geschäftseinheiten benannt
July 08
Syngenta investit CHF 150 millions
en Suisse pour de nouvelles capacités de production
Syngenta investiert
in der Schweiz CHF 150 Millionen für neue Produktionskapazitäten
half year results 2008: strong performance, positive outlook
2008: starkes Ergebnis, positiver Ausblick
Résultats du premier semestre de l’exercice 2008: excellente
performance, perspectives favorables
June 08
DuPont and Syngenta
enter into crop protection technology exchange
Syngenta receives
approval for Bt11 corn in Brazil
Liberada a comercialização de mais uma variedade de milho
Brasil autoriza el cultivo del maíz Bt 11
May 08
Syngenta and
Monsanto reach agreement on corn and soybean technologies
Syngenta Seeds, Inc.
investigates locations in the U.S. Corn Belt to build a new corn
production facility
April 08
Syngenta holds its
Annual General Meeting
Q1 2008 sales:
Capturing opportunity in expanding markets
Umsatz 1. Quartal 2008:
Wachstumspotential in expandierenden Märkten nutzen
Chiffre d’affaires du
premier trimestre 2008: Syngenta réalise les opportunités des
marchés en expansion
Syngenta to build major global
biotech research center in Beijing, China
Syngenta errichtet
globales Biotech-Forschungszentrum in Peking
Syngenta va construire
un grand centre mondial de recherche biotechnologique à Pékin
Preliminary first quarter 2008 sales
Vorläufige Umsätze des ersten Quartals 2008
Chiffre d’affaires préliminaire du premier trimestre 2008
February 08
successfully issues CHF 500 million domestic bond
Syngenta platziert Inlandsanleihe im Wert von CHF 500
Syngenta émet avec succès une obligation domestique pour un
montant de CHF 500 millions
Syngenta corn
genetic stocks donation will accelerate research from genome map
to advanced corn seed
DuPont sign agreement for access to broad insect control
technology in corn
Syngenta und DuPont unterzeichnen Vereinbarung über die
Technologie einer breiteren Insektenbekämpfung in Mais
Syngenta et DuPont signent un accord pour l’accès à un caractère
biotechnologique permettant de lutter contre de nombreux
insectes ravageurs du maïs
Syngenta y
DuPont firman un acuerdo para acceder a la tecnología de control
de insectos para el maíz
Syngenta 2007 annual results -
Performance reflects unique position in buoyant agricultural
Syngenta Jahresabschluss 2007 - Geschäftsergebnis spiegelt
ausgezeichnete Stellung in positivem Marktumfeld wider
Résultat de l’exercice 2007 - La performance du groupe reflète
sa position unique sur des marchés agricoles florissants
January 08
Syngenta and
Athenix in R&D partnership for advanced biotechnology corn
insect and soybean nematode control traits
AgroFresh and
Syngenta to form strategic alliance on Invinsa crop stress
AgroFresh und Syngenta gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit zu
Invinsa ein, zum Schutz gegen Pflanzenstress
announces two key appointments
achieves financial milestone in research collaboration with
November 07
Syngenta and
the Royal Society of Chemistry launch African science initiative
Syngenta et la Royal Society of Chemistry lancent une
initiative scientifique en Afrique
Syngenta und die britische Royal Society of Chemistry gründen
Wissenschaftsinitiative für Afrika
October 07
announces the appointment of Davor Pisk as Chief Operating
Officer Seeds
Syngenta gibt die Ernennung von Davor Pisk zum Chief
Operating Officer Seeds bekannt
Syngenta annonce la désignation de Davor Pisk au poste de Chief
Operating Officer Seeds
Syngenta starts
research partnership in Australia for sugarcane biomass
conversion to biofuels
Syngenta geht
Forschungspartnerschaft in Australien ein zur Umwandlung von
Zuckerrohr-Biomasse in Biotreibstoffe
Syngenta conclut un
partenariat de recherche en Australie pour la transformation de
