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Food security

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News archive 1997-2008


August 27, 2024

La 3ème conférence panafricaine sur la gouvernance semencière appelle à une action renforcée pour la souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique (Actu Niger)

August 26, 2024

How training farmers to produce improved seeds helps mitigate food insecurity in the conflict-ridden Sudan

August 19, 2024

China sows seeds of self-reliance with ‘historic breakthrough’ in agricultural autonomy (South China Morning Post)

July 25, 2024

The road to food security through better plant disease management

July 16, 2024

Top-quality seeds ensure farming success (Food for Mzanzi)

Agricultura mexicana traza la ruta para la seguridad alimentaria global

July 4, 2024

G7 summit highlights importance of sustainable food systems - CIMMYT contributes to the G7 goals on agricultural productivity, food security, and climate change through the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils initiative

June 21, 2024

Quality seeds reduce hunger in Tanzanian schools

June 13, 2024

Safeguarding Africa’s diverse food crop seed collections against climate threats (The Africa Report)

Multi-year research programme to enhance climate resilience across five Pacific nations

May 30, 2024

El maíz, un cultivo clave para la seguridad alimentaria en el mundo

May 20, 2024

China hopes GM crops will increase grain self-sufficiency (The Western Producer)

May 15, 2024

Sécurité et souveraineté alimentaires en Tunisie - Les semences locales pour une véritable indépendance (La Presse)

May 1, 2024

Biofortified maize could help to reduce vitamin A deficiency in Zimbabwe

April 26, 2024

Organizations across the food chain host symposium focused on fruits & vegetables for hunger alleviation programs

April 24, 2024

FAO warns of maize shortfall across Southern Africa

April 19, 2024

FFAR grant unites urban agriculture operations to increase food security

March 25, 2024

Sustainability at Elsoms Seeds

March 22, 2024

‘Opportunity crops’ could boost nutrition across Africa (Scientific American)

March 19, 2024

China's seed breeding industry thrives, as nation seeks to bolster food security (Global Times)

March 12, 2024

FAO and World Vegetable Centre ink $650,000 deal to boost Tanzania's food security

March 11, 2024

Seed technologies key in addressing various constraints of agriculture in Africa

March 6, 2024

Collaborating for a more secure food system - Q&A with Inari’s Ponsi Trivisvavet and InterGrain’s Tress Walmsley

February 8, 2024

Hülsenfrüchte sind zentraler Baustein für Agrar- & Ernährungswandel

February 7, 2024

Lentils: The tiny giants of nutrition and food security

December 20, 2023

The Landscape of Agricultural Biotechnology (Technology Networks)

December 8, 2023

The crucial role of the EU in safeguarding plant breeding and seed security for a sustainable future

December 6, 2023

Securing the global food supply despite EU regulations
Weltweite Nahrungsmittelversorgung trotz EU-Regulierungen sichern

December 5, 2023

El reto de la mejora vegetal: incrementar en un 60% los rendimientos de los cultivos para 2050

Alimentar al mundo de manera sostenible, el reto de la mejora vegetal



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