Bayer CropScience (formerly Aventis Crop Science)
June 02

Closing of Aventis CropScience acquisition - Bayer CropScience ready for launch

April 02

European Commission clears Bayer's acquisition of Aventis Crop Science, subject to substantial divestitures

Lynx and Aventis CropScience to develop a new assay for plant analysis

March 02

Aventis Management Board member Horst Waesche passes away

February 02

Aventis reports full-year results for 2001

January 02

Aventis CropScience GmbH licenses SciQuest's Enterprise Reagent Manager to maximize research operations

October 01

Court of Appeals affirms victory for Aventis CropScience on glyphosate tolerant corn (3980)

Aventis CropScience inaugurates it's REGENT® formulation plant in Hangzhou, China (3888)
Aventis CropScience eröffnet Formulierungsanlage für REGENT® in Hangzhou, China

Bayer agrees to acquire Aventis CropScience (3846)

August 01

Aventis reports half-year and second-quarter results for 2001 (3702)

MPB Cologne Licenses Gene Switch Technology to Aventis CropScience

July 01

Aventis CropScience negotiations to be continued exclusively with Bayer AG (3640)
Les négociations sur la cession d’Aventis CropScience se poursuivent en exclusivité avec Bayer AG
Verhandlungen über Aventis CropScience werden exklusiv mit der Bayer AG fortgeführt

June 01

Aventis CropScience to strengthen its position in the Chinese crop protection market: full registration received for REGENT® insecticide (3633)

May 01

Aventis CropScience to broaden its presence in the Japanese crop protection market: letter of intent signed for a joint venture with Shionogi & Co. (3556)
Aventis CropScience renforce sa présence sur le marché japonais : création d'une entreprise commune avec Shionogi & Co.
Aventis CropScience verstärkt seine Präsenz im japanischen Pflanzenschutzmarkt: Absichtserklärung über die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmen mit Shionogi & Co. unterzeichnet

Aventis CropScience continues to streamline its portfolio (3548)

Aventis CropScience continues to streamline product portfolio : Formetanate insecticide sold (3522)
Aventis CropScience poursuit la rationalisation de son portefeuille avec la vente de son insecticide formetanate
Aventis CropScience setzt die Straffung seines Produktportfolios fort: Verkauf des Insektizids Formetanat (3522)

Aventis report first-quarter results for 2001 (3504)
Aventis : résultats du premier trimestre 2001
Aventis veröffentlicht Ergebnisse des 1. Quartals 2001

April 01

Changes at the Aventis CropScience top executive level (3500)
Changements à la direction d'Aventis CropScience
Veränderungen der Führungsebene von Aventis CropScience

New Appointments at Aventis CropScience (3437)
Nouvelles nominations chez Aventis CropScience

Aventis CropScience ernennt neue Manager

March 01

Aventis CropScience appointed new head of BioScience activity (3419)
Aventis Cropscience nomme le nouveau responsable de son activité BioScience

Monsanto and Aventis forge arrangement to offer U.S. farmers new cotton seed choices (3410)

Aventis CropScience: FENOMEN®, a new fungicide launched in France (3401)
Aventis CropScience lance son nouveau fongicide FENOMEN® en France

Alan Popham appointed Head of Corporate Human Resources at Aventis CropScience (3371)
Alan Popham nommé directeur des Ressources Humaines d'Aventis CropScience
Alan Popham neuer Leiter der "Global Human Resources" von Aventis CropScience

Aventis Reports Full Year Results for 2000 (3355)
Aventis annonce ses résultats annuels 2000

February 01

Aventis CropScience patent for genetically improved plants finally approved by the European Patent Office (3326)
L’office Européen des Brevets accorde à Aventis CropScience un brevet pour des plantes modifiées par génie génétique
Europäisches Patentamt bestätigt Patent von Aventis CropScience

January 01

Aventis CropScience continues to streamline product portfolio - Three crop protection compounds divested (3286)

Aventis CropScience continues to streamline crop protection product portfolio: two active ingredients sold to Makhteshim-Agan Industries (3260)
Aventis CropScience setzt Straffung des Produktportfolios fort: Verkauf von zwei Pflanzenschutz-Wirkstoffen an Makhteshim-Agan Industries 
Aventis CropScience poursuit la rationalisation de son portefeuille de produits: Vente de deux matières actives de protection des cultures à Makhteshim-Agan Industries

Aventis CropScience and ComGenex extend collaborative supply agreement to second term (3247)

All LibertyLink hybrids approved for feed and food use in major U.S. corn export markets (3240)

Aventis CropScience changes top management (3234)
Changements dans l’équipe dirigeante d’Aventis CropScience
Veränderungen im Top-Management von Aventis CropScience

CelPril announces management changes (3227)


December 00

Aventis decides on 100 million euros (pre-tax) accrual for StarLink - Full-year earnings outlook remains unchanged (3199)

Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, PLLC, files class action lawsuit against Aventis Crop Science USA Holding, Inc. (3176)

November 00

Aventis CropScience presents statement to the Scientific Advisory Panel of the EPA (3155)

