July 09
Monsanto sees bright
future in canola - Significant investment in Manitoba and
Saskatchewan to advance uniquely Canadian crop for the benefit
of Canadian canola growers
June 09
Monsanto Canada digns
new multi-year presenting sponsorship agreement with Canadian
Curling Association
March 09
First Canadian
delivery made of the greater yield potential of Roundup Ready 2
Yield soybeans - DEKALB customer receives first shipment of
soybeans with Monsanto's new Roundup Ready 2 yield trait
Genuity coming to
Canada: Monsanto's trait technologies marketed under new brand
starting in 2010
Genuity arrive au Canada: Les
technologies des traits Monsanto mises en marché sous une
nouvelle marque à partir de 2010
Scholarships up for
grabs as Monsanto Canada launches 2009 Opportunity Scholarship
Monsanto Canada to
sell all Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans by seed count in 2009
Le soya Roundup Ready 2
Rendement vendu au compte des grains en 2009
February 09
Monsanto Canada
support fuels youth science education program
December 08
Quebec farmers
admit to patent violation for growing Monsanto's Roundup Ready
technology without a license
leverages extensive R&D platform to deliver yield benefits to
farmers - Chief Technology Officer to announce Roundup Ready 2
Yield 2008 soybean yield data, highlights 2009 launch and yield
advantage for farmers
Multiple year data
confirms advantage of Monsanto YieldGard VT Triple technology on
rotated ground
Data shows DEKALB
brand YieldGard VT Triple corn hybrids out-yielding Pioneer
brand Herculex XTRA
New canola hybrids
added to Monsanto Canada's Yield Ready line-up
November 08
Monsanto Canada:
2009 introduction of Roundup Ready 2 Yield™ soybeans offers
Canadian growers opportunity for better yields, better returns
October 08
Monsanto's DEKALB
brand introduces new genetic corn families, new soybeans and
more YieldGard VT Triple corn hybrids to Eastern Canada in 2009
DEKALB offrira de nouvelles
familles génétiques de maïs, de nouvelles variétés de soya et
davantage d'hybrides de maïs YieldGard VT Triple dans l'est du
Canada en 2009
Monsanto Canada
awarded "Top 100 Canadian Employers" designation by Maclean's
September 08
Monsanto Canada
awards over $100,000 to rural students pursuing studies in
agriculture or forestry
July 08
Monsanto appoints Lisa
Safarian to the position of President and General Manager of its
Canadian business operations
Monsanto Canada
announces new appointments in canola and crop protection
2008 Technology Expo
to offer glimpse of the future to Canadian farmers
June 08
Monsanto Canada adopts
bag license fee for Roundup Ready canola technology
March 08
Percy Schmeiser
settles small claims court issue with Monsanto Canada
Monsanto Canada
renews commitment to Canadian Foodgrains Bank for 2008 growing
February 08
Monsanto Canada
kicks off its 2008 scholarship program
December 07
Supreme Court of
Canada denies leave to appeal in Saskatchewan organic case
November 07
Ontario, Canada
grower ordered to pay Monsanto C$160 per acre for violating
patent rights on Roundup Ready soybeans
Monsanto Canada
appoints new Director, Regulatory Affairs
Canadian Young
Farmers Forum signs long-term agreement with Monsanto Canada
October 07
Monsanto's stacked
trait corn technology receives European regulatory approval
Monsanto Canada
awards C$90,000 to students pursuing post-secondary education in
agriculture and forestry
Monsanto Canada
recognized in annual Maclean's survey of top 100 Canadian
September 07
Program, launched today by GreenField Ethanol and Monsanto
Canada, offers Ontario farmers new market for corn
New study shows
that continuous use of Roundup Ready soybean and Roundup Ready
corn is a viable and effective production system for Eastern
Canadian growers
July 07
Monsanto's Roundup
RReady2Yield soybean completes regulatory process in U.S. and
Canada - Next-generation technology one step closer to farmers'
fields, set to be key building block for soybean technology
Determination of the
Safety of Monsanto Canada Inc.'s
Soybean (Glycine max (L.)
Merr.) Event MON 89788
Jennifer Jones Curling
Rink inks sponsorship deal with Monsanto Canada
June 07
Ontario grower ordered
to pay Monsanto C$107,000 for violating patent rights on Roundup
Ready soybeans
May 07
Court of Appeal for
Saskatchewan dismisses class action certification application
brought forward by Saskatchewan Organic Directorate
April 07
Monsanto Canada
offers entrance scholarships to first year agriculture students
Notice of submission
for approval of novel food, livestock feed and environmental
safety approval for commercial planting purposes of a plant
genetically modified for insect resistance and from Monsanto
Canada Inc.
