March 25, 2025
Sakata's Musanda F1 hybrid okra: a superior choice for Sourthern African farmers
Sakata Seed showcased half an acre of trials and commercial vegetable varieties at the KALRO Expo in Thika, Kenya
South Africa - Sakata's Quantum F1 hybrid butternut thrives in the Bergrivier, Western Cape
RDAR invests over C$7.5M in boost for agricultural research in Western Canada
RDAR delivers C$2.3M to expand value-added plant protein market
La cebolla argentina busca posicionarse en el mercado regional
Começa entrega de sementes no Programa de Forrageiras para agricultura familiar do RS
The emerging economic partnership between St. Louis and Rwanda
Seeds of change: How the Quality Declared Seeds (QDS) system is transforming smallholder farming in Tanzania
Register for ASTA’s 2025 Leadership Summit
Boa Safra apresenta portfólio de sementes durante a Show Safra, em Lucas do Rio Verde (MT)
March 24, 2025
Wiersum Plantbreeding's WPB Fulco quality baking wheat listed in Germany WPB Fulco baktarwe opgenomen in Duitsland
España - Bonayar y Bernabel, dos nuevas variedades para siembra tardía (Portagrano)
Scientists solve one of genomics’ biggest challenges by using HiFi sequencing to distinguish highly similar paralogous genes
Tom Yewbrey has been appointed Managing Director of NPZ UK to succeed Chris Guest
Saattechnik für die Sojabohne
Unlocking the genetic secrets of alfalfa roots for higher yields
Deutschaldn - Verlässlichkeit für alle: Erntegut-Bescheinigung - In wenigen Schritten erlangen Landwirte das Dokument
Dr. Mike Graham appointed as new Head of R&D for Bayer’s Crop Science Division
Three seed growers tackle the heavy demands of their profession (GrainsWest)
Ethiopia prioritizes digital agriculture, plans to begin testing the Ethiopian Seed Platform later this year (ENA) L'Éthiopie privilégie l'agriculture numérique et tprévoit de commencer à tester la plateforme éthiopienne des semences cette année
Consultez les prix des semences certifiées au Togo (AgriDigitale)
Bridging the gender gap in maize breeding: A call for inclusive agricultural research in Nigeria
Deutschland - Nachbauerklärung online einreichen - Rückmeldefrist endet am 30. Juni 2025
INIA-CSIC y ANOVE: Avances en la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación en sanidad de semillas
Nutrien’s Champaign, Illinois Innovation Farm celebrates the opening of new on-site facility
Jonas Altoé is appointed Global Head of R&D for Incotec
South Africa - Grain and feed, annual report
Mexico - Grain and feed, annual report
Mexico enacts constitutional amendment on the protection of native corn
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