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July 23, 2024

USA - DLF launches 4Most Seed Enhancement, a new seed enhancement solution created specifically for turf and forage applications

Syngenta launches Spiio soil sensor to help golf course superintendents more efficiently (TurfNet)

July 22, 2024

The analytic approach to bent seed selection

July 19, 2024

ASTA’s Forage, Turf & Conservation Seed Conference and Field Crop Seed Convention now open for registration

July 15, 2024

United Kingdom - Contractor commends fine fescue and browntop bent blend J Green for hardwearing performance at over 40 sites

July 10, 2024

Posterity XT fungicide from Syngenta registered for use in California - Superintendents in California can now control more than 20 turfgrass diseases including fairy ring, large patch and more

July 8, 2024

Contractor commends Johnsons J Green, the mixture from the Johnsons Sports Seed range, for hardwearing performance at over 40 sites

July 4, 2024

Advanced turf-type Bermudagrass experimental genotypes show marked variation in drought response

July 3, 2024

Advanced turf-type Bermudagrass experimental genotypes show marked variation in drought response

July 2, 2024

Barenbrug USA announces retirement of Al Hirsch, long-time Vice President of the Consumer Product Division

United Kingdom - Retailers can earn their stripes for a sporty summer with Johnsons Lawn Seed

July 1, 2024

United Kingdom - Grounds Manager Danny Negus courts success with MM50 at Devonshire Park

Bank on browntop for sustainable overseeding

After 30 years of research, Penn State University's seeded 'Poa' is right around the corner (TurfNet)

June 28, 2024

Syngenta Digital Platforms team expands to drive innovation in digital technology for turf - New team members and enhancements to the Spiio app advance Syngenta digital capabilities

France - Des terrains en herbe de qualité supérieure pour les événements sportifs de l'été

June 26, 2024

Syngenta Professional Solutions announces two new active ingredients: Plinazolin technology and Tymirium technology

June 25, 2024

United KIngdom - How to solve common lawn headaches with Johnsons Lawn Seed

June 19, 2024

Pure Dynasty with ACCe is the newest breakthrough in paspalum turfgrass - New herbicide-resistant seeded paspalum is now available

June 18, 2024

European football fans roar for superb teamwork and brilliant turf management

Top-quality grass fields set the stage for summer sports events

June 17, 2024

Barenbrug grassen vormen basis van topvelden voor het EK Voetbal 2024

June 12, 2024

Topfodbold på veltrimmede græstæpper

Barenbrug levert grassen voor EK voetbal in Duitsland, oogst van 2022 en 2023 ligt in stadions (Vee-en-Gewas)

June 11, 2024

Innovative approach aims to control turf grass weeds and golf ball roll - A Weed Science Society of Americay member scientist explores how weeds influence golf ball roll on greens and organic approaches to turf grass management

Royal Barenbrug Group celebrates 120 years of innovation and sustainability in the grass seed industry
Koninklijke Barenbrug Groep viert 120 jaar innovatie en duurzaamheid in graszaadindustrie
Royal Barenbrug Group feiert 120 Jahre Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit in der Grassamenindustrie

June 7, 2024

New Verge pollinator seed mix available from Landmark Seed Company

June 6, 2024

Annual Mississippi State University turfgrass field day set for September 19

May 31, 2024

New grass and clover varieties added to Recommended Lists for England and Wales

New ‘Tif3D’ turfgrass promises superior putting-green performance - The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences turfgrass breeding program has a long history of bringing superior turfgrass varieties to the global market



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