December 13, 2006
Cotton Seed Distributors
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On today's Web
On Wednesday the CSD Extension and Development Team discuss
the benefits and practical implications of the New Roundup
Ready Flex® technology with Steve Ainsworth from Monsanto
and Joe Robinson of Moree.
Advantages of
Welcome to this weeks WOW. Today we talk to Steve Ainsworth from
Monsanto and Joe Robinson, a cotton grower in the Gwydir
Steve gives us a rundown on what he sees as the benefits of the
new technology, Roundup Ready Flex and Joe gives a practical
outline of how he is using the technology this season with his
cotton crop.
I am talking to Steve Ainsworth from Monsanto.
Steve Ainsworth
Steve, a fair bit of Roundup Ready Flex out there in the
industry this year, can you make some comments about what
growers should look out for with this new technology?
Yes sure Adam. It has been the first year where Roundup Ready
Flex has been used on a reasonable scale in the industry. We
have been really pleased that a lot of growers are having a look
at Roundup Ready Flex for the first time and I think the
experience which people are getting will put them in good stead
for looking at their weed control practices on farm going
forward with this product.
So what sort of things should they look out for in this first
year, you know all their experience has been with Roundup Ready,
what should they look out for with Flex?
Sure, Roundup Ready Flex the addition of the new promoter and
the second copy of the CP4 gene gives growers the ability to
really time their weed control to be aimed at the weeds in the
field and we have seen some really good examples of that this
year. We have seen people have been able to get on weed control
in the last couple of weeks following the recent rain event we
had here in Narrabri for example. Being able to spray after that
flush of weeds which was quite interesting because in Roundup
Ready cotton a lot of people weren’t able to achieve that with
the closing of the application window. So that has been really
good. We have had some really good grower comments around
flexibility and application, being able to apply the herbicide
at a time when environmental conditions are really positive from
a non-target application so that has been really important and I
think the other thing which has been a really good thing because
there is not a huge amount of Flex out there but there is enough
for people to look at is being able to identify where on the
farm people have got their Roundup Ready cotton planted and
their Roundup Ready Flex cotton and it has been really good that
CSD have produced some signs, we have produced some field
markers to enable good communication with people on farm to make
sure the applications are made to the right crop at the right
And I guess with Flex we are going to see some applications
later into the season where you may have some other crops
planted around, is there a watch out for there?
I think it is important across the farm in general to ensure
that applications of the herbicide are made in the correct
environmental conditions and that is one of the beauties of the
product is it has got a great deal of flexibility up to the
sixteen nodes for over the top in the first part of the window.
Three applications are possible within that time so that gives
grower the ability to wait until conditions are really
appropriate, really important this year where there is a lot of
potential sorghum plantings going in and other crops so we can
minimize any movement of any herbicide onto those susceptible
Can you tell us a little bit about the demonstrations that
Monsanto have initiated with Roundup Ready Flex technology?
Yes sure Adam. Under this year we have been able to look to
establish a series of technology demonstration sites. Up until
this year with the conditions when the product wasn’t registered
the ability to compare weed control systems with Roundup Ready
Flex was quite restricted so we thought its very important for
growers to be able to look at the benefits of the weed control
system with Flex versus other systems and to that end we have
established a number of sites across the industry which compare
a Roundup Ready system versus a Flex system versus a
conventional system in a commercial sense for the growers under
their own operations so people can look side by side on a field
basis and compare weed control systems.
Joe Robinson
Joe, you are one of the largest growers of Flex cotton this
season, can you just give me an indication of the area you have
got on and how you have actually planted.
We have planted 800 hectares here on ‘Telleraga’ and about the
same on ‘Moreton’ and ‘Mitchell Plains’. It is all on a one in
one out configuration or a two metre spacing and we have done
that really I guess we are a bit tired of having so much fallow
country, we can try and utilize a bit more land, it also gives
us an opportunity where if we get water in January and February
we can water it and we are not over committed to a solid
planting where if you run short of water you are going to loose
a lot of money.
Joe this is the third year now that you have tried this one
in one out configuration or the two metre configuration, what
advantages are you seeing under the Flex system that you didn’t
have underneath a Roundup Ready system?