Aventis CropScience to reorganise its crop protection research & development activities - European R&D sites to be concentrated in Lyon-Decines, France, and Frankfurt, Germany (3145)

Aventis CropScience confirms presence of Cry9C protein in test samples of a variety of corn seed not sold under StarLink trademark (3141)

Aventis: strong participation in first global stock purchase plan "Horizon" (3136)
Aventis : fort taux de participation à "Horizon", un programme mondial d'actionnariat salarié
Weltweites Aktienprogramm findet großes Interesse bei Aventis-Mitarbeitern

Supervisory Board of Aventis approves strategic focus on pharmaceuticals (3123)
Le Conseil de Surveillance approuve la stratégie de recentrage d'Aventis sur la pharmacie
Aventis Aufsichtsrat stimmt einer weiteren Fokussierung auf das Pharmageschäft zu

October 00

Aventis CropScience status report on StarLink (3111)

Aventis reports nine-month and third quarter 2000 financial results (3110)
Aventis: Résultats des neuf premiers mois et du troisième trimestre 2000
Aventis veröffentlicht Finanzergebnisse zum 1. Halbjahr und zum 2. Quartal 2000

September 00

New rice herbicide registered by Aventis CropScience in Japan (2997)

DEKALB will seek to have Advisory Jury decision overturned in patent lawsuit brought by Aventis Cropscience (2966)

Unanimous jury verdict finds Aventis inventors should be added to DeKalb patents (2978)

August 00

Aventis reports financial results for first half and second quarter of 2000 (2959)

July 00

Aventis CropScience, Archer Daniels Midland and SKW Trostberg AG invest in the Burrill Nutraceuticals Capital Fund (2885)

Aventis reports Life Science sales figures for the first half of 2000 (2872)

April 00

Aventis CropScience and Novartis Seeds settle litigation and reach agreement on use of Liberty herbicide with Novartis corn seed products (2638)

March 00

Lynx Therapeutics announces renewal of genomics agreement by Aventis CropScience (2603)

Aventis CropScience USA and researcher file suit on Monsanto cotton patents (2581)

BioFocus expands to Cambridge in deal with Aventis CropScience (2579)

EnviroLogix announces an agreement with Aventis CropScience to develop a simple field test for the detection of StarLink and LibertyLink traits in seeds, plants, crops and food (2560)

February 00

Aventis CropScience acquires a 25% stake in the company Novance (2555)
Aventis CropScience prend une participation de 25% dans la Societe Novance

DEKALB opposes efforts by Aventis CropScience to limit Dekalb's Roundup Ready corn in the market (2518)

U.S. Judge confirms the rights of Aventis CropScience In Roundup Ready biotechnology corn dispute (2516)

Aventis announces unaudited 1999 sales (2456)

January 00

Majority of Liberty Link corn hybrids are EU approved (2399)


December 99

Aventis shares begin trading in Paris, Frankfurt and New York (2336)

Aventis CropScience is created in North America and offers an array of products from the combination of Rhone-Poulenc and AgrEvo (2313)

Aventis, new world leader in life sciences, launched today (2312)

Hoechst shareholders approve distribution of a special dividend / Aventis to be launched on December 15 (2301)

November 99

Aventis: exchange offer for Hoechst shares succeeds. More than 96 percent of Hoechst shares exchanged (2273)

October 99

Aventis - A new name and a new logo (2207)

Rhône-Poulenc launches exchange offer to Hoechst shareholders - Exchange offer for Aventis shares to run until November 26 (2206)
Rhône-Poulenc lance une offre publique d'échange sur les actions de Hoechst - Clôture de l’offre prévue le 26 novembre 1999

July 99

Merger of Hoechst and Rhône-Poulenc and demerger of industrial chemicals approved by more than 99 percent of Hoechst shareholders (1979)
Hoechst Aktionäre stimmen dem Zusammenschluß von Hoechst und Rhône-Poulenc und der Abspaltung der industriellen Chemie mit mehr als 99 Prozent zu

Aventis: Rhone-Poulenc shareholders vote by more than 97% for the planned merger with Hoechst (1962)
Aventis: Les actionnaires de Rhône-Poulenc approuvent à plus de 97% le projet de fusion avec Hoechst

May 99

Hoechst and Rhone-Poulenc agree on accelerated full merger with new timetable (N1803)
Rhone-Poulenc et Hoechst: accord sur le projet de fusion totale acceleree et sur le nouveau calendrier
Hoechst und Rhone-Poulenc vereinbaren beschleunigte Fusion mit neuem Zeitplan

March 99

Hoechst and Rhone-Poulenc reach agreement with Schering on future stake in Aventis CropScience S.A. (N1596)
Hoechst und Rhone-Poulenc erzielen Einigung mit Schering über Beteiligung an der zukünftigen Aventis CropScience S.A. (N1596)

December 98

Hoechst and Rhône-Poulenc create Aventis, a new global leader in Life Sciences (N1364)
Hoechst et Rhône-Poulenc créent Aventis, un nouveau leader mondial dans les sciences de la vie (N1365)
Hoechst und Rhône-Poulenc wollen mit Aventis ein weltweit führendes Life-Sciences-Unternehmen gründen (N1364)



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