la biomasse du sucre de canne en biocarburant
licenses Chromatin gene stacking technology
Syngenta: Third
quarter trading statement 2007
Umsatz drittes Quartal 2007
Chiffres d’affaires du troisième trimestre 2007
Agrisure corn rootworm biotech trait approved in Mexico
Syngenta to
prepare application for new EU registration for paraquat
Syngenta bereitet neuen EU-Zulassungsantrag für Paraquat vor
Syngenta rights
to GA21 in corn reaffirmed by US federal appeals court
August 07
introduces tropical sugar beet for food and biofuels
Syngenta führt neue tropische Zuckerrüben für Nahrungsmittel
und Biotreibstoffe ein
Syngenta lance la betterave à sucre tropicale pour
l’alimentation et les biocarburants
Agrisure corn rootworm biotech trait approved in Japan
July 07
Syngenta half year
results 2007
Syngenta board
announces Chief Financial Officer succession
Syngenta Verwaltungsrat gibt Nachfolge für den Chief
Financial Officer bekannt
Annonce du Conseil d’administration: succession du Chief
Financial Officer
Syngenta reinforces
vegetable seeds with Zeraim Gedera acquisition
Syngenta stärkt Geschäft mit Gemüsesaatgut durch Akquisition
von Zeraim Gedera
Syngenta développe ses activités semences potagères en rachetant
Zeraim Gedera
June 07
Syngenta agrees
agriculture biotechnology research collaboration in China
Syngenta vereinbart Biotech-Forschungskooperation in China
Syngenta conclut un accord de collaboration en matière de
recherche en biotechnologie agricole en Chine
Syngenta board
announces Chief Executive Officer succession plan
Syngenta Verwaltungsrat gibt Nachfolgeregelung für CEO
Le conseil d’administration de Syngenta annonce un plan de
succession pour le poste de Chief Executive Officer
Syngenta announces
transformation of its North American corn and soybean seeds and
traits business to serve more customers
May 07
Syngenta to take
stake in Sanbei, Chinese seeds company
Syngenta erwirbt Beteiligung an chinesischem Saatgutanbieter
Prise de participation de Syngenta dans Sanbei, producteur
chinois de semences
Syngenta acquires
exclusive rights to abamectin manufacturing technology
Syngenta Seeds and
BioTrove establish genomics technology relationship to
accelerate seed breeding for agriculture
First quarter
trading statement 2007
Umsatz erstes Quartal 2007
Chiffre d’affaires au premier trimestre 2007
April 07
thuringiensis Vip3Aa20 protein and the genetic material
necessary for its production in corn; temporary exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance
March 07
Syngenta to
acquire Fischer, leading European flowers company
Syngenta erwirbt führenden europäischen Blumenanbieter
Syngenta en passe d’acquérir Fischer, leader européen de
Syngenta adquiere
Fischer, empresa europea líder en floricultora
February 07
Syngenta: full
year results 2006
divests non-core part of its Basel site
January 07
Syngenta corn
rootworm insect trait stack approved by the US Environmental
Protection Agency
Syngenta erhält US-Zulassung für Saatgut mit kombiniertem
Schutz vor Maiswurzelwurm und Maiszünsler
L’agence de protection de l’environnement américaine (EPA)
homologue la combinaison des caractères de résistance aux
insectes ravageurs du maïs développée par Syngenta
Andean farmers pick GM potato fight with multinational Syngenta
U.S. Federal Register:
Availability of
petition and environmental assessment for determination of
nonregulated status for Syngenta's corn genetically engineered
for insect resistance, event MIR604
Syngenta and
Diversa agree on new R&D partnership to discover enzymes for
Syngenta und Diversa beschließen neue Partnerschaft zur
Erforschung und Entwicklung von Enzymen für Biotreibstoffe
Syngenta et Diversa concluent un nouveau partenariat de R&D pour
