August 09
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
July 09
Government of
Canada invests C$13 million for research to combat wheat rust
Le gouvernement du Canada investit C$13 millions pour la
recherche afin de lutter contre la rouille du blé
Grains and oilseeds
outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
April 09
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (30 April 09)
Wheat: worldwide
situation and outlook
March 09
Government of
Canada helps canola farmers by investing in biodiesel research
Government of
Canada announces C$15.5 million investment in the Canadian
Triticale Biorefinery Initiative (CTBI) research network
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (6 March 09)
January 09
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (26 January 09)
December 08
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (12 December 08)
United States
Department of Agriculture revises import requirements for
Canadian seed potatoes
L'USDA modifie les exigences relatives à l'importation de
pommes de terre de semences canadiennes
October 08
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (24 October 08)
September 08
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (17 Sept 08)
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
outlook (3 Sept 08)
August 08
Government of
Canada invests C$3 million in oilseed research
Le gouvernement du Canada investit C$3 million dans la
recherche sur les oléagineux
Alberta seed
potato growers affected by Potato Cyst Nematode receive
assistance from federal and provincial governments
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
July 08
Bi-weekly Bulletin:
- Wheat - Situation
and outlook
- Russia
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
May 08
Bi-weekly Bulletin:
April 08
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops
Bi-weekly Bulletin:
Government of
Canada invests in the sustainability of the greenhouse vegetable
industry in British Columbia
March 08
Bi-weekly Bulletin:
Canada: Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
Government of
Canada tables amendments to the Canadian Wheat Board Act
to ensure barley marketing freedom
Gouvernement du Canada présente des modifications à la Loi
sur la Commission Canadienne du Blé pour assurer le libre
choix en matière de commercialisatino de l'orge
February 08
Dry peas -
Situation and outlook
Canada ends
kernel visual distinguishability (KVD) as a variety registration
screening criterion for all classes of wheat on August 1, 2008
Le Canada abandonne la distinction visuelle des grains (DVG)
à titre de critère d’enregistrement des variétés pour toutes les
classes de blé au 1er août 2008
Grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops outlook for 2007-2008
December 07
Buckwheat and
fababeans: situation and outlook
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
Durum wheat -
2007-2008 situation and outlook
Government of
Canada invests nearly C$1.3 million in Canadian organic industry
Columbia grain industry to benefit from C$1.5 million investment in
crop enhancement trials and biofuels
November 07
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
Sunflower seed:
situation and outlook
October 07
Feed Barley:
Situation and Outlook
Orge fourragère : situation et perspectives
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
September 07
Investments by
Canada's new government to help canola products yield greater
international profits
Investissement du nouveau gouvernement du Canada pour aider les
producteurs de canola à profiter davantage des débouchés
Canada's new
government invests C$2.7 million in research of environmentally
friendly crop protection products
Le nouveau
gouvernement du Canada investit 2,7 million de dollars dans la
recherche sur la lutte dirigé écologique
Government of
Canada launches C$500M fund to support next-generation renewable
d’un fonds de soutien de 500 millions $ destiné aux carburants
renouvelables de la prochaine génération
developments and market situation and outlook for Australia’s
grains and oilseeds sector
August 07
Grains and
oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook
July 07
Biofuels and the
European Union
Ministers of
Agriculture announce Growing Forward, a new vision for
Canada's ag sector
June 07
Mustard seed:
situation and outlook
La graine de moutarde: situation et perspectives
Canary seed:
situation and outlook
Alpiste des canaries :
situation et perspectives
Western Canadian
farmers' marketing choice for barley to start August 1, 2007
Le régime de commercialisation mixte de l'orge entre en
vigueur le 1er août 2007
Wheat: situation
and outlook
May 07
Mexico: Pulse and
special crops - Situation and outlook
March 07
Canadian barley
producers choose marketing choice
Les producteurs d'orge canadiens choisissent le régime de
commercialisation mixte
Corn: situation
and outlook
Maïs: situation et perspectives
Canadian outlook
for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in 2007-2008
Perspectives canadiennes des céréales, oléagineux,
légumineuses et cultures spéciales pour 2007-2008
oilseeds, pulse and special crops outlook
Canada invests an
additional C$10 million for biofuel development
February 07
and special crops outlook
January 07
C$134 million
investment by Canada's new government to boost commercialisation
of agri-based innovation
Le nouveau gouvernement du Canada investit 134 millions de
dollars afin d'accroître la commercialisation d'innovations
