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Consultations to lead to Canada's agri-food science strategy for the 21st century
Kentville, Nova Scotia
September 22, 2005

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Andy Mitchell today launched a series of cross-country consultations to set the stage for a new strategy for Canadian Agri-food science and research.

Canada has a proud history of scientific advances in the agri-food sector that has helped keep Canadian producers at the leading edge of agri-food innovation. These consultations will draw together the ideas of Canada's agri-food science providers, industry stakeholders, academics, innovators, communities and others as building blocks for a new strategic vision for the sector that will reinforce Canada's leadership in agri-food science and innovation.

"Our ultimate goal is to partner with Canada's best scientists and innovators to ensure our science investments equip Canada's producers and processors to remain globally competitive, arm them to continue the drive for improved food quality, and assist them in their role as stewards of the environment," said Minister Mitchell.

The consultations respond to a commitment Minister Mitchell made on June 23, 2005 to engage the full spectrum of players with interests in the agri-food sector in a comprehensive examination of Canada's agri-food science priorities.

In announcing the consultations, the Minister established several core principles, including that the department's national investment in science will be maintained at its current level or better, that research and development activities will be generally maintained in all provinces at current levels, that science undertaken will meet the needs of industry as well as take into account regional variances, that departmental initiatives will be integrated with the research and development planning and delivery done by government partners, universities and industry, and departmental initiatives will work to ensure synergy between researchers and to create state-of-the-art facilities.

"The consultations will help participants identify their long and short-term needs, research gaps, overlaps and collaborative opportunities," says Minister Mitchell. "We're counting on them to let us know where they think we should be heading, and what sort of investments in science and infrastructure we should be making."

Regional consultations will take place at 11 locations across Canada throughout the fall. Provincial representatives will be invited to participate in these talks, as well as at the Agriculture Science and Innovation Symposium, to be held in Gatineau on November 22-23. Moreover, federal, provincial and territorial senior executives are scheduled to meet this fall as part of the consultation process.

As well, Canadians across the country are encouraged to contribute to the discussion through the AAFC web site. These consultations will draw together the ideas of Canada's agri-food science providers, key industry stakeholders, academics, innovators, communities and others as building blocks for a new strategic vision for the sector that will reinforce Canada's leadership in agri-food science and innovation and a business plan for the Department.

The text of a discussion paper and updates on the consultations will be posted on the AAFC web site at


The Development of a Science Strategy

Consultations are key to developing a science strategy relevant to the current and future needs of the agri-food sector. AAFC has a tradition of seeking input from a broad cross-section of agri-food stakeholders, and will use this network for ongoing dialogue with producers, provincial governments, local communities and others. In addition to this established network, AAFC will engage in formal consultations specifically aimed at formulating a forward-looking science strategy. This targeted consultation process is taking place on six fronts:

  1. AAFC`s Regional Science and Research Advisory Committees are being created specifically to consult producers in all Canadian regions to identify research requirements and results. Meetings will be organized for the following regions: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies, and British Columbia. These regional consultations will be held during the fall.
  2. The Value Chain Roundtables organized under the Agricultural Policy Framework are discussions with representatives from all aspects of specific commodities. These discussions will provide producers, processors and other value chain members the opportunity to define science and research requirements in the context of increased market development and export opportunities. AAFC science managers will seek advice from the various roundtables at upcoming meetings over the fall.
  3. The Science Advisory Board (SAB) is made up of representatives from the academic community, producer organizations, industry, government, and social and natural sciences. SAB provides advice to AAFC on the strategic relevance of the science and research capacity, capabilities and issues focus of AAFC science and research. The SAB was consulted on June 2-3, 2005. A special discussion on vision, science and research capabilities and priorities will be held in October 2005 as part of this consultation process.
  4. The Canadian Agriculture Research Council (CARC) - CARC is an independent organization supported financially by AAFC. It has a large and diversified membership composed of government, producer association, university and industry representatives. CARC identifies agriculture and agri-food priorities and gaps that should be addressed by Canada. Recommendations formulated by CARC are addressed by all the research communities interested in agricultural science, including AAFC. The CARC Executive Committee were consulted at their August meeting in Saskatoon.
  5. Internet feedback is sought from individuals or groups wishing to participate in the process. Visit for more information.
  6. Agriculture Science and Innovation Symposium is the culmination of this consultative process. Its goal is to bring all stakeholders together to review the results of consultations to date and develop a holistic national approach to the further development and implementation of the AAFC strategy for science and innovation. Participants will include federal and provincial decision-makers for science and research, participants in the regional consultations representing producers and regional interests, community representatives, the university community, and key industry representatives. The symposium will be held in Gatineau on November 22-23, 2005. Eleven regional consultations will also be held in October around the country.

Areas of Research

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has prepared a discussion paper as a starting point for talks leading to a new science strategy. The strategy will help guide appropriate R&D investments that address the needs of producers and of Canadians. The paper sets out the role of AAFC science within the context of the Canadian agri-food sector, Government of Canada and the research community, and proposes eight key areas of research to help the sector achieve sustainable profitability and growth in the 21st century.

These key research areas are:

Bio-resources research to enhance ability to respond quickly to bio-security, environmental and food safety risks and economic opportunities through bio-resource information systems and authoritative knowledge of bio-resources. This research area includes:

  • characterization of bioresources
  • characterization of soils
  • germplasm preservation
  • support to sanitary and phytosanitary regulations
  • surveillance of emerging pests and invasive species
  • management of gene flow genetic tracking of animal and plant in food and non-food products.

Crop production and health research to prevent catastrophic losses from diseases, pests and climate change in agriculture through risk management strategies including enhanced germplasm, beneficial management practices and integrated pest management (IPM). This research area includes:

  • cereal production
  • oilseed production
  • special crops and pulses production
  • horticulture crop production.

Animal production and health research to enhance livestock health and welfare through innovative nutrition, stress management and disease control strategies for intensive livestock production. This research area includes:

  • beef production
  • swine production
  • poultry production
  • dairy production.

Sound environmental animal production research to advance Canada's environmental agenda through innovative management strategies for intensive livestock production. This research area includes:

  • reduction of greenhouses gases
  • management of nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients
  • reduction of biological contaminants; and 4- management of wildlife habitat and natural ecosystems.

Sound environmental crop production research to advance Canada's environmental agenda through innovative crop production strategies and systems. This research area includes:

  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and increased carbon sequestration
  • reduction of contaminants by nutrients, pathogens and pesticides
  • harmonization of commercial agriculture with natural ecosystems.

Food safety research to enhance food safety through detection, characterization and control of food borne hazards. This research area includes:

  • control of food borne allergens
  • control of food borne residues
  • control of food borne micro-organisms
  • development of hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP).

Food quality research to enhance human nutrition and wellness through conservation of the composition and functional properties of food throughout the value chain. This research area includes:

  • conservation of food properties in post-harvest storage
  • conservation of food properties in processing
  • conservation of food properties in packaging
  • conservation of food properties in retailing.

Bio-agro processes and products research to capture market opportunities for the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system through innovative production systems and development of innovative uses of biomass for bio-industry and food sectors. This research area includes: " development of new crop opportunities with climate change " development of organic production " development of functional foods and nutraceuticals " development of non-food products " development of bio molecules " development of bio-platforms " development of new bio-processes.


Building a national science strategy for agriculture

To remain competitive in the global agricultural market, Canada must be on the cusp of new developing advances in science and technology.

Canada needs a new national approach to science and technology that brings together the country's best minds, working in the best facilities, and focused on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Canadian agriculture.

For more than a century, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists and their partners have been working to create better opportunities for farmers and all Canadians.

They have developed new crops, made improvements to animal breeding and created new uses for agricultural products that have stretched the reach of agriculture to every part of the country and into every part of the Canadian economy.

Today, the products of Canadian agriculture end up on plates around the world, and as ingredients in a growing range of consumer products, from medicines and health products to building materials and environmentally friendlier fuels.

Canada's scientists and researchers have contributed to a productive agricultural industry and a quality of life that are among the best in the world.

Now, this research effort is itself being put under the microscope. Earlier this summer, Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Andy Mitchell announced a review of Canadian agricultural science in order to develop a new national agricultural science strategy for the 21st century.

The review will look at what scientists and researchers are working on now in agriculture and how their work is being applied in business, health and the environment.

It will look at the state of Canada's labs and research facilities and where opportunities exist to generate more collaboration between the country's best and brightest minds.