découvrir des enzymes destinées à la production de biocarburants
December 06
U.S. Federal Register:
Receipt of application
67979-EUP-T from Syngenta Seeds, Inc. requesting an experimental use
permit (EUP) for the Vip3A and Cry1Ab plant-incorporated protectants
Syngenta appoints new
Executive Committee members
Syngenta ernennt neue Mitglieder in die Geschäftsleitung
Syngenta accueille de nouveaux membres au sein de son Executive
October 06
Third quarter trading
statement 2006
Umsatz im dritten Quartal 2006
Chiffres d’affaires du troisième trimestre 2006
Syngenta’s corn rootworm
biotech trait approved in the USA
Syngenta erhält US-Zulassung für Biotech-Produkt gegen den
Le caractère de résistance à la chrysomèle des racines du maïs développé
par Syngenta est homologué aux États-Unis
Syngenta obtains first
regulatory approvals for new fungicide Revus
Syngenta erhält erste Zulassungen für neues Fungizid Revus
Syngenta obtient les premières homologations pour son nouveau fongicide
September 06
Syngenta to issue EUR
500 million Eurobond
Syngenta wird 500 Millionen Euro-Benchmark-Anleihe begeben
Syngenta va émettre une euro-obligation pour un montant de 500 millions
July 06
Half year results 2006:
Performance resilient, significant strategic progress
Halbjahresabschluss 2006: Robustes Ergebnis und
bedeutende strategische Fortschritte
Résultats du premier semestre 2006: De solides performances, et
des progrès stratégiques significatifs
Syngenta takes an
integrated approach to delivering innovative technology
Syngenta to acquire Conrad
Fafard, Inc.: expands NAFTA lawn and garden business
June 06
Syngenta to acquire
Emergent Genetics Vegetable A/S
Syngenta übernimmt Emergent Genetics
Vegetable A/S
Syngenta acquiert Emergent
Genetics Vegetable A/S
May 06
Exercise of Syngenta put
Ausübung von Syngenta-Put-Optionen
Exercice des options de vente Syngenta
Delta and Pine Land Company
acquires Syngenta's global cotton seed business, further expands
worldwide presence
glyphosate tolerance ruling by a U.S.
Federal District Court
benefits corn growers,
clears the way to acceleration of Syngenta
strategy to offer more choices
Syngenta rights to GA21 in
corn reaffirmed by U.S. Federal Court
April 06
Syngenta creates Plant
Science Scholarship Foundation with ETH Zurich in honor of Heinz Imhof
Syngenta gründet mit der ETH Zürich zu Ehren von Heinz Imhof eine
Stipendienstiftung im Bereich Pflanzenwissenschaften
Syngenta crée la Plant Science Scholarship Foundation avec l’ETH Zurich
en l’honneur de Heinz Imhof
Syngenta crea la Fundación
de becas de ciencias biológicas con ETH Zurich en honor de Heinz Imhof
Syngenta holds Annual
General Meeting
Generalversammlung von Syngenta
Syngenta tient son Assemblée générale annuelle
First quarter trading
statement 2006
- Umsatz erstes Quartal
- Bilan du premier
trimestre 2006
Estado de
operaciones del primer trimestre de 2006
Syngenta to invest in new
venture fund focused on plant science
Syngenta investiert in
neuen Risikokapitalfonds in der Pflanzenforschung
Syngenta investit dans un nouveau fonds de capital-risque centré sur les
sciences végétales
invertirá en un nuevo fondo de riesgo del área de las ciencias
DuPont and
Syngenta form joint venture to facilitate the outlicensing of seed
genetics and biotech traits
DuPont und
Syngenta bilden Joint-Venture zur Lizenzierung von Saatgut-Genen und
biotechnologischen Traits
DuPont et Syngenta créent une co-entreprise pour la concession
sous licence de matériel génétique et de caractères biotechnologiques
dans le domaine des semences
Syngenta appoints Carsten
Tilger new Head of Communication & Public Affairs
March 06
Syngenta, 5 años
obteniendo y aportando lo mejor de la Tierra
Deliberate release into the E.U.
environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the
- Preliminary
trials for the registration of commercial varieties of Bt11
maize resistant to insects
February 06
extends China manufacturing facility to support Asia growth
Syngenta setzt mit Produktionsausbau in China auf
Syngenta accroît sa capacité de production en Chine afin de
renforcer sa croissance en Asie
Syngenta and
DuPont announce crop protection technology exchange
Syngenta und DuPont tauschen Pflanzenschutz-Technologien aus
Syngenta et DuPont annoncent un échange de technologies dans le
domaine des phytosanitaires
Syngenta share
repurchase: confirmation of put option terms
Syngenta Aktienrückkauf: Bestätigung der Konditionen der
Rachat d’actions de Syngenta: Confirmation des conditions des
Deliberate release into the E.U.
environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the
Field trials of
maize resistant to insects. Event Bt11. Spain 2006
Syngenta: full year
2005 results
- Strong growth
reinforces leadership position
- Starkes Wachstum
bestätigt Führungsposition
- Un leadership
renforcé par une forte croissance
- El
crecimiento significativo consolida nuestra posición de liderazgo
January 06
Syngenta selects
InforSense for workflow-driven bioinformatics computational platform
Syngenta obtains
regulatory approvals for its new cereal herbicide, Axial, in North
Syngenta erhält behördliche Zulassung für das neue Getreideherbizid
Axial in Nordamerika
Syngenta obtient les approbations réglementaires pour son nouvel
herbicide pour céréales Axial en Amérique du Nord
November 05
Martin Taylor Becomes New Chairman of the
Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
Martin Taylor wird neuer
Präsident der Syngenta Stiftung für Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
Martin Taylor devient Président
de la Fondation Syngenta pour une agriculture durable
New Syngenta Seed Care
Institute to provide best-in-class customer service
Syngenta investiert in neues Saatgutinstitut
Le nouvel institut de traitement des semences de Syngenta au service des
Syngenta to plant forty
thousand trees to celebrate its 5-year anniversary
Syngenta America
celebrates 5th anniversary by planting a tree for each employee in the
October 05
Syngenta presents new
fungicide at British Crop Protection Congress
Syngenta präsentiert am britischen Pflanzenschutzkongress ein neues
Syngenta présente un nouveau fongicide au British Crop Protection
Third quarter trading statement 2005
Umsatz drittes Quartal 2005
Bilan du troisième trimestre
Syngenta obtains first regulatory approval
for Axial
Syngenta erhält erste
Zulassung für Axial
Syngenta obtient la première
approbation réglementaire pour Axial
partners with Delta and Pine Land Company to launch Avicta
Syngenta announces issue
of $250m US Private Placement
Syngenta gibt US-Privatplatzierung von USD 250 Mio. bekannt
Syngenta annonce l’émission aux Etats-Unis d’un placement privé de USD
250 millions
September 05
Syngenta and COMPO in
strategic alliance for consumer lawn and garden products
Syngenta und COMPO bilden strategische Allianz für Rasen- und
Syngenta et COMPO concluent une alliance stratégique sur le marché
grand-public des produits de soin et d’entretien du jardin et de la
Syngenta announces
board appointments
August 05
Syngenta names John
Sorenson head of biotechnology and Jeffrey Cox global head of corn and
July 05
Syngenta releases half year 2005 results: strong growth enhanced
by acquisitions
Deliberate release into the E.U.
environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the
market: Eleven
final reports published
May 05
to set up research and development facility in
Syngenta chairman takes temporary leave of absence to receive medical
Syngenta enters into research collaboration on natural products in China
startet Projekt zur Erforschung natürlicher Wirkstoffe in China
Syngenta débute une collaboration de recherche sur les produits naturels
en Chine
April 05
Syngenta releases first
quarter trading statement 2005, holds Annual General Meeting
Philippines expects to
approve soon the commercial use of a Bt corn variety developed by
Syngenta supports EU in
targeted certification program for two animal feed maize products
Syngenta agrees to
settlement with USDA on unintended Bt10 corn
Syngenta to launch
long-dated Euro-denominated bond
Syngenta plant Emission eines langfristigen Eurobonds
Syngenta veut lancer un emprunt obligataire à long terme libellé en
European Commission seeks
clarification on Bt10 from US authorities and Syngenta
March 05
UK researchers develop
'golden rice 2' with 23 times more beta-carotene
Syngenta says it sold some
unapproved GMO corn in the US
Syngenta-initiated investigation of unintended corn release, EPA and
USDA conclude existing food safety clearance applies, no human health or
environmental concerns
Syngenta to launch
breakthrough seed treatment AVICTA™ in the USA
Syngenta bringt völlig neuartige Saatgutbehandlung AVICTA™ in den USA
auf den Markt
Syngenta lance son traitement des semences novateur AVICTA™ aux
Syngenta receives
intellectual property protection for corn herbicide in China
Syngenta erhält in China Patentschutz für Maisherbizid
Syngenta obtient une protection de sa propriété intellectuelle pour un
herbicide du maïs en Chine
February 05
European Union to
re-register Chlorothalonil fungicide
EU genehmigt Re-Registrierung des Fungizids Chlorothalonil
L’UE autorise la ré-homologation du fongicide chlorothalonil
Icoria signs licensing
agreement with Syngenta
Syngenta releases
important plant disease genome data for public use
Syngenta rend publiques d’importantes données génomiques sur une
maladie végétale
Syngenta stiftet wichtige genetische Daten über Pflanzenkrankheit
Syngenta full year 2004
Syngenta and Sumitomo
enter herbicide license agreement
Syngenta und Sumitomo treffen Lizenzvereinbarung für Herbizid
Syngenta et Sumitomo concluent un contrat de licence sur un herbicide
January 05
Syngenta receives full
registration for BRAVO fungicide to combat resistant disease in Germany
Syngenta-Fungizid BRAVO erhält vollständige Registrierung in
Syngenta obtient une homologation complète pour BRAVO afin de combattre
une maladie fongique résistante en Allemagne
December 04
Syngenta donates aid
package to help tsunami victims in Asia
Syngenta launches
CRUISER® seed treatment on soybeans in the USA
Syngenta führt CRUISER® für Soja-Saatgutbehandlung in den USA ein
Syngenta lance son produit de protection de semences CRUISER® sur le
soja aux États-Unis
Mike Mack appointed to
the Executive Committee as Chief Operating Officer of Syngenta Seeds
Syngenta to appeal
patent verdict favoring Monsanto, Dow unit
Syngenta turns its
attention to bio-electricity
November 04
Syngenta halts genetic
engineering projects in Europe
Syngenta and DuPont
reach agreement on lawsuits
Syngenta et DuPont trouvent un accord mettant fin à leurs litiges
Syngenta und DuPont legen Rechtsstreit bei
Remise des prix du
concours “Champs & Lycées” en France
“Champs & Lycées” awards announced in France
„Champs & Lycées“-Preisträger in Frankreich bekannt gegeben
Syngenta sees
agricultural innovation as key to conserve biodiversity
Syngenta : préserver la biodiversité grâce à l’innovation agricole
Syngenta: Durch Agrar-Innovationen biologische Vielfalt wahren
Syngenta moves forward
with seeds business integration plan
Syngenta to set up R&D
centre in Goa, India
October 04
Syngenta to discontinue
sales of Garst brand RR & Bt technology corn hybrids in Canada
Syngenta's third quarter
trading statement 2004
Syngenta to donate
Golden Rice to Humanitarian Board
September 04
Syngenta resumes sale
of GM seeds in South Africa
Syngenta sells stake in
Syngenta verkauft SF-Chem-Beteiligung
Syngenta vend sa participation dans SF-Chem
Syngenta and Fox Paine
complete Advanta acquisition
Delta and Pine
Land/Syngenta deal will bring choices for farmers - VipCot, a novel
insect control trait, will be first product commercialized
Syngenta launches new
generation of cotton seed treatment in the US
August 04
US Department of Justice
approves Syngenta acquisition of Advanta
Le Département de Justice US approuve le rachat d’Advanta par
US-Justizministerium stimmt Advanta-Akquisition durch Syngenta zu
Syngenta and Delta & Pine Land
enter long-term technology agreement in cotton
Syngenta und
Delta & Pine Land bilden langfristige Technologie-Allianz für den
Syngenta et
Delta & Pine Land concluent un accord technologique à long terme en
matière de semences de coton
European Union approves
acquisition of Advanta by Syngenta
Syngenta fortifies US
market position with LEXAR™ corn herbicide
Electricity from plants?
