Ottawa, Canada
December 7, 2007
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Bi-weekly Bulletin
December 5, 2007 Volume 20 Number 18
Durum wheat: 2007-2008
situation and outlook
The price of durum wheat has risen
substantially in 2007-2008 due to tight supplies in the major
durum exporting countries (Canada, the European Union (EU), and
the US) and carry-out stocks are expected to fall to the lowest
level since 1997-1998. However, in Canada, the exportable supply
is relatively high which has increased the demand for Canadian
durum and led to record high CWB pooled returns. The premium for
durum relative to non-durum is expected to reach a record level.
This issue of the Bi-weekly Bulletin examines the situation and
outlook for durum wheat.
Full report: