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Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd. - "Web on Wednesday" & "Facts of Friday"
July 09

Sicot 71BRF performance in 2008-09

Introducing Sicot 70BL

June 09

Smart variety selection is critical

Discussion of the joint venture that CSD and Syngenta have established over the last few years in regards to trialing new candidates for seed treatment

Cotton Choices options available from Monsanto

Trial results update; Classing update; Sicot 71RRF case study

February 09

Becker Underwood inoculation

Whitefly management update 2009

January 09

What happened at the Beltwide

Trial update

Plant monitoring for high yields

Adapting to climate change

November 08

Soybean fundamentals

Varieties with the Liberty Link trait from Bayer CropScience offer Australian growers a unique integrated weed management tool

October 08

25 years of insecticide resistance management

August 08

Sicot 70BRF - A review

July 08

New variety for 2008: Sicot 71RRF

New varieties for 2008

Cotton Seed Distributors variety performance comparison tool

Seed treatments 2008

June 08

The importance of varietal choice

February 08

CSD's Dave Kelly talks with Monsanto's Mark Oppenheizer and Eric Cerny about some of there up and coming technologies

January 08

Cotton leaf curl study tour in Pakistan

December 07

Investigating the impacts that climate change is having on the Australian cotton industry

Plant monitoring for high yields (PDF)

Cotton Seed Distributors CEO Peter Graham about Cotton Breeding Australia (CBA)

November 07

Late season variety choice

Six years of research of Ultra Narrow Row cotton and plant populations research

Management of Liberty Link cotton

October 07

Roundup Ready considerations

September 07

CSIRO Plant Industry and Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd form the Cotton Breeding Australia joint venture

Marketing considerations for dryland cotton

August 07

The Monsanto Roundup Ready flex savings calculator

Storage and testing of farm stored cotton seed

Following 10 years of research in the Ord River Irrigation Area (WA), cotton production guidelines for the area have been published in a diocument titled NORpak

July 07

We look at CSD's new seed treatment options for 2007, and discuss the new seed treater installed at CSD's seed treatment plant

Dave Kelly & James Quinn discuss one of the key fibre quality characteristics, micronaire

Cotton Seed Distributors introduce Sicot 75, new variety for 2007

June 07

Sicot 70BRF - A New Variety For 2007

New varieties for 2007

May 07

Liberty Link

April 09

Introducing Steve Ainsworth, Cotton Seed Distributors' new General Manager

Earliness in Australian cotton

March 07

Grower of the Year

New developments in aphid management research

January 07

Adam Kay, CEO of Cotton Australia discusses changes to the industry over the last 10 years

December 06

The all new Nutrilogic

Disease survey results

Benefits and practical implications of Roundup Ready Flex technology

November 06

Crop development tool

October 06

Considerations when growing Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex on farm

Factors that affect seedling survival

Growing Pima cotton

September 06

ACRI Lysimeter opening

Low water options and Cotton Seed Distributors' drought package

Planting considerations

Options in a low water year

August 06

Dryland variety update

Emerging pests in Bollgard II crops: late season thrips, jassids, and aphids

Skip row irrigation

Sicala 350B

Germination index - Testing rarm stored seed (PDF)

Irrigation Management

July 06

Variety and seed treatment update

An introduction to Roundup Ready Flex in Australia

Liberty Link cotton

New advances in the battle against silverleaf whitefly

June 06

Final season quality wrap up

Super single

Insecticide resistance management strategy

May 06

Southern Update

Introduction of new 2006 varieties

Central Queensland and Darling Downs picking and classing update

Irrigation interactions with Bollgard II and conventional cotton

April 06

Piecing together segmented picking

2005-06 picking and classing update

Protecting Australian cotton from unwanted nasties

March 06

More than micronaire: identifying fibre fineness and maturity

Late season Queensland disease survey

Ginning the 2006 pick

February 06

Central Queensland picking underway

2005 Australian Cotton Industry Growers of the Year

Global cotton market update

January 06

Mid to late season issues

Bollgard II performance review

Introduction of Roundup Ready Flex in the US

The possibilities of precision agriculture

December 05

North West Irrigation Association of Australia Seminar/Field Day - "Storage Embankments - Built to Last"

Hormone damage on cotton

10 years of plant biotechnology: highlights from the past 10 years and what to look forward to