Syngenta sees a bright future
Syngenta completes
acquisition of Golden Harvest
July 04
Syngenta's half year results
2004: Sales growth drives significant increase in profit
Syngenta files antitrust
lawsuit against Monsanto
Monsanto requests termination of Syngenta's Roundup Ready
soybean license based on breach of contract - Lawsuits also filed
challenging Syngenta's access to Monsanto's Roundup Ready corn
Syngenta and Diversa
strengthen their collaboration
Cambria Biosciences
announces insecticides discovery collaboration with Syngenta
Sygenta's Chief Executive
comments on biotech foods, EU regulation
Syngenta to end biotech crop
research in the UK
June 04
Syngenta to acquire
Golden Harvest: US corn and soybean business further enhanced
Syngenta va acquérir Golden Harvest pour renforcer sa
position sur le marché américain du maïs et du soja
Syngenta baut US-Mais- und Soja-Geschäft mit Erwerb von Golden Harvest
Syngenta appoints new
May 04
Syngenta donates
genomics seed collection to public research
Syngenta stiftet Saatgut-Sammlung an öffentliche Forschung
Syngenta fait don d’une collection de lignées utilisées en
génomique fonctionnelle à la recherche publique
Syngenta’s enhanced
sweet corn moving with the markets
European Commission
approves food use of imported Bt-11 sweet corn
Syngenta refutes
Monsanto lawsuit as totally without merit
Syngenta says no
plans to halt GM wheat program
Sir David Barnes
retires from his position as Deputy Chairman of Syngenta
Syngenta acquires
glyphosate tolerance technology for corn from Bayer CropScience
Syngenta and Fox
Paine to acquire Advanta BV
Syngenta und Fox
Paine übernehmen Advanta BV
Syngenta et Fox Paine
achètent Advanta BV
Syngenta files for
registration of new herbicide in major markets
April 04
Syngenta holds
Annual General Meeting
Generalversammlung von Syngenta
Syngenta tient son Assemblée générale annuelle
- First quarter trading statement 2004
- Umsatz erstes Quartal 2004
- Bilan du premier trimestre 2004
Syngenta expands
international deployment of Geospiza Finch Sequencing Center
Software for DNA research and analysis productivity
Innovative Syngenta
products address corn rootworm threat in Europe
Syngenta granted
fifth in a series of transgenic Bt patents; suit filed against
Syngenta Seeds
names Dan Burdett to head North American vegetables business
March 04
Syngenta and Tanimura &
Antle create fresh produce venture in the USA
Innovative Saatgutbehandlung CRUISER® von
Syngenta in Deutschland zugelassen
Syngenta receives
registration for innovative seed treatment CRUISER® in Germany
February 04
SemBioSys Genetics and
Syngenta enter into agreement on protein and antibody purification
Syngenta and Monsanto
offer farmers broad access to agricultural technologies
und Monsanto bieten Landwirten breiten Zugang zu landwirtschaftlichen
Biopharming partnership
moving forward
Syngenta strengthens
corn portfolio with acquisition from CHS Research
renforce son portefeuille de semences de maïs par une acquisition auprès
de CHS Research
baut Mais-Portfolio mit Zukauf von CHS Research aus
Syngenta acquires full
ownership of Dia-Engei, Japan's leader in flowering plants and vegetable
acquiert une entreprise japonaise du secteur floral
Syngenta übernimmt Blumen-Unternehmen in Japan
Syngenta says Europeans
slow to swallow idea of GM
full year 2003 results: strong performance in
2003 provides platform for future growth
January 04
launches new fungicide to combat severe soybean disease in Brazil
Aleurone Corporation
announces licensing agreement with Syngenta Biotechnology Inc. for
crop/genetic engineering technology
December 03
Syngenta donates $100,000 for graduate fellowship in seed science
November 03
to launch new Touchdown® brands to expand market share in $1 billion US
glyphosate market
