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Syngenta Seed Care / Syngenta Crop Protection / Syngenta Seed Treatments (USA, Canada)

August 09

Syngenta's Voliam Xpress insecticide receives U.S. EPA label expansion to include potatoes

Syngenta Seed Care and INCOTEC join forces to provide increased quality control in treating fruiting vegetable seed

Voliam Flexi insecticide from Syngenta Crop Protection receives U.S. EPA label expansion to include vegetables

Durivo insecticide from Syngenta Crop Protection receives US/EPA approval on new soil application methods

July 09

INCOTEC Integrated Coating and Seed Technology, Inc. announces that it will be applying Syngenta's FarMore technology to lettuce seed

Syngenta Seed Care introduces first seed treatment insecticide for leafy vegetables

June 09

Syngenta supports the future of U.S. agriculture through sponsorship of the National FFA Foundation

Syngenta Seed Care promotes corn nematode education with 70-foot “Traveling Nematode”

Increased fungicide usage drives Syngenta manufacturing investment in the U.S.

Atrazine celebrates 50 years of effective weed control

Avicta Complete Corn now available for protection against nematodes, insects and diseases - Syngenta Seed Care introduces first corn seed treatment nematicide

Syngenta acquires innovative bio-control technology to improve usable crop yields

Syngenta supports Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN), donates to supplement recent funding loss

May 09

Syngenta names agriculture industry veterans to new technology acceptance and industry relations roles

Durivo insecticide from Syngenta Crop Protection receives California label approval

Syngenta Crop Protection's Voliam Xpress insecticide receives California label approval for use on head and leaf lettuce, fruiting vegetables, head and stem brassicas, and cucurbit vegetables

Syngenta Crop Protection's FarmAssist website features new look and enhanced functionality

April 09

Syngenta Crop Protection: protecting crops enhances seed and fertilizer investment

Syngenta Crop Protection renews its sponsorships of the valued potato blight hotlines in 2009

March 09

Syngenta brings proven crop protection solutions to U.S. grain sorghum producers

Flexstar GT herbicide receives U.S. EPA registration in soybeans - Syngenta offers an enhanced post emergence program in glyphosate-tolerant soybeans

Halex GT shows off in showdown versus glyphosate in 2008 - Data from inaugural use season proves the latest corn herbicide from Syngenta is an ideal choice for glyphosate-tolerant corn

Syngenta's Resistance Fighter website offers solutions to glyphosate resistance issues

Syngenta sponsors recall training course offered by the United Fresh Research & Education Foundation in California

Syngenta Seed Care sponsors farmer swap

2009 will mark first full-use season for expanded registration of Syngenta's Callisto herbicide

February 09

Syngenta Seeds Inc. to launch soybean aphid management system - Integrated system combines NK soybean genetics, Syngenta crop protection and seed care to combat soybean aphids

Inspire XT fungicide from Syngenta Crop Protection receives U.S. federal registration for sugarbeets

Syngenta Crop Protection gains U.S./EPA registration for axial TBC herbicide on cereal crops

Syngenta and No-Till Farmer honor 2008 No-Till Innovator Award winners

January 09

AVICTA from Syngenta Seed Care is first seed treatment nematicide to receive U.S. registration for use on corn

December 08

U.S. corn growers see rewards for managing glyphosate resistance - Herbicide rotation and early-season weed control pay off with higher yields

Syngenta trials indicate increased yields with corn earworm control - Test plots highlight efficacy of new Agrisure Viptera broad-spectrum lepidopteran trait

Seeds of Progress, a Syngenta Seed Care newsletter
- Seed treatment critical for no-till crops
- Seed treatment boosts yield for soybean growers in the Southern US
- What you can’t see can hurt you: corn root damage and yield loss caused by unseen enemy
- New CruiserMaxx Cereals adds more value to the bottom line

November 08

Syngenta to offer new fomesafen/glyphosate premix on soybean - Flexstar GT herbicide to provide control over troublesome weeds

Syngenta's Voliam Flexi insecticide receives Florida label approval

October 08

Syngenta Crop Protection seeks students for Florida-based summer internship

Syngenta Crop Protection's Voliam Xpress insecticide receives label approval in Arizona, Florida and Texas, key vegetable growing U.S. states

Syngenta supports the future of agriculture through Florida scholarship

Syngenta Crop Protection's Durivo insecticide receives approval for use in vegetable crops in Arizona, Florida and Texas, key vegetable growing states

Corn nematodes threaten fields across the Midwestern US

Syngenta launches 2009 AgriEdge corn and soybean programs - US growers can increase yields and receive greater incentives in 2009

