Ottawa, Canada
April 30, 2009Source:
Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Grains and oilseeds outlook
Canadian farmers intend to
increase the areas seeded to spring wheat, barley, corn,
flaxseed and soybeans, and reduce the areas of durum, oats,
canola and summerfallow according to Statistics Canada’s
(STC) March seeding intentions survey for 2009. The actual
areas seeded may differ from the intended areas because of
changes in the market outlook, prices, soil moisture
conditions at the time of seeding and market reaction to the
STC report. The outlook assumes
normal precipitation, abandonment and crop quality, and that
trend level yields will be achieved.
Total production for 2009-10 is forecast by AAFC to decrease
by 10% to 65.6 million tonnes (Mt) but total supply is
expected to decline by only 3% due to the higher level of
carry-in stocks. Total use is forecast to fall due to lower
exports and lower domestic use. Carry-out stocks are
forecast to decrease by 17% but be close to the 10 year
average. Average prices for 2009-10 are expected to decline
from 2008-09for wheat, durum, barley and soybeans, be
unchanged for oats and flaxseed and increase slightly for
corn and canola.
Full report:
Pulses and special crops
(dry peas, lentils, dry beans, chick peas, mustard seed, canary
seed, sunflower seed, buckwheat)
For 2009-10, total area
seeded to P&SC in Canada is expected to rise marginally from
2008-09. The areas seeded to dry peas, lentils and mustard
seed are expected to increase while are areas seeded to dry
beans, chickpeas, canary seed and sunflower seed are
expected to decrease. Statistics Canada’s (STC) seeding
intentions survey, conducted during March and released on
April 24, provided estimates for most pulse and special
crops by province, but in some cases the area
seeded has been forecast by AAFC. The actual seeded areas
may differ from the intentions due to changes in the market
outlook, expected prices, producer reaction to the STC
seeding intentions report and soil moisture conditions at
the time of seeding. It is assumed that precipitation will
be normal for the growing and harvest periods and that the
abandonment rate and quality will be normal. Trend yields
are assumed for both western and eastern Canada.
Total production in Canada is forecast to be largely
unchanged at 5.3 million tonnes (Mt). However, total supply
is expected to rise by 8% to 6.4 Mt, due to large carry-in
stocks. Exports and domestic use are forecast to rise due to
the higher supply. Carry-out stocks are expected to rise
from 2008-09 for most crops. Average prices are generally
forecast to fall except for chickpeas and canary seed which
are forecast to average the same as 2008-09.
Full report: |