Avis de demande d'approbation de Monsanto Canada Inc. d'un
aliment nouveau pour animaux et humains et d'approbation de
sûreté environnementale pour un végétal destiné à la plantation
commerciale, qui a été modifié génétiquement pour le rendre
résistant aux insectes
February 07
Foodgrains Bank to benefit from Monsanto Canada donations
December 06
Monsanto Canada
establishes grower advisory council as part of ongoing commitment to
BASF and Monsanto announce
agreement to develop and commercialize CLEARFIELD canola hybrids
October 06
On-farm benefits of plant
biotechnology also benefit society -
Online video and podcast captures farmer's experience with plant
biotechnology in Canada
September 06
Students head back to
school with scholarship money in their pockets - C$82,500
provided to students pursuing post-secondary education in agriculture
and forestry
Monsanto Canada launches
VISTIVE soybeans for Ontario growers and consumers
August 06
Monsanto Canada announces
new appointments in western trait and seed business
Monsanto Canada appoints
Sean Gardner vice-president and general manager
New information tools
available to help farmers manage weed resistance
Notice of
submission for approval of novel food, livestock feed and environmental
safety approval for commercial planting purposes of a plant genetically
modified For herbicide tolerance from Monsanto Canada
Avis de demande
d’approbation de Monsanto Canada Inc.
d’un aliment nouveau pour animaux et humains et d’approbation de sûreté
environnementale pour un végétal destiné à la plantation commerciale,
qui a été modifié génétiquement pour le rendre résistant à un herbicide
April 06
Monsanto Canada announces
details of 2006 Opportunity Scholarship Program
More than 70 foodgrains bank
projects benefit from Monsanto Canada's offer of donated farm inputs
January 06
New Roundup formulation,
lower price now available to Western Canadian growers
October 05
Monsanto Canada Inc.
awards fifty scholarships to rural youth
September 05
New DEKALB® brand
agronomic team provides technical support to Canadian growers and
July 05
DEKALB seed brand grows
stronger with addition of First Line soybean varieties and expertise
May 05
Monsanto Canada selects
Lethbridge, Alberta region as site for new canola research station and
seed processing plant
Saskatoon Court dismisses
organic farmers' Class Action application
April 05
Monsanto Canada
to establish headquarters at
the University of
Manitoba’s research and technology park
Monsanto Canada Inc.:
scholarship funding available to rural youth
March 05
Monsanto Canada commits
C$100,000 to Canadian Foodgrains Bank growing projects
January 05
Monsanto Canada's new Roundup Transorb® herbicide formulation to hit
retail shelves in Eastern Canada
October 04
Monsanto Canada to defend
Roundup Ready canola in organic farmers' class action claim
September 04
Processor Preferred brand
identifies grain that delivers enhanced value to processors and growers
New First Line soybean
varieties meet needs of Ontario growers
New DEKALB hybrids enhance
yield and productivity - 2005 DEKALB corn hybrid line-up reflects
commitment to research and continuing evolution of corn technology
May 04
Supreme Court of Canada finds in favour of Monsanto in Schmeiser vs.
Monsanto patent infringement case
March 04
Monsanto, Gowan and Margarita
reach agreement on sale of triallate chemical business
January 04
Monsanto Canada completes
purchase of First Line Seeds Ltd.
Monsanto Canada, Agriculture
and Agri-Food Canada continue work on biotech wheat
Monsanto Canada Inc. set for
Supreme Court of Canada appearance in patent infringement case
New formulation to replace
Roundup Transorb herbicide in Canada
December 03
Update on status of variety
registration process with respect to Monsanto's Roundup Ready wheat in
November 03
Monsanto's YieldGard Plus
insect-protected corn receives regulatory clearance in Canada
New Dekalb hybrids deliver
high yield and consistent performance: DEKALB first to market YieldGard®
Rootworm hybrids
Monsanto Canada Inc.
restructures business operations
October 03
First Line Seeds introduces
15 new soybean varieties: research pipeline continues to produce
consistently high yielding innovative soybean technology that growers
can trust
September 03
High value
varieties and growing market demand fuel identity preserved
soybean resurgence
July 03
DEKALB hybrids provide
enhanced value
June 03
Monsanto Canada
restates pledge to meet all Roundup Ready wheat committments
May 03
Supreme Court of
Canada grants Percy Schmeiser's application for leave to appeal
patent infringement judgement
March 03
Monsanto's rootworm-protected
corn granted regulatory approval in Canada
September 02
Federal Court judges
unanimously dismiss appeal in Schmeiser vs. Monsanto Canada Inc. patent
infringement case
May 02
Monsanto Canada Inc. prepares
for appeal in patent infringement case
April 02
Monsanto Canada announces
details of 2002 scholarship program for high school students
March 02
Monsanto Canada
reaffirms funding commitment to Canadian Foodgrains Bank
February 02
Farming practice has
positive impact - Study shows reduced tillage systems increasing across
December 01
Monsanto Canada Inc.:
Canada should not take its lead role in conservation tillage lightly
August 01
Monsanto Canada announces
new structure for technology pricing in corn and soybeans
July 01
Monsanto acquires
Limagrain Canada Seeds
May 99
Monsanto Canada enters
its 9th year for agribusiness scholarship program
June 98
Monsanto Canada acquires majority equity
postion in First Line Seeds