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Cotton Seed Distributors - Web on Wednesday: Late plant and replant options 2004
Queensland, Australia
November 3, 2004

Cotton Seed Distributors - Web on Wednesday

Peter Reid, Senior cotton breeder CSIRO and CRC, outlines varieties best suited if a replant or late plant situation is assessed to be viable.

Peter, could you make some comments about late planting and replanting as we move into early and mid November?

There is obviously a number of points people need to consider. Really – do you need to replant? Its a difficult decision always to know whether it’s a good idea or do you are better to try and make do with the stand you have got.

Particularly in the shorter season areas you really do have to consider whether its a viable option to plant into November, you might be better off staying with the stand you have. Certainly the CSD Replant Guide is an excellent tool to use to assess whether you really do need to replant.

If we consider the different growing regions generally and think about what have been the main varieties to date and what we may be moving to as we get into November, could we start off in some of the Northern and Western, hotter growing regions?

In those areas they have been growing the Sicot 71s and Sicot 80s, those types of varieties at normal planting times. Really into early November, I don’t really think growers would be changing too much, those areas have plenty of season length and they should probably stick with those sorts of varieties. Of course with the Bollgard® IIs you need to stay within the planting window for the various regions, otherwise I wouldn’t be changing too much as you move into November.

Those areas would include which districts?

Emerald, St George, Dirranbandi and Bourke those sorts of situations – they really do have a good long season anyway.

If we consider the Central growing regions, Darling Downs through to the Namoi Valley, could you make some comments for those regions?

Obviously there is quite a range of varieties that have been planted there. A lot of  Sicot 71, that type of variety. As you move into November you certainly need to think about changing  Conventional varieties. There are a number we could look at, Sicala 45, Sicala 43 and Siokra V-18 are pretty good options in the Conventional field. Bollgard® Iis – the Sicala 60BR, Sicla 40BR are good options, Sicot 12B, I know CSD still have some seed, is a good option for later planting.

What about in the Roundup Readys, where people had been using the Sicot 289RR – what should the maybe move to?

Certainly the RRs are very important, as you get later the Sicala V-2RR is a good option but as you go later still the Sicot 60RR is an excellent option.

If we move South and consider some of the Southern regions, down in the Macquarie – Lachlan, and maybe some of the Eastern areas – the Eastern Downs and Upper Namoi, could you make some comments on those regions?

Sicot 71 has been a very important variety in those areas, but people should be dropping that off any replants now. Varieties like Sicala 43, Siokra V-18 possibly the Sicala 45 in some areas. The Sicala 60BR and the Sicala 40BR are god options. The Sicot 12B again would be worth looking at. The V-2 RR and then into the Sicot 60RR – you can go reasonably late with those.

Could you give us an overall summary of what we are considering with this replant and late plant in early to mid November?

As I mentioned before it is very important to assess whether you do need to replant or not and to look at the CSD Replant Guide to help you in that decision. In the Northern, Western areas – the longer hotter seasons – you probably don’t need to change to much in terms of varieties at this stage. Central – you need to move to some of the slightly shorter season types – Sicala 43, Siokra V-18 and Sicala 60BR. In the Southern areas again you certainly need to move to the shorter types if you are going to replant or late plant for any reason, the Sicala 43, Siokra V-18 and Sicala 60BR types are the one to look at.
Cotton Seed Distributors - Web on Wednesday

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