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July 4, 2024

Bee Vectoring Technologies partners with Syensqo on new soybean seed applied technologies

IV Simpósio Técnico da Aprosoja-MT está com as inscrições abertas - Evento será realizado em 7 e 8 de agosto, em Cuiabá

July 3, 2024

Soybean seed hardness demystified: key genes and networks uncovered

Deutsche Saatgut, Anneliese Körner – Sortenvorstellung Sojabohne Apollina

ISAAA Inc. releases new infographic series

COGEM - Environmental risk assessment of import and processing of GM soybean MON94637
Import en verwerking van gg-soja MON94637

Soy Canada celebrates 10 years of delivering what the world wants (Real Agriculture)

Argentina - RECSO: El convenio INTA-ASA con 20 años de vigencia

July 2, 2024

Welche Chancen hat der Sojaanbau in Deutschland? (Top Agrar)

Pesquisa avança na definição das diretrizes para certificar produção de soja baixo carbono

Can soybeans be grown in a protected environment?
Kunnen sojabonen in een beschermde omgeving worden geteeld?

June 28, 2024

Kansas State University: Phosphorus helps boost defense against sudden death syndrome in soybeans - University’s study may provide another defense against fungal disease

Barreiras fitossanitárias no comercio internacional é tema da Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja

June 27, 2024

USDA/APHIS issues Regulatory Status Review responses

Pequenas propriedades são 70% dos estabelecimentos produtores de soja no Brasil
Small farms are 70% of soybean-producing estates in Brazil

June 26, 2024

Tips for double-crop soybeans

North Dakota State University Agronomy Seed Farm's Annual Field Day set for July 15 

Harvesting microbes for growth: a soybean success story in acidic soils

RIP. Julio Rafael Ferrarotti (1932-2024), mejorador genético “breeder”, dirigente agrario, investigador y trabajador del cultivo de Soja quien fuera pionero en el registro de cultivares de Soja en la República Argentina

June 25, 2024

Blake Barlow appointed to drive soybean innovation in Missouri - Barlow to serve as the new director of research and agronomy for Missouri Soybeans

American Soybean Association examines potential of new specialty biotech crop varieties for soy farmers

June 24, 2024

Argentina - Instituto Nacional de Semillas, Resolución 128/2024

June 21, 2024

Dutch soybeans and polder rice: new crops in a changing climate
Op zoek naar de Hollandse pot van morgen: van Nedersoja tot polderrijst

Computomics podcast S5E10: Why European soybean benefits people and the environment

June 19, 2024

Dairyland Seed introduces new class of soybeans for 2025

Brasil - Calendário de Semeadura de Soja para safra 2024/25

June 17, 2024

Crop Science Innovation Update 2024: Bayer to deliver ten blockbusters in ten years

June 12, 2024

Soja als Zweitfrucht - Der Klimawandel macht es möglich Soja als Zweitfrucht nach frühräumenden Wintergetreidekulturen wie Wintergerste anzubauen

Meeting of the International Grains Council

Canadian grain grading changes for the 2024-2025 crop year
Modifications au classement des grains canadiens pour la campagne agricole 2024-2025



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