Portland, Maine
March 2, 2000
EnviroLogix Inc. today announced that
it has entered into a licensing agreement with Aventis
CropScience that paves the way for the development, manufacture and distribution of simple tests for the detection of certain traits in
biotechnologically-enhanced seeds, plants and crops. The agreement will allow EnviroLogix access to
Aventis' BAR, PAT and Cry9C proteins and/or antibodies. The BAR and PAT proteins are produced
in genetically-modified (GM) plants as part of Aventis' LibertyLink® system, and Cry9C is a protein
produced in plants expressing the StarLink® trait. Plants containing the LibertyLink® trait exhibit
resistance to the herbicide glufosinate, while StarLink® plants exhibit insect resistance.
The license is the first step toward developing tests and test kits for detecting these special proteins by
seed producers, growers, processors and grain elevator operators. The new kits will complement
EnviroLogix' expanding family of diagnostic products for monitoring and measuring GM traits. At
present, the Company offers kits for detecting certain Bt proteins - such as Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac and
Cry2A - in crops such as corn and cotton. Additional tests for other Bt proteins as well as the
RoundupReady® trait are in progress. The assays are formatted as either ELISA
"plate'' tests for quantitative lab analysis or as "dipsticks'' for rapid, on-site testing. The current kits have been
successfully tested and accepted by researchers all over the world, and tests for the BAR, PAT and
Cry9C proteins are highly desired.
EnviroLogix is a leading supplier of immunoassay-based test kits for detecting transgenic traits for the
food, feed and seed industries. The Company's tests are rapid, sensitive and inexpensive and can be
used "in the field'' or in the laboratory. The kits are useful in the quality control of engineered traits and
for "identity preservation''. In addition, the Company develops, manufactures and markets
immunoassays to detect water toxins and pesticides, and offers a custom immunoassay development
Aventis CropScience, a division of Aventis S.A., is the result of a merger between Rhone-Poulenc and
AgrEvo. The new Company is a true global market leader and has the necessary market presence and
technical aptitude to deliver revolutionary solutions for crop science worldwide. With its strong R&D
resources, Aventis CropScience leads the way in the development of complete solutions for weed,
insect and disease management based on quality seeds.
Company news release
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