November 05

Managing the Sicot 71 family

Post plant update - North

Bion trial preliminary results

Boost - stimulating plant's natural defence mechanisms

Mirids - Sampling and damage research

Investigating the diversity and origins of Fusarium wilt in Australia

Cotton CRC’s new crop development tool

October 05

Roundup Ready cotton - 6 years on

Aphids - sampling to beat resistance

Early season insect update

Consideration for Pima cotton

September 05

Developing a decision support tool for planting fungicide applications in the USA

Pre-planting wrap-up

15" row cotton

Farm hygiene is as important as ever

August 05

Plant population trials

2005 dryland options

Dryland cotton poised for take off in Australia

New cotton research group takes over in Australia

CRDC: ensuring robust information on cotton varieties

Cotton diseases in the USA

New approaches to beating resistance

July 05

Understanding fibre quality trends for 2004-05

End of season classing report 2005

2005 CSD seed quality

Sicot 71BR Bollgard® Roundup Ready® - The facts

June 05

Controlling Roundup Ready volunteers

Developing the 2005-06 Insecticide Resistance management Strategy

New CSIRO varieties released

2005 disease ranking

May 05

New report shows greener cotton 10 years on

Early season classing report

Biotech resistance management

April 05

Late season disease report

Gwydir and Namoi valley picking progress

Dryland season in review

March 05

CSD Fusarium management research projects

Central Queensland cotton picking results

How to prepare for picking cotton and minimise quality downgrading and contamination

Overseas mills perception of the quality of Australian cotton

Southern success with cotton production on 75cm (30 inch) row spacings

February 05

"Nodes Above Cracked Boll" (NACB) technique for determining when to apply the last incrop irrigation on cotton

Bollgard II Insect Management

Improved furrow irrigation techniques

January 05

2004/05 Season Update - Dawson/Callide and Central Highlands area

Mid season disease review

December 04

Cotton fibre research projects and the impact of neps

Implications of waterlogging on cotton crops

Practical guide to the Early Season Diagnostic tool

November 04

Mirid ecology and sampling

Crop compensation

Effective Roundup Ready® utilisation

Late plant and replant options 2004

October 04

Key Bollgard® II nutritional needs

Managing glyphosate resistance

Identifying seedling disorders

Meeting the fibre quality challenge

September 04

Grower experience with Dryland Bollgard II

U.S. crop update, October 2004

Locust plague looming in Queensland and New South Wales

2004 prospects and options for dryland cotton in Australia

August 04

World cotton supply, demand and price trends

Rose Roche, CSIRO ACRI and University of Queensland, discusses her research on cotton row spacing options

Roundup Ready cotton and the environment

July 04

Australian cotton market update 2004

Cotton Seed Distributors seed quality 2004

Bollgard® II resistance management plan

Cotton Seed Distributors Extension and Development agronomist, reviews 7 years of seed treatment research data

June 04

Optimising Bollgard® II returns

Impact of drought, long fallows and mycorrhizas (VAM) in cotton soils

Senior Research Scientist - CSD and CSIRO, releases 2004 rankings for fusarium and verticillium wilt for cotton

May 04

The importance of pupae busting in the resistant management of cotton

New CSD/CSIRO varieties for 2004: CSIRO cotton breeders introduce new varietal developments to the Australian cotton industry

Research undertaken to ensure smooth transition of Roundup Ready Flex to the Australian cotton industry

Early season cotton classing results in New South Wales

April 04

Macquarie Valley season review

Dr. Danny Llewellyn, CSIRO, discusses some of the key biotechnology projects being undertaken by his division in Canberra

Cotton Seed Distributors seed increase program

March 04

Web on Wednesday: Determination of disease rankings

Web on Wednesday: defoliation tips

February 04

Dr. Jonathon Holloway, chairman of the Australian Insecticide Resistance Action Committee, discusses late season insecticide options

CSIRO plant breeders outline Fusarium status on the Darling Downs and breeding objectives

Australian cotton breeding program proves to be "impressive"

Growing double skip cotton

January 04

Squaring nodes in cotton - A monitoring tool

Limited water cotton produces surprising results in New South Wales

Three Central Queensland growers discuss their incrop management practices for Bollgard® II crops this season

December 03

Australian cotton industry seeks community input into future research directions

November 03

Cotton Seed Distributors trials show plant establishment variation

Australian Cotton CRC and the Cotton Research and Development Corporation release comprehensive new Dryland Cotton Production Guide

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