The review will look to the future. In a series of cross-country consultations taking place this fall, those who conduct science, those who benefit from science and those who shape science policy will be asked what issues and opportunities should be addressed in the years to come.The answers will shape Canada's national science strategy for agriculture.

A changing world

The need for a new focus on Canada's agricultural research is being driven by major advances in science and technology and an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

Once the "breadbasket of the world", Canada is now challenged by new suppliers of raw commodities like wheat. The competition has driven down prices and contributed to a long and steady decline in Canadian farm income.

Competitors are aggressively using science and technology to increase their productivity and create and expand their markets.

Consumers are looking for new and innovative products and demanding higher safety and environmental standards.

At the same time, countries like China, India and Brazil, with rapidly improving economies and billions of consumers, are creating huge market opportunities.

Studies have shown that public research can generate major returns for the agriculture and agri-food industry, returning $20 to the industry for every dollar invested.

A new national science strategy will focus on how to generate that return, and even higher returns, in today's more complex marketplace. How can advances in science and technology be used to bring lasting profitability to Canadian farms? How can they be applied to the development of new products? How can they used to address the concerns today's consumers have about safety, quality and the environment?

The many doors being opened by science are another reason why a national science strategy is needed.

Breakthroughs in our understanding of biology at the molecular level are preparing the way for the design of customized food and non-food that address consumers' health, safety, quality and environmental concerns.

These breakthroughs hold the promise of treatments and cures for major diseases, solutions to address environmental issues like global warming and pollution and the prospect of longer and healthier lives.

But they also bring with them new concerns about the responsible applications of these technologies. These concerns will be discussed and addressed as part of a national science strategy.

A goal to be the best in the world

Sometimes the best defense is a good offence. In response to the new challenges of the global marketplace, Canada has committed itself to establishing its agriculture and agri-food industry as the best in the world, based on quality, safety and environmental standards and the uniqueness of its products.

Three years ago, federal and provincial governments and the agriculture and agri-food industry launched the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF), a national plan to drive the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry to the number one position as the preferred supplier in the international marketplace.

To reach this goal, a strong national science and technology effort is crucial.

In the last three years, as the APF has been put into action, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has been looking at how it is contributing to the country's scientific advances in agriculture.

In Canada, the department and universities conduct 83 per cent of agricultural research and development, with the private sector doing the remainder of it. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, with about 600 scientists at 19 research centres across the country, accounts for nearly half of this research.

As the department has reviewed its ability to do the kinds of science that will benefit the agriculture and agri-food industry and Canadians, it has identified a number of areas that need to be addressed.

At a time when science discovery is depending on state-of-the-art labs and equipment, an increasing portion of the department's nearly $300 million annual budget is being used to repair aging buildings. More than 40 per cent of the department's research buildings are over 40 years old.

As well, many of the department's scientists are reaching the age of retirement.

Canada must have the resources to attract and develop a new generation of scientists, researchers and technicians that will be critical to keeping Canada competitive. The necessary infrastructure and equipment must also be there to support world-class research.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is committed to maintaining the national investment in science at the same level or better. The national science strategy will seek to get the most out of this investment by exploring partnerships between the various players involved in research and development and other ways to make the best use of buildings, equipment and the skills and knowledge of Canada's science community.

The strategy will recognize the different needs of sectors in the agriculture and agri-food industry, and the differences between regions of the country. Research and development activities will be generally maintained in all provinces at current levels.

But the strategy will also recognize that sometimes scientific discovery depends more on how it is done, rather than where it is done. The strategy will encourage efforts to create state-of-the-art research facilities and encourage dynamic partnerships that benefit industry and communities across the country.

Next steps

To help generate discussion and debate, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has produced a discussion paper outlining eight potential priority areas for Canada's agricultural research effort.

In the coming weeks, consultations will be held with a wide range of stakeholders, including farmers, the agri-food industry, governments, universities, agricultural colleges and communities.

Canadians from all walks of life are also encouraged to take part in the consultations on the Agriculture and Agri-Food website at

These consultations will lead up to a national symposium in Gatineau on Nov. 22-23, where producers, processors and representatives from governments, industry and rural communities will provide advice on the research priorities that should be undertaken by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and its research partners.

These next few months will have an impact on Canadians and the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry far into the future. The national strategy will set the stage for future economic opportunities, stronger communities and advances in health and the environment.

The future is now.

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