I guess the first thing is that this one was planed as opposed
to the other two when they were really cutting rows out due to a
lack of water. One of the issues that we had always faced is
that if you have a two metre gap between the plants and you get
through to January and then water is available and then you
water it in the past, weed control has just been a major issue
trying to get in there with shielded sprayers and alike, its
just the timing of operations, trying to get the place tidied up
it was near impossible so the beauty here is I don’t know when
its going to get water hopefully we will keep it going with a
bit of rain. It is planted late, it has been planted affectively
on the 3rd November and we planted ahead of 30 or 40mls of rain
and it just means that when it does get water when we get a
germination we can just come in over the top with a Roundup
Ready spray and get control of 99% of the weeds anyway.
Joe you have just mentioned in regards to the ease of
operation with this technology later in the season with weed
control. What other benefits do you see in regards to using the
Flex technology?
I guess it is all to do with timing of applications. I think
this time last year for a similar area in Roundup Ready cotton
past four leaf stage we were trying to run shielded sprayers
around the clock. Windy conditions making it difficult just
drifting onto the Roundup Ready cotton so I guess we had two
guys on day shift and two guys on night shift plus the
management to chase water, all those issues so its probably six
guys who affectively either we don’t have them here or they are
able to do other jobs around the farm
Joe you have just mentioned that the cotton here you planted
later than you normally would, what is going to be the program
in regards to weed control for these blocks?
Well it would be pretty basic. One of the big advantages is we
didn’t actually do a pre-plant spray, it was just coming through
from its fallow period, didn’t necessarily feel pushed. We
didn’t actually know when we would be planting, we were just
sort of waiting, we wanted to be late to avoid the January heat
so sort of early November late October was the window we were
looking for so we were fortunate that we got that, we were able
to just come in and knock the hill off a little bit, plant the
cotton and so we have had one over the top Roundup spray about
two weeks ago and I think we will get a bit more rainfall
hopefully and probably get another germination and go again. The
plan obviously is to give it some water at some point so it is
pretty heavily dependent just on the Roundup from a resistance
issue or point of view but my idea is to ‘screw’ as much out of
the technology as we can but having said that I suggest that we
will probably cultivate it in front of water if water becomes
available but I mean it is a pretty good system, its reasonably
clean at the moment.
Joe this is the second generation of the Roundup Ready
technology with the Roundup Ready Flex, do you consider that you
will be using this technology in the future?
I think so. I think it is an opportunity to have a look at our
farming system and what we have been doing. We have had too much
fallow recently, particularly in the dry years when we have got
a water shortage; it is pretty expensive to run all that fallow
country. What I would like to do is utilise, try and get a
better land utilisation, better water utilisation so this one in
one out, it maybe a case rather than going back to a system
where 30% of the farms growing solid I might try and be growing
60 – 76% of the farm one in one out. If we get a full water year
whether we go and plant the whole thing, all our developed
hectares to one in one out cotton. We will see on the back of
this year we will have some pretty good data. It was intended to
be this way from the outset which hasn’t been the case
previously. I also think that grain prices may be in an up
slope, we might be able to incorporate more grain into our
system. We may even try and get some ground cover.
Joe you have just mentioned that you are disappointed with
the amount of fallow that you have to carry in some of these low
water years, do you think that this technology may be able to
help you with your land utilisation especially in regards to
some of your rotational strategies?
Absolutely, I think we need to find a system perhaps where we
plant all our developed land to a winter cereal leaving a space
for our cotton and as the winter proceeds and we start to see
what our water situation for cotton will be then it may be that
we spray out some of the fields that are going to go to cotton,
the others we can run through and try and have those fields that
otherwise have been fallows producing income instead of costing
us money. Its carrying fallows for three years for a cotton crop
comes a pretty expensive burden by the time you are planting, so
I think this technology we will be able to utilise to improve
that situation.
Thanks for watching this weeks Web on Wednesday. For more
information on the Roundup Ready Flex technology please contact
your local Monsanto representative or keep your eye out for a
series of field days being run over the next couple of weeks by
Monsanto looking at the Roundup Ready Flex technology. |