ends plant-research deal with UC Berkeley
October 03
Syngenta announces third
quarter trading statement 2003
EU re-registration of
atrazine not granted despite favorable science review
September 03
Moody’s Investor
upgrades Syngenta’s
credit rating
July 03
Syngenta: half year results
Syngenta sells world's
first hybrid barley in the UK
June 03
Syngenta CEO to head up CropLife International
April 03
Syngenta first quarter
trading statement 2003
March 03
Graingene - new commercial
team in Australian grain research
World-leading Agribusiness
taps InnoCentive for scientific R&D collaboration: Syngenta to access
global community of more than 20,000 scientists and enhance innovation
Syngenta appoints new CFO
February 03
Diversa and Syngenta
complete transactions announced in December
Syngenta announces full
year 2002 results
December 02
Diversa Corporation
achieves all 2002 milestones in joint venture with Syngenta
Syngenta and Diversa
form extensive research and product development alliance; Diversa to
acquire rights to Syngenta technology for pharmaceutical applications in
exchange for equity
November 02
Syngenta's Stephen Goff
named Research Leader of the Year on the Scientific American 50
October 02
Syngenta releases third
quarter 2002 trading statement
Syngenta Seeds announces
senior management change in North America
Syngenta targets more GM
plant sales to Vietnam
August 02
Syngenta names new
president of Syngenta Crop Protection Inc.
Syngenta publishes half
year 2002 results
July 02
AWB research joint
venture with Syngenta opens new doors for Australian wheat
Syngenta to help fund
new agriculture education program
Syngenta files suit to
enforce biotechnology patents
International Rice
Genome Sequencing Project and Syngenta announce agreement that
will accelerate completion of a finished rice genome sequence
June 02
The Syngenta Foundation for
Sustainable Agriculture appoints Executive Director
Syngenta Executive Committee
May 02
International Rice
Genome Sequencing Project and Syngenta announce agreement that
will accelerate completion of a finished rice genome sequence
Delta and Pine Land
Company announces product development agreement with Syngenta
Strategic Diagnostics
announces exclusive license with Syngenta Seeds AG; USDA
certifies use of mycotoxin test kit
April 02
Syngenta holds its first
Annual General Meeting
Syngenta first quarter
2002 trading statement
Syngenta publishes analysis
of rice genome sequence
March 02
AWB and Syngenta seal deal
to breed wheat
Syngenta to release
its rice genome map
January 02
Syngenta scientist receives Franklin Institute Award
Syngenta and Bayer reach agreement on patent disputes
November 01
Biotechnology and Egea Biosciences announce a joint collaboration to
engineer genetic pathways in plants
Maxygen delivers to
Syngenta AG two agriculture product candidates for development --
Company exceeds product development goals for 2001
October 01
Syngenta third
quarter trading statement 2001
La Société C.C. Benoist rejoint le groupe Syngenta
Syngenta launches
Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
September 01
Syngenta selects
OpenViz visualization technology from AVS for biomolecular analysis
software tool set
August 01
Syngenta half year
results 2001 - ‘Margins held in challenging markets; integration cost
savings ahead’
July 01
US Patent and
Trademark Office rules in favor of Syngenta
May 01
Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., (U.S.) has filed a lawsuit against
Bayer AG
Syngenta first quarter trading
statement 2001
Syngenta rice herbicide receives first registration
April 01
Syngenta opens crop protection plant in China
March 01
Syngenta announces global sale of flutriafol
Syngenta full year 2000 results; '2000 performance meets
February 01
International Rice Research Institute begins testing 'Golden Rice'
