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News archive 1997-2008


July 10, 2024

Pumpkin disease not evolving, could make a difference for management

July 5, 2024

CABY-virus: inzicht in de bedreiging en preventie

July 2, 2024

Agdia releases rapid molecular assay for emerging cucurbit pathogen

June 11, 2024

Undiagnosed disease on cucurbits in Morocco

May 31, 2024

New research report – WorldVeg breeding lines more widely used by seed companies in Asia in 2023

May 28, 2024

Less common vegetables you will want to grow (Growing Produce)

April 2, 2024

Força do portfólio Sakata de Tetsukabutos

March 15, 2024

Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus: expanding host range

March 4, 2024

Poland as the largest producer of pumpkins in the EU

February 29, 2024

Semillas Fitó celebra 2 nuevas ediciones de Fito Academy sobre la virosis en cucurbitáceas

February 19, 2024

Elsoms introduces new range of pumpkins

January 31, 2024

Iranian researchers produce, register 67 cultivars of hybrid seeds of summer crops

January 2, 2024

Vegetable seed breeders taking on susceptibility in cucurbits (Growing Produce)

September 20, 2023

Encontro técnico de abóbora em Goiás apresenta resultados e oportunidades para o segmento

August 18, 2023

Ações de pesquisa fortalecem cultivo de variedades crioulas de abóbora e inhame em Alagoas

July 18, 2023

Brasil - Abertura da safra de abóbora Tetsukabuto no Norte de Minas

March 28, 2023

Brasil - No município de Jaíba, região norte de Minas Gerais, o produtor Osvaldo Celestino de Oliveira mantém uma grande produção de abóbora

February 2, 2023

USA - Top pumpkin and squash varieties for growers (Growing Produce)

December 13, 2022

Compact plants enhance productivity - The long and trailing vines of most cucurbits represent an undomesticated trait that hampers dense planting and yields, and also incurs a high labour cost - A targeted artificial evolution strategy was developed to suppress stem elongation of cucurbits in a dose-dependent manner, thereby enhancing yield and reducing labour costs (Nature Plants)

November 24, 2022

Research progress in leaf related molecular breeding of cucurbitacea (MDPI)

June 24, 2022

New study highlights challenges to pumpkin and watermelon production in Uganda

June 13, 2022

The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) Reports 44 (2021) and 45 (2022) are on line

April 13, 2022

Pumpkin production can benefit from conservation practices - Reducing tillage with cover crops can benefit soil health with no effect on pumpkin yield

Pumpkin production can benefit from conservation practices

March 30, 2022

Predicting future cucurbit crop disease risk using disease history

March 25, 2022

Going door-to-door to save Egypt’s pumpkins and address global food insecurity - Small farmers, international scientific team join to help agriculture adapt to climate change

March 21, 2022

Emerging pathogen: Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus

January 4, 2022

GEVES now offers a new method available for SE-PCR detection of Acidovorax citrulli in cucurbit seeds

December 1, 2021

Sakata apresenta 35 lançamentos de hortaliças para o mercado sul-americano

November 22, 2021

Southern Illinois University Professor Alan Walters is working to develop heat tolerant pumpkins (The Daily Egyptian)



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