This week, Rob Tuck from
Macquarie Farming at Narromine, gives an overview of how the
first season of Roundup Ready Flex went and some of the key
points on maximising its performance.
Craig we were pretty pleased
with the Flex® technology this year. It is our first crack
at Flex®, we have grown Roundup Ready for a lot of years so
it was pretty exciting that we had the ability to put Flex®
under linear move irrigation system and see what it could
do. This particular country was only new developed country,
its first cotton crop after development and these linears
being put there so, and it was very dirty country. It was
covered in noogoora burrs from previous management and so we
new it was going to be a dirty situation so Flex® was the
perfect fit for weed control and it came through with flying
colours with the goods.
The application
windows are much wider on Flex® than on Roundup Ready. Did
that sort of help so far as achieving bit longer weed
control into the season?
We had a buffer crop around
the outside of this Flex® plot and it was a large scale plot
so we got a pretty good indication, it was about 40 hectares
of buffer around the outside and it was non Roundup Ready®
non Flex® so it was just conventional, it was Bollgard®
cotton but not of a glyphosate resistant nature. So it was
a pretty good comparison between the two technologies and I
think we spend in excess of $800.00 per hectare in keeping
that pollen trap clean so that just blew the budget clean
out of the water compared to the three applications over the
top on the Flex® plus a shielded spray at the end of the day
to clean up some late germinating noogooras. So it was
chalk and cheese in herbicide comparisons between the two
With those over the
top applications in the Flex® crop being able to use a boom
spray other than a shielded sprayer, I understand that you
put a shielded spray on about the 19th node but
being able to use a boom spray, did that give you much time
saving as far as getting over the country quicker?
Definitely, I mean you are
covering 24 metres versus 8 so it definitely got you over
the country. It was easy to keep weed control, it was very
good. I suppose the only problem we had I suppose is you
are sort of stacking all of your eggs in the one basket
relying on glyphosate so you know there are probably are a
few issues there but nothing that can’t be sorted out with a
bit of good herbicide management strategy.
In a linear move
situation the ability to rotate crops year in year out to
different crops and not having to put residual herbicide
down with the Flex®, that would certainly fit into your
program pretty well?
Yes, I mean that’s the main
thing with Flex® is that we don’t have to use heavy residual
herbicides like Staple® and Envoke® is another one which
really knocks around our winter cropping options and under
linear moves and under spray irrigation its that winter crop
that you are growing that’s really the cream. You know if
you can grow a high input wheat or pulse crop and get some
good returns that’s where the linear really come into their
own. So yes definitely right, the use of a non residual
herbicide to get our weed control was definitely a big
The Roundup Ready®
and its suitability for fields obviously won’t suit every
field, what would be your criteria for using Flex® over say
Roundup Ready®?
Where Flex® comes into its
own is definitely in that very dirty situation. I don’t
think that it is going to replace Roundup Ready® in an
everyday sense on broad scale fields but I think in those
fits like this particular property ‘Chatsbury’ where it was
very dirty, Flex® is definitely the way to go. It
definitely kept those noogooras down, you know 3 over the
top applications of 1.5kgs of Roundup Ready® herbicide and
then another 1.5kgs through the shielded sprayer and we got
weed control but that’s pretty, a big weed population to be
Just looking at the
overall management of Flex® are there any other sort of key
points that growers looking to use the technology should
they be looking out for?
I suppose the biggest issue
with Flex® is you know you have got to be careful what crops
you have got around it because you are applying a glyphosate
all through the year right through to nearly maturity in the
plant so what you have got around it because wind direction
and getting the right spray window, although nozzle
technology has come along way in the last few years and
there are a lot of good nozzles out there we can use out
there on boom sprays that more or less minimum drift course
spectrum nozzles so you know it is pretty good. But that is
the main thing, I think just getting those applications on
and controlling the weeds without affecting any other crops
around you.