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Dryland cotton poised for take off in Australia
August 22, 2005 
David Kelly, CSD Extension Agronomist Goondiwindi inspects a crop of Siokra V16B® during the 2004-05 season

Ironically, while some cotton growers face severe cutbacks in water availability, dryland growers are making preparations for normal plantings, contingent on timely sowing rains and a lift in prices.

James Quinn, Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD) extension and development agronomist at Moree, said late rain in June, reduced cereal plantings, and a wider varietal choice had triggered renewed interest in dryland plantings.

“Technologies such as Bollgard II®, Round Up Ready® and varied row spacings have combined to make the management of dryland cotton less stressful and risky.

“We have had interest from not only traditional dryland east of Newell highway Narrabri and Moree cotton growing areas, but also from areas not previously considered thought to be suited to dryland cotton, for example 70 km west of Moree,” he said.

David Kelly, who represents the CSD extension and Development Team in the Goondiwindi region, noted that in the recent 2004-05 season, dryland cotton growers throughout NSW and Qld had experienced the full benefits of the Bollgard II technology which provides resistance to one of cotton’s most serious pests, Heliothis.

Gary Coulton - "Fairview" Bellata compares a plant stand of 15 plants per metre with 4 ppm. The trial was on a field of Sicot 289BR® grown by Martin Dunlop that yielded close to 1.5 bales per acre.

“This technology has provided much more certainty in the greatest variable cost, insect control, and has taken a lot of the variability out of yield,” he said.

CSD agronomist in the Namoi, Robert Eveleigh, said CSD has begun a research program to investigate the ideal plant stands for dryland Bollgard crops. Two years of small scale trials at Dalby and one large
scale trial at Bellata have already provided useful guidelines for growers.

Similar trials in irrigated crops suggest an optimum plant stand of 10 to 14 plants per metre. Dryland trials so far indicate an ideal BGII plant stand of 4 to 8 plants per metre. In fact, even plant stands down to 4 per metre will have little impact on yield, however,  it is important that large gaps be avoided.

John Marshall, CSD E&D Team representative on the Darling Downs, said CSD would hold its annual dryland information tour across most growing regions from late August.

“These discussions will focus on optimising yield, fibre quality and financial returns; managing and marketing Bollgard II® technology; and variety selection. CSD’s extensive trial program, including 10 fully replicated CRDC approved variety trials and numerous agronomic trials, will also be reviewed.

The CSIRO plant breeding team will also outline advances in yield, quality and disease tolerance. John Marshall said CSD has an extensive range of high yielding, high fibre quality varieties encompassing, Conventional, Bollgard and Roundup Ready technologies.

The CSD dryland tour meetings schedule is as follows:

  • Tuesday August 30 - Gunnedah - Services Club - 4pm   
  • Wednesday August 31 - Moree - Golf Club - 10am   
  • Wednesday August 31- Goondiwindi - Rugby League Club - 4pm   
  • Thursday September 1 - Dalby - CSD Cotton house - 10am

All meetings will be followed by a light meal and refreshments and the opportunity to discuss details with the CSIRO Plant Breeding Team and CSD Extension and Development agronomists.

Further Information:
Robert Eveleigh
John Marshall,  Craig McDonaldDavid Kelly or James Quinn

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