September 08

Syngenta's Durivo insecticide receives U.S. registration for use in vegetable crops

Syngenta Crop Protection's Voliam Flexi insecticide receives U.S. registration

Syngenta Crop Protection's Voliam Xpress insecticide receives U.S. registration for use on head and leaf lettuce, fruiting vegetables, head and stem brassicas, and cucurbit vegetables

August 08

Syngenta Crop Protection's federally approved Platinum 75SG insecticide receives registration for use in California

July 08

Syngenta's Endigo insecticide registered for soybeans in the United States

Seed treatments offer benefits beyond pest protection

June 08

DuPont and Syngenta enter into crop protection technology exchange

Syngenta's Warrior II with Zeon Technology receives Florida label approval for broad-spectrum insect control in more than 23 crop groups

May 08

Syngenta's Inspire Super MP fungicide receives Section 18 emergency exemption for cucurbits in Georgia

Syngenta's Alto fungicide receives Section 3 registration in soybeans - Powerful fungicide receives full U.S. registration

Syngenta Crop Protection renews valued disease hotline sponsorships to bring blight hotlines to North American potato growers in 2008

April 08

Syngenta's Revus top fungicide receives Florida label approval - Powerful new premix protects potatoes and tomatoes against early blight, late blight and other tough diseases

Syngenta Crop Protection receives US EPA approval for Warrior II with Zeon Technology for broad-spectrum insect control in more than 23 crop groups

Pioneer to treat its new soybean varieties with CruiserMaxx Beans brand seed treatment from Syngenta Seed Care

Rising input costs underscore need for maximizing yield

March 08

Rating new technologies with an old scale - Entomologists question root ratings in era of Bt corn hybrids

Syngenta's Revus Top fungicide receives U.S. federal registration - Powerful new premix protects potatoes and tomatoes against early blight, late blight and other tough diseases

AgroFresh and Syngenta finalize exclusive agreement for Invinsa crop stress protection

Syngenta's Inspire SB fungicide receives U.S. federal registration for sugarbeets - New fungicide to control Cercospora leaf spot and powdery mildew

Halex GT, newest corn herbicide from Syngenta, continues to exceed the competition

February 08

Let them eat weeds? Greenhouse studies show corn rootworm has an appetite for foxtails, other weeds

Syngenta's Revus fungicide receives U.S. federal registration - New chemistry protects against Phytophthora and downy mildews

January 07

Syngenta announces two key appointments

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approves Syngenta's Endigo insecticide for use in potatoes

December 07

Syngenta’s Dale Nicol named CAPCA Member of the Year

October 07

Syngenta and Pioneer announce Touchdown, Quilt promotion: Pioneer TruChoice financing to include Touchdown Total and Touchdown HiTech herbicides plus Quilt fungicide

Halex GT, Syngenta's new post-emergence corn herbicide, offers glyphosate with residual control

Syngenta's Platinum and Actara insecticides receive expanded and new crop use labels in Florida

Syngenta's Endigo insecticide registered for use in cotton in the United States

Syngenta announces 2008 AgriEdge corn program - New fungicide & insecticide options address increasing corn-on-corn acreage

Blackleg launching a comeback in canola in North America

September 07

Syngenta's Platinum and Actara insecticides receive expanded and new crop use labels in California

Syngenta's Dividend Extreme seed treatment fungicide receives U.S. registration for use on barley and sweet corn

August 07

Syngenta Crop Protection names four new insecticides - Durivo and Voliam brands to offer performance tailor-made to grower needs

July 07

Syngenta and John Deere team up to create fully integrated insecticide delivery system

Syngenta announces the names of two newest fungicides - Products to debut during nationwide Knowledge Exchange Site plot tour

Syngenta announces AgriEdge corn program redemption season

June 07

Syngenta's Quilt fungicide receives Section 3 registration for soybeans in the USA

May 07

Aerial application rate reduced for Syngenta's Quilt fungicide

Syngenta's Prefix herbicide available as a premix formulation in 2008

U.S. EPA approves Syngenta's Touchdown Total herbicide for extended application timing in Roundup Ready Flex cotton

April 07

Syngenta Crop Protection names new herbicide designed for glyphosate-tolerant corn

March 07

U.S. growers vote Syngenta's CruiserMaxx beans No-Till Seed Treatment Product of the Year

February 07

Syngenta's Ridomil Gold SL receives registration for use in California

Syngenta to market Discover NG grass herbicide in the U.S. Pacific Northwest

January 07

Syngenta honors organizer of U.S. National No-Tillage Conference with special No-Till Innovator Award