January 01
Myriad Genetics and Syngenta complete rice genome map -- Completion
six months ahead of schedule and under budget nets Myriad $3 million
cash bonus
Researchers complete rice genome map -- groundbreaking discovery
points to better cereal crops
November 00
Syngenta begins trading on the New York Stock Exchange
Syngenta shares priced at CHF 85 for Global Secondary Offering
September 00
Novartis invites shareholders to vote on Syngenta
July 00
Novartis Agribusiness: New agricultural technologies for developing
European Commission approves AstraZeneca - Novartis merger
June 00
Strategic Diagnostics announces development, licensing and
distribution agreement with Novartis Seeds
May 00
Positech breakthrough offers alternative to antibiotic resistance
marker genes for genetically enhanced crops
February 00
Novartis reports 11% rise in net income in 1999
December 99
Launch of a global leader in agribusiness - Novartis to
focus on healthcare: Novartis and AstraZeneca announce spin-off
followed by merger of agribusiness activities
Lancement d'un leader mondial de l'agribusiness -
Novartis se concentre sur la Santé - Novartis et AstraZeneca
annoncent un " spin-off " suivi de la fusion de leurs activités
October 99
Novartis' sales reach CHF 24.2 billion in the first nine
months of 1999
September 99
Novartis outlines new agribusiness strategy
Novartis stellt neue Agribusiness Strategie vor
August 99
Novartis achieves 5% increase in net income in first half
of 1999
Novartis launches first "seed-delivered" corn rootworm
July 99
Genzyme Molecular Oncology enters agricultural genomics
Novartis reports sales of CHF 16.3 billion
in first half of 1999 - Focus on growth drivers and rejuvenation of the
product portfolio on track
Novartis acquires majority of Eridania Beghin-Say's seeds
Novartis Seeds acquiert la majorité des activités semencières d'Eridania
June 99
Novartis announces first steps in new agribusiness
strategy - Streamlined organization to focus on top priorities
Novartis annonce une première série de mesures pour la
nouvelle stratégie de sa Division Agribusiness
Novartis veröffentlicht erste
Schritte der neuen Agribusiness-Strategie
May 99
Management changes mark new phase at Novartis. Heinz
Imhof takes over as Head of Agribusiness
Alliance stratégique de Secobra Recherches et Novartis
Seeds SA
Strategic alliance between Secobra Recherches and
Novartis Seeds SA
April 99
Novartis' First Quarter Sales Reach CHF
7.9 Billion
March 99
Novartis net income rises 16% in second
year of operations
February 99
Novartis announces new herbicide tolerance
January 99
Novartis reports 1998 Group sales
Change at the helm of Novartis
DNAP Holding Corporation announces
technology agreement with Novartis Seeds
December 98
Deferral of ruling: French Conseil d’Etat
consults European Court of Justice
November 98
Novartis Agricultural Discovery Institute
announces unique research agreement with UC Berkeley
Agrément de l’Union Européenne pour le maïs Bt-11 de
Alliance strategique de Maisadour et
Strategic alliance between Maisadour and Novartis
October 98
Swiss approval for second Novartis Bt maize
Les autorités suisses approuvent le
second maïs Bt de Novartis
Zweiter Bt-Mais von Novartis in der
Schweiz zugelassen
Bt-Mais: Will Greenpeace Landwirte und Verbraucher
September 98
Le Conseil d’Etat suspend la commercialisation des trois
variétés de maïs transgéniques de Novartis autorisées en février dernier
August 98
announces $20-million project to expand biotech facility in Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina
July 98
announces $600 million investment in agricultural genomics
June 98
Novartis Bt-11 corn approved in European
May 98
Novartis acquires
minority interest in C.C. Benoist Companies to form cereal development
center in France |