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July 23, 2024

Saatbau Linz, Rapso Landwirtepreis 2024

July 22, 2024

Celebrating Michael Eskin’s canola legacy - The University of Manitoba canola researcher will be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame this fall (Manitoba Co-Operator)

July 19, 2024

Argentina - El Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) organiza el primer simposio nacional de colza

July 18, 2024

Bayer redefines high-yielding canola with DK401TL - New Dekalb hybrid yields 7.8 per cent above InVigor L340PC in farmer-led trials

July 17, 2024

Swiss Granum, Anbauempfehlungen für Ernte 2025
Récolte 2025 : recommandations de semis de Swiss Granum

July 15, 2024

United Kingdom - Oilseed rape planning “essential” to unlocking crop potential as drilling approaches

July 8, 2024

Australia - Genetics and fungicide technologies combine putting canola in front

July 5, 2024

United Kingdom - Corteva's oilseed rape business update - July 2024

United Kingdom - Lowest cereals and OSR area in GB for over two decades

Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus oder TuYV – Situation im Schweizer Rapsanbau

July 3, 2024

United Kingdom - Pioneer provides unique seed treatment for UK farmers growing oilseed rape

July 1, 2024

Terres Inovia publie l’édition 2024 du guide de culture colza

Top grower techniques for minimising OSR risks

June 28, 2024

Deutschland - Ambassador von LG: Wieder führend im Rapsanbau

June 27, 2024

Canterra Seeds’ 2024 canola trial program: powered by partners

June 26, 2024

Cibus expands its intellectual property coverage for plant gene editing and traits

June 24, 2024

Raps rockt: agaSAAT mit neuen Rapssorten am Markt

June 21, 2024

Terres Inovia vous propose ses listes recommandées régionalisées de variétés de colza pour vous aider à réaliser ou à conforter votre choix variétal pour les semis 2024
Terres Inovia offers you its regionalized recommended lists of rapeseed varieties to help you make or confirm your choice of variety

June 20, 2024

Myvar : un choix variétal encore plus affiné pour le colza

June 14, 2024

Syngenta Deutschland - Raps Frühkaufaktion 2024

June 12, 2024

United Kingdom - Cereals launch for 'Magic' pest monitoring tool - An innovative new digital decision support tool enabling growers to remotely monitor the migration and distribution of key oilseed rape pests will be launched by Bayer at this year’s Cereals Event

June 11, 2024

Deutschland - Veröffentlichung zum Züchtungsfortschritt der Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz bei Getreidekulturen, Winterraps und Erbsen

June 10, 2024

China - Harvesting resilience: the story behind a winter rapeseed breakthrough (Xinhua)

June 6, 2024

United Kingdom - RAGT's demo field open days have started – discover here what we’re showing during those days

Deutschland - Gut Grünholz: Einzelkornsaat bei Winterraps bringt Vorteile

May 30, 2024

Cibus’ white mold (Sclerotinia) resistance trait program confirms important milestone for next generation gene edits in canola

With the PRECOTION Project, researchers evaluate a method for characterizing rapeseed varieties against sclerotinia

Rapeseed: Lidea launches new elites gene flow to meet climate, biotic and regulatory challenges

May 29, 2024

Maroc - Évolution génétique des semences : l’INRA sur le front de bataille (Les Echos)

May 22, 2024

Deutschland - Lidea Raps Feldtage aud einen Blick



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