Revolutionary new Syngenta module helps growers manage resistance

2006 no-till innovators announced at the 15th Annual National No-Tillage Conference

December 06

Giant ragweed is seventh U.S. weed confirmed resistant to glyphosate

Syngenta's Avicta Complete Pak performs in its inaugural season

Research confirms science behind Thiamethoxam Vigor effect found in Syngenta's Cruiser insecticide brands

November 06

Syngenta's Envoke herbicide now labeled in the U.S. for fall application, offers effective control of glyphosate-resistant horseweed and tough winter annuals

October 06

Soybean weed scientists recommend reserving residual treatments for spring

Syngenta announces new rate for Dynasty fungicide in CruiserMaxx sunflower

Syngenta's Switch fungicide receives new label uses and crop rotation restrictions in California

Wild poinsettia prevails over glyphosate in Brazil

August 06

Syngenta launches CruiserMaxx potato seed treatment

July 06

Syngenta takes an integrated approach to delivering innovative technology

Is glyphosate resistance my problem?

Q&As on Syngenta's Syntinel RustTracker

June 06

Syngenta revamps names of trusted seed treatments

May 06

Surprise Asian soybean rust hits portions of Mexico

Don’t underestimate foliar diseases - Focusing solely on Asian soybean rust can hurt growers’ yields

Potato blight hotlines keep U.S. growers prepared

Quadris Ridomil Gold now available for use on potatoes in the U.S.

Lumax herbicide now registered for use on grain sorghum in Kansas

April 06

News from Syngenta - Pre-emergence herbicides making a comeback

Syngenta's herbicides LUMAX, Lexar and Camix get U.S. EPA registration for pre-plant or pre-emergence use in sweet corn

Syngenta's Alto fungicide receives U.S. EPA Section 18 quarantine exemption registration for soybean rust

March 06

There’s more to profitability than driving down costs - “The smallest rabbit to chase is input costs,” says farm business expert

Counting the cost of glyphosate weed resistance

New rate structure for Syngenta's Cruiser seed treatment insecticide provides increased flexibility

Syngenta's Lexar herbicide finds first-year success in the field and in the bin

Ridomil Gold and Bravo SC fungicides receive federal U.S. EPA approval for use on potatoes and vegetables

February 06

Syngenta Crop Protection introduces the 2006 Touchdown Assurance Plan for growers in the northern United States

Touchdown labels revised for more flexibility on glyphosate-tolerant corn: U.S. EPA approves changes to Touchdown Total and Touchdown HiTech labels

Enhancements to Syntinel RustTracker will improve ease of use and rust tracking capabilities

Syngenta first to study soybean rust on U.S. soil

Syngenta's Switch fungicide receives U.S. federal label for a variety of vegetable and herb crops

January 05

Syngenta obtains regulatory approvals for its new cereal herbicide, Axial, in North America
Syngenta erhält behördliche Zulassung für das neue Getreideherbizid Axial in Nordamerika
Syngenta obtient les approbations réglementaires pour son nouvel herbicide pour céréales Axial en Amérique du Nord

Four receive honors as no-till innovators

Glyphosate-resistant weeds confirmed in three additional U.S. states 

December 05

Syngenta raises the standard for cereal grass herbicides: new Axial delivers flexible control to wheat and barley growers

Bean counter bonus program from Syngenta saves corn and soybean growers $2.50 per unit

Strong plants, high yields for soybeans treated with Syngenta's CruiserMaxx Pak

November 05

The coming plague: Glyphosate resistant weeds in American croplands

University researchers discuss Syngenta’s 2-1-2 glyphosate weed resistance management strategy

October 05

Syngenta Crop Protection offers North American growers a one-stop online resource

Syngenta Crop Protection and the American Society of Agronomy’s Certified Crop Advisor launch online cotton nematode learning module

First seed treatment nematicide for cotton now available for purchase - Syngenta's AVICTA Complete Pak offers complete early-season nematode, insect, disease protection

September 05

Syngenta launches to promote management of glyphosate resistance

August 05

Monument® herbicide from Syngenta now registered in commercial turf markets in California

July 05

Glyphosate-resistant marestail confirmed in California, other weed populations investigated

Seed treatments are pushing the limits, gaining acceptance

April 05

Syngenta launches Syntinel™ RustTracker on the Web - Internet-based system offers soybean rust tracking and weather forecasts

March 05

Syngenta's Quilt fungicide receives section 18 registration from the U.S. EPA for use on soybean rust

Syngenta introduces Quilt fungicide to California: a new level of protection in small grains and grass seed

Weed scientists warn that more resistance to glyphosate is on the way, it’s simply a matter of when

