Syngenta releases third quarter 2002 trading statement

Basel, Switzerland
October 25, 2002

Sales for the third quarter ended September 30, 2002 were stable at $1.1 billion compared with the same period last year; at constant exchange rates sales were down three percent. The third quarter, typically the least important of the year, was particularly affected by adverse financial conditions in Latin America. Sales for the first nine months of 2002 were $5.0 billion compared with $5.1 billion for the same period in 2001; at constant exchange rates, sales were three percent lower with Crop Protection down three percent and Seeds down one percent. The strengthening of European currencies against the dollar has resulted in minimal impact on sales from exchange rate movements for the year to date. Market conditions are overall
little changed.

In Crop Protection, European sales sustained the strong performance in Germany and in central and eastern Europe reported at the first half; this more than offset tough conditions in France. In NAFTA the sales trend showed slight improvement on the first half with the herbicide market remaining competitive. Asia Pacific stabilized in the third quarter due to good sales in China. Third quarter sales in Latin America suffered from acute currency depreciation in Brazil and this resulted in significant price erosion. In addition, Brazilian volumes were substantially lower owing to the drive to control receivables by reducing in-channel inventories. Cash sales in Argentina increased.

Seeds sales increased by one percent in the third quarter with growth in Europe and NAFTA offset by reduced sales in Latin America.

Sales evolution for the full year 2002 is expected to be similar to the first nine months. EBITDA (before special charges) will benefit from synergy cost reductions but is being constrained by the impact of Brazilian currency upheaval on pricing; in addition, adverse European currency movements will have a negative impact on the reported cost base. As a result the EBITDA margin is likely to improve by less than one percent. Earnings per share (before special charges) will benefit from lower financial and tax charges and on a comparable basis growth is expected slightly to exceed that reported at the half year.

Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness. The company ranks first in crop protection, and third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Sales in 2001 were approximately US $6.3 billion. Syngenta employs more than 20,000 people in over 50 countries. The company is committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative Research and Technology. Syngenta is listed on the Swiss stock exchange and in London, New York and Stockholm.

Unaudited Nine Months Product Line and Regional Sales

    CHART 1

                                          9 Months 9 Months
                                              2002     2001  Actual(1)  CER(1)
     Syngenta                                   $m       $m        %        %
     Crop Protection                          4237     4352      -3%      -3%
     Seeds                                     764      774      -1%      -1%
     Total                                    5001     5126      -2%      -3%

     Crop Protection
     Product line
     Selective herbicides                     1326     1454      -9%      -8%
     Non-selective herbicides                  540      559       0%      -1%
     Fungicides                               1103     1110      -1%      -1%
     Insecticides                              678      726      -4%      -4%
     Professional products                     459      404       8%       6%
     Other                                     131       99      15%      10%
     Total                                    4237     4352      -3%      -3%
     Europe, Africa and Middle East           1552     1512       3%       1%
     NAFTA                                    1626     1682      -3%      -3%
     Latin America                             419      482     -13%     -13%
     Asia Pacific                              640      676      -5%      -5%
     Total                                    4237     4352      -3%      -3%

     Product line
     Field Crops                               415      445      -7%      -6%
     Vegetables and Flowers                    349      329       6%       5%
     Total                                     764      774      -1%      -1%
     Europe, Africa and Middle East            387      360       7%       8%
     NAFTA                                     295      304      -3%      -3%
     Latin America                              46       70     -34%     -34%
     Asia Pacific                               36       40      -9%      -8%
     Total                                     764      774      -1%      -1%

           Unaudited Third Quarter Product Line and Regional Sales

    CHART 2

                                               3rd      3rd
                                            Quarter   Quarter
                                              2002     2001  Actual(1)  CER(1)
     Syngenta                                   $m       $m        %        %
     Crop Protection                           981      985       0%      -4%
     Seeds                                     118      110       7%       1%
     Total                                    1099     1095       0%      -3%

     Crop Protection
     Product line
     Selective herbicides                      201      230     -10%     -13%
     Non-selective herbicides                  159      148       9%       6%
     Fungicides                                232      223       2%      -1%
     Insecticides                              198      218      -6%      -9%
     Professional products                     155      134       8%       3%
     Other                                      36       32       1%     -10%
     Total                                     981      985       0%      -4%
     Europe, Africa and Middle East            334      301      11%       0%
     NAFTA                                     248      249      -1%       0%
     Latin America                             209      247     -15%     -15%
     Asia Pacific                              190      188       1%      -2%
     Total                                     981      985       0%      -4%

     Product line
     Field Crops                                34       37     -10%     -15%
     Vegetables and Flowers                     84       73      16%       9%
     Total                                     118      110       7%       1%
     Europe, Africa and Middle East             71       62      16%       6%
     NAFTA                                      25       11     116%     116%
     Latin America                              13       27     -52%     -52%
     Asia Pacific                                9       10     -11%     -14%
     Total                                     118      110       7%       1%

(1) CER = constant exchange rate. Product line variances are calculated after adjusting for minor product line reclassifications.
Company news release


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