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Halex GT shows off in showdown versus glyphosate in 2008 - Data from inaugural use season proves the latest corn herbicide from Syngenta is an ideal choice for glyphosate-tolerant corn


Greensboro, North Carolina
March 30, 2009

Even amid the ups and downs of corn production in 2008, Halex® GT corn herbicide from Syngenta delivered impressive weed control results versus glyphosate – whether applied in a one- or two-pass program. With glyphosate resistant weed acreage rising, costs escalating and weather continuing to be unpredictable, herbicide selection is critical for success. Fortunately for corn growers, 2008 university and Syngenta trials show Halex GT is the ideal choice for post-emerge weed control in glyphosate-tolerant corn.

Halex GT is specifically designed for glyphosate-tolerant corn (Agrisure® GT or Roundup Ready® hybrids) and offers glyphosate with residual™ with three modes of action for enhanced weed control and glyphosate resistance management.

In 2008 trials, Halex GT defeated some of the toughest weeds, controlling 98 percent of lambsquarters, 98 percent of velvetleaf, 97 percent of common ragweed, 99 percent of waterhemp and 97 percent of Palmer amaranth. It took two applications of Roundup PowerMax™ to rival the control of one application of Halex GT.

While two applications of glyphosate controlled nearly as many weeds as Halex GT, the value of Halex GT is clear when growers and retailers consider the additional time and money spent on a second pass – and the value associated with managing resistant weed populations.

• Halex GT was applied at 3.6 pts./A.
• Trials conducted on 73 broadleaf and 20 grass weeds
• NIS at 0.25% v/v was added to all Halex GT treatments
• Roundup PowerMax was the glyphosate brand used and it was applied at recommended rates
• All treatments included ammonium sulfate (AMS)

Last season also highlighted the true power of Halex GT – its residual control through crop canopy. Curtis Lenzen, corn grower in Cologne, Minn., used Halex GT because a product with residual control was important to him.

“It is important to have something to continue taking down tough weeds, like lambsquarters, throughout the whole season,” Lenzen said. “After I saw how well our first field looked with Halex GT, we went back and sprayed another field that had heavy broadleaf pressure and saw good results with it as well.”

Lenzen was appreciative of the residual control, while Gordon Vail, technical brand manager for Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., emphasizes the benefit of multiple modes of action.

“Halex GT has three different herbicide components with Dual Magnum®, Touchdown HiTech® and Callisto®, making it a Resistance Fighter™ brand,” Vail said. “Glyphosate-resistant weeds are becoming more and more common in the Midwest, much like we have seen in the South. Halex GT will help growers guard against the development of resistance on their farms.”

Carroll Moseley, herbicide brand manager for Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., said bringing a product like Halex GT to the market will offer more convenience for growers as well.

“Because Halex GT is a one-pass product that has glyphosate with residual, and because of its wide application window, growers can save time and money by avoiding a costly second application,” Moseley said. “Halex GT will allow more convenience and greater flexibility in terms of application, and given the success of Halex GT in 2008, it’s going to be a great product for 2009 as well.”

For more information about Halex GT, visit

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©2009 Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. PO Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using these products.

Agrisure®, Callisto®, Dual Magnum®, Glyphosate with Residual™, Halex® GT, Resistance Fighter™, Touchdown HiTech® and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Roundup®, Roundup PowerMax™ and Roundup Ready® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC.

Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. warrants that its products conform to the chemical description set forth on the products’ labels. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY TO SYNGENTA PRODUCTS. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. neither assumes nor authorizes any representatives or other person to assume for it any obligation or liability other than such as is expressly set forth herein. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION, INC. BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY USE OR HANDLING OF ITS PRODUCTS. No statements or recommendations contained herein are to be construed as inducements to infringe any relevant patent now or hereafter in existence.





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