First seed treatment nematicide for cotton marks big advantages for U.S. growers

Coping with higher crop input costs this season

Syngenta to launch breakthrough seed treatment AVICTA™ in the USA
Syngenta bringt völlig neuartige Saatgutbehandlung AVICTA™ in den USA auf den Markt
Syngenta lance son traitement des semences novateur AVICTA™ aux Etats-Unis

February 05

Syngenta introduces new Low Foam Technology™ for Touchdown Total™ herbicide

Syngenta Crop Protection introduces the 2005 Touchdown Assurance Plan for growers in the northern United States

January 05

Four honored at the Ninth Annual No-Till Innovator Awards in Cincinnati, Ohio

Seed treatment boom is a benefit to seed companies and retailers

December 04

Syngenta introduces Cruiser, a new liquid seed treatment insecticide for potatoes, in the United States

Syngenta's Cruiser seed treatment insecticide receives U.S. EPA registration for use on peas and dry beans

Syngenta launches CRUISER® seed treatment on soybeans in the USA

FarmAssist website introduces On-Line Learning Center

November 04

Syngenta caps cutworm insecticide costs

Syngenta introduces its first seed-delivered fungicide for peanuts - Dynasty PD will set a new standard for helping deliver enhanced plant vigor and yield

October 04

Sequence herbicide registered in the U.S. for use on soybeans - Provides growers residual and contact control of weeds in a single, simple step

May 04

U.S. EPA approves Syngenta's LUMAX corn herbicide for pre-emergence use on yellow popcorn

March 04

US Growers, can you risk a replay of last year?

Syngenta to expand corn herbicide portfolio

February 04

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registers new Touchdown HiTech herbicide

Syngenta Crop Protection provides enhanced 2004 Touchdown Assurance Plan for growers in the northern United States

Helping growers protect the value of agricultural technology: Syngenta is first to adopt 'Mode of Action' label for glyphosate

January 04

American Vanguard enters into agreement with Syngenta to supply Force 3G corn soil insecticide in SmartBox

December 03

A new level of protection in small grains and grass seed: Syngenta introduces Quilt fungicide

Syngenta Crop Protection files suit against Sipcam Agro USA

Apron Maxx RTA® sets a new standard for pulse and bean seed treatments in Canada

Corn's ability to "see" colors yields surprising results

November 03

U.S. EPA registers Syngenta's new Touchdown Total™ herbicide

United Industries inks long-term exclusive technology agreement with Syngenta

October 03

US Environmental Protection Agency review clears path for atrazine

Update on atrazine re-registration in the US

September 03

Syngenta Crop Protection announces corporate leadership changes

Monsanto to offer Syngenta seed treatment sorghum fungicide package

Syngenta announces U.S. phase-out of molinate rice herbicide

August 03

John C. Rabby named vice president of Corporate Alliance for Syngenta's crop protection business in North America

Syngenta selects VipCot™ as the brand name for its new insecticidal cotton trait

May 03

Amistar™, a new formulation of Quadris®, packs protective punch for potato, vegetable growers

April 03

Syngenta Advocate Teacher, Jodi Geiger receives recognition from State of Florida

August 02

Syngenta names new president of Syngenta Crop Protection Inc.

July 02

Nutra-Park signs testing agreement with Syngenta Crop Protection

May 02

Delta and Pine Land Company announces product development agreement with Syngenta

March 02

Syngenta Crop Protection files suit against Monsanto Company

Syngenta sues US Environmental Protection Agency over proposed metolachlor registration

November 01

Syngenta Crop Protection announces senior management change in NAFTA

June 01

Syngenta receives USA registration for CALLISTO(TM) corn herbicide

March 01

An innovative new seed treatment combines a leading fungicide and inoculant to help soybean growers maximize yields

June 00

Novartis stands behind safety of Atrazine

December 99

Launch of a global leader in agribusiness - Novartis to focus on healthcare: Novartis and AstraZeneca announce spin-off followed by merger of agribusiness activities
Lancement d'un leader mondial de l'agribusiness - Novartis se concentre sur la Santé - Novartis et AstraZeneca annoncent un " spin-off " suivi de la fusion de leurs activités agribusiness

September 99

Novartis commits $450,000 to public science education to expand ag biotech awareness

June 99

Novartis announces first steps in new agribusiness strategy - Streamlined organization to focus on top priorities

February 99

Novartis announces new herbicide tolerance technology

U.S. patent granted to Novartis for thiamethoxam usage in seed treatment

January 99

Diversa and Novartis form alliance for crop protection and improvement

December 98

New soybean seed treatment from Novartis Seeds offers improved seedling protection


Syngenta Seed Care

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