December 28, 2006
Facts of
Friday |
The cotton nutrition tool NutriLOGIC has recently
undergone a major revision; it is now more
user-friendly, provides information and analytical
support for all major nutrients, provides interpretation
of soil, petiole and leaf analyses and is relevant for
high and low yielding cotton crops.
A Major Upgrade for Cotton Nutrition Tools
Cotton Seed Distributors
A video version is available
at www.csd.net.au/
Im talking to Sandra Deutcher
from CSIRO based at the Australian Cotton Research Institute.
Sandra, I thought we might
discuss NutriLOGIC. There has just been a recent upgrade and
release. But for those listeners that are not familiar with
NutriLOGIC, can you explain a little bit about what the program
Yes, sure Rob. Well basically, based on up to date cotton
nutrition research, NutriLOGIC helps interpret soil, petiole and
leaf test information. So with the soil component its to 30cms
so it helps interpret test results to 30cms and also deals with
nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and sulphur and sodicidy and
salinity if you have got any issues there. With the petiole, it
basically allows the data entry and analysis of your petiole in
season petiole samples and it helps you decide on whether you
need to add any additional nitrogen fertiliser to get the
optimum yield for that cotton crop. The leaf component, during
the season you can enter leaf test information and NutriLOGIC
will analyse that and interpret that to let you know whether you
need to apply any additional fertilisers and the nutrients that
the leaf deals with is all macro and micro nutrients.
So it is a complete package then of all nutrients basically?
Well it certainly is a complete package for the decision support
side of things but it also contains additional information and
so I am talking about links to SoilPAK, to NutriPAK, so there
has been a lot of work put into getting those packs up and
running. It also provides you with a link to one of Ian
Rochesters latest articles on nutrient removal so it gives you
information about the yield of your cotton crop and what
nutrients were likely to be removed from that seed cotton.
So, nutrients balance in other words?
Basically yes.
So the changes that have been made, what has actually changed
compared to the NutriLOGIC that was around before?
Well the main changes are within the soil component. Instead of
just putting in results based on nitrogen it helps interpret
results from phosphorous, potassium and sulphur and also the
sodicity and salinity levels and not only that it interprets
that information based on a little bit of your cropping history
and whether there is a green manure crop in there. More soil
compaction data, so how compacted is your soil. So it just gives
you more accurate results and that’s the soil side of things and
then the brand new component, and its based on a lot of work by
Ian Rochester is your leaf calculations and that encompasses all
your micro and macro nutrients and it helps you decide on
whether you need more fertiliser for any of those nutrients.
So can you go through what sort of field data the program
will handle?
Yes sure. Well before the season commences you have got your
soil tests, so data that you will get from what ever company you
decide to go with but as I mentioned before that’s to 30cms. We
haven’t done any work at depth with any of those nutrients so
that’s to 30cms. Also in season your petiole analysis and also
your leaf analysis which happens at much, around about much the
same time, your leaf and your petiole.
So, Sandra how can growers access the program?
OK. Well once they are in the Cotton Catchment Commununities CRC
Website which is www.cotton.crc.org.au they can then go to
weather tools and if you go down to agronomy you will find a
whole range of tools and NutriLOGIC as we can see with the
little red updated beside it, if you click on that there you get
to the NutriLOGIC on the web. It is quite straight forward.
Well Sandra can you show us some examples of how you would
enter soil analysis data into the program?
Yes sure Rob, once you are on the NutriLOGIC main menu, just
click on the nutrient recommendation soil which is the first
one. OK so it brings you to a whole new page and if you have got
a soil analysis report from the lab then all you need to do is
basically enter the information from here onto the screen.
Firstly, we need to select what region you are in so this is
basically based on temperatures so here we warm, so Emerald is
very hot etc. Soil type, you have got loam, light, clay, medium
clay, heavy clay. Soil structure whether it is compacted or not,
previous crops so last winter may have been cereal and the
summer before that cotton, so choose that one. Whether there is
a current green manure crop in, so it is a simple yes or no. The
soil nitrate reading from your soil analysis report, so that one
is 25. Now when was the soil nitrate reading taken, was it July,
August, September for example, August. So then we just enter
from the soil analysis report. So phosphorus is 13, potassium is
1.2 the cation exchange is 3.9, the sulphate sulphur 11, the ESP
is 2.1, electrical conductivity 0.28 and then we just click on
do calculation for the recommendations. So if we scroll down to
the bottom of the page you will get all your recommendations and
you can neatly print that out.
OK, so easy basically, early season collecting from soil test
results, enter those in and its giving off the results.
That’s right.
Sandra works well for soil tests. Could you show us how the
program works for petiole nitrogen?
Yes sure Rob. I will just click on back to NutriLOGIC main menu.
I will click on nitrogen recommendations – Petiole. OK so we
need to select the nearest silo station from where your farm is,
so mine is Narrabri West Post Office but there is hundreds to
choose from. The crops sow date, so we need to know what the sow
date of the crop was because it needs to know that plus the met
station to be able to work out day degrees automatically. So the
11/10/2005, so the first sample may have been in December so you
usually do samples between 600 and 900 day degrees after sowing.
So the 21st December, just before Christmas we may have had a
reading of 15,000 parts per million. Our second sample date
would be approximately 10 days later or the following week so
that’s in December, so the 31st of December and our nitrate
nitrogen reading could have been 10,000. What we need to do now
is click on ‘do calculation’ and it will calculate whether we
need to have the side dress application. So the recommendation
here is based on those results it indicates that you need to
apply just a small amount of side dress, 50kgs of nitrogen per
hectare. The other thing in these pages is there is more
information on nutrient sampling for soil petiole and leaf so if
we go into the sampling guidelines it brings up that CRC
information sheet on nutrient sampling so that is pretty up to
date information on how to actually get the samples.
So Sandra if anybody has any problems with the program or
they want to find out more about how to use it, who should they
They can contact the TRC with feedback or questions related to
NutriLOGIC or they can also go down to the bottom of the screen
and click on ‘submit problems, questions or suggestions’.
OK thank you very much for that Sandra. |