Canadian outlook
for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in 2007-2008
Canada's Ag
Minister announces commitment to plebiscite on marketing choice
for barley and wheat
Le Ministre de
l’Agriculture du Canada announce son engagement à réaliser un
plébiscite sur la commercialisation mixte de l'orge et du blé
Canada and India
to collaborate on agriculture and agricultural biotechnology
information exchange
Le Canada et
l'Inde collaboreront à l'échange d'information en agriculture et
en biotechnologie agricole
December 06
Dry beans -
Situation and outlook
Canada first
country to track trade data on organic products
Grains and
oilseeds outlook
Pulse and
special crops outlook
Canola: situation and
November 06
New greenhouses
going up at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa, Canada
Canada applauds WTO
ruling on genetically modified organism imports
and special crops situation and outlook
Grains and oilseeds
and special crops outlook
October 06
Canada's new
biotron facility to launch agriculture research into the future
Oats: situation
and outlook
Regulated area
established to control the spread of golden nematode in Quebec
Établissement d'une zone réglementée pour lutter contre
l'infestation du nématode doré au Québec
New facility
announced to support agricultural research in Canada
Annonce d'une
nouvelle installation pour l'appui à la recherche agricole
Grains and
oilseeds outlook
and special crops outlook
Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada and DNA LandMarks announce collaborative efforts in
genetic market research
September 06
Grains and oilseeds
and special crops outlook
situation and outlook
August 06
The impact of the
appreciation of the Canadian dollar on Canada's grain and oilseed prices
and trade
Grains and oilseeds
Pulse and special crops
Government of Canada
announces funding in support of pulse growers
July 06
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada helps launch Potato Innovation Network
Agriculture et
Agroalimentaire Canada aide à lancer le réseau d'innovation pour
l'industrie de la pomme de terre
Bi-weekly Bulletin: Brazil
Canadian ag ministry
announces funding initiatives for biofuels farming opportunities
June 06
Grains and oilseeds outlook
Pulse and special crops
Canada: primary processing
of grains and oilseeds
Rye: Situation and outlook
Lentils: situation and
May 06
Grains and oilseeds outlook
Pulse and special crops
March 06
Grains and
oilseeds outlook
Pulse and
special crops outlook
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
funds over C$3 million for pulse crops
Agriculture et
Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC) contribue plus de 3 millions de dollars
canadiens pour les légumineuses
February 06
United States:
Pulse crops situation and outlook
Protein meal -
Situation and outlook
Grains and
oilseeds outlook
Pulse and
special crops outlook
Dry peas: situation and
January 06
Canadian outlook for
grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in 2006-2007
Perspectives canadiennes
des céréales, oléagineux, légumineuses et cultures spéciales pour
December 05
Durum wheat: 2005-2006
situation and outlook
Grains and
oilseeds outlook
Pulse and special crops
Feed barley: situation
and outlook
November 05
The Government of Canada announces federal
assistance for Canada's grains and oilseeds producers
Le gouvernement du
Canada annonce une aide financière pour les producteurs canadiens de
céréales et d'oléagineux
October 05
Buckwheat &
flaxseed - Situation and outlook
and oilseeds outlook
and special crops outlook
September 05
Consultations to lead
to Canada's agri-food science strategy for the 21st century
August 05
Sunflower seed:
situation and outlook
Worldwide wheat
situation and outlook
Pulses and special crops
Grains and oilseeds
July 05
Grains and oilseeds
Pulse and special
crop outlook
Comparing the yields of
hard red spring wheat lines from Canada and the United States
May 05
China: beer and malting
April 05
Grain and oilseeds outlook
Pulses and special crops outlook
March 05
Canary seed: situation and
outlook (with an overview of Canadian spice crops production)
Canadian government
announces C$1 billion for Canadian farmers to ease cash-flow pressures,
set stage for transforming the industry
January 05
Grains and oilseeds
and special crops outlook
Decembre 04
Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture support high-tech
agricultural ventures
Plant breeding in
Western Canada
October 04
China: Wheat (PDF file)
September 04
Chickpeas: Situation and Outlook (PDF file)
Profile of the Canadian Oilseeds Sector: Part 2 (PDF file)
August 04
Profile of the Canadian Oilseeds Sector: Part 1 (PDF file)
July 04
Profile of the Canadian
wheat industry
and special crops outlook
Grains and oilseeds outlook
March 04
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
and Scotts Canada Ltd. announce natural
weed-control initiative
Un nouveau projet de contrôle biologique contre les mauvaises herbes
February 04
The United States canola
industry: situation and outlook
Canada: area seeded for
January 04
Agri-Food Canada's
innovative database to boost delivery of superior wheat varieties
World and Canadian
outlook for wheat, coarse grains and oilseeds in 2004/2005
Canada: pulse and
special crops outlook
Canada: grains and
oilseeds outlook
July 03
Alberta Canola Producers Commission and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
sign five-year research deal