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July 22, 2024

The analytic approach to bent seed selection

Computomics blog S1E6 - Need for speed: accelerating crop breeding

Celebrating Michael Eskin’s canola legacy - The University of Manitoba canola researcher will be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame this fall (Manitoba Co-Operator)

Harmoniz breeding and demo facility in the Netherlands to open in September (Horti Daily)

July 19, 2024

Groundcherry gets genetic upgrades: Turning a garden curiosity into an agricultural powerhouse

July 18, 2024

The acclaimed father of Australia’s lupin industry and a world-leading authority on lupin as a crop, Dr John Gladstones, died in May, aged 92

USDA/NIFA invests $8M in Physiology of Agricultural Plants Program / FY23 (A1152)

July 17, 2024

A new addition to the CRISPR toolbox: Teaching the gene scissors to detect RNA
Neuzugang im CRISPR-Werkzeugkasten: Mit der Genschere RNA nachweisen

Our discovery of the ToBRFV genome – the foundation for today’s resistant varieties

Viewpoint: England’s Precision Breeding Act ‘remains an empty shell and serves no functional purpose’ — Will politics scuttle crop gene editing future? (Genetic Literacy Project)

Wheat breeding strategies for increased climate resilience (Nature Climate Change)

New wheat breeding paradigms for a warming climate (Nature Climate Change)

Thousands of jobs and billions of dollars attributed to University of Saskatchean’s Crop Development Centre

Thailand approves genome editing technology for advanced plant breeding (Bangkok Post)

Mutation breeding of Salvia coccinea with ethyl methanesulfonate

July 16, 2024

Solynta is contributing to a more sustainable potato value chain by using hybrid breeding for new, robust potato varieties with desirable traits

Neue Züchtungstechniken: Für Ethiken der Innovation und des Kompromisses (Bioökonomie.de)

South Dakota State University researchers to improve heat tolerance in wheat crops

July 12, 2024

Frost research set to target ear architecture

July 11, 2024

The inside story: How Syngenta’s tomatoes beat tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

Breeders identify promising lines for developing future rice varieties for South Asia

A miniature alternative to Cas9 and Cas12: Transposon-associated TnpB mediates targeted genome editing in plants (Plant Biotechnology Journal)

European Union’s food watchdog dismisses concerns over gene-edited crops proposal amid Council deadlock (Euractiv)

European Food Safety Authority - Scientific opinion on the ANSES analysis of Annex I of the EC proposal COM (2023) 411 (EFSA‐Q‐2024‐00178)

July 10, 2024

Opportunities for Dutch gene-editing expertise

Hungary - Domestic seed breeders: a stable position despite the challenges (Trade Magazin)

The heat is on: Fast tracking high temperature tolerant chickpea varieties

July 9, 2024

New Clif Bar and King Arthur Baking Company Endowed Chair to lead Washington State University's Breadlab

Spreading the word: An in-depth look at the longstanding breeding partnership between Barenbrug and the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute in Northern Ireland

High-throughput soybean pods high-quality segmentation and seed-per-pod estimation for soybean plant breeding (ScienceDirect)


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