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Digital agriculture

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News archive 1997-2008


July 24, 2024

Agricoltura digitale & innovazione tecnologica: a che punto è la ricerca CREA e Università della Tuscia?

June 28, 2024

Syngenta Digital Platforms team expands to drive innovation in digital technology for turf - New team members and enhancements to the Spiio app advance Syngenta digital capabilities

June 5, 2024

Digitales KWS Tool zeigt Potenzial von Zwischenfrucht-Mischungen bei Stickstoffbindung und Humusaufbau

In the Philippines, stakeholders are charting the future of digital agriculture

Partnerships and vision are key to an autonomous future - GRDC’s Grain Automate strategy is seeking to help growers realise even more profitable and sustainable farming systems into the future

May 24, 2024

DA-BAR and IRRI launch online platform for digital ag tools in The Philippines

May 16, 2024

PatchCROP-Feldrobotiktag 2024: Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft zum Greifen nah

May 3, 2024

Agricoltura 4.0: il 72% delle aziende agricole italiane utilizza strumenti smart, ma non è ancora abbastanza - Il boom dell'agricoltura smart: l’impatto del cambiamento climatico e nuove frontiere tecnologiche

May 1, 2024

España - Nueva funcionalidad integrada en la plataforma de agronomía digital Granular Link - Corteva Agriscience lanza Bioadvisor, un paso adelante en la agricultura digital y sostenible gracias a su capacidad predictiva

April 29, 2024

Agriculture numérique : l’Alliance H@rvest organise son premier colloque annuel

March 14, 2024

BASF showcases data-driven farming with xarvio FIELD MANAGER at 2024 Science Behind event

March 13, 2024

Slim voorbereid voor het seizoen met taakkaarten

Deutsche Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI): Potenziale neuer Technologien im Pflanzenbau stärker ausschöpfen (Bioökonomie.de)

March 1, 2024

Colti-Bayer: la nuova frontiera dell'agricoltura digitale

February 28, 2024

Feroz Sheikh, CIDO of Syngenta Group - The CEO Magazine

December 1, 2023

FieldView y xFarm Technologies unen fuerzas para ayudar a resolver los problemas de datos de los agricultores

November 27, 2023

Amazone and FieldView to collaborate on smart farming

November 21, 2023

From soil intelligence to actionable data and predictions: Biome Makers' BeCrop technology upgraded

November 16, 2023

BASF xarvio Digital Farming Solutions und HELM-Software kündigen Verknüpfung ihrer digitalen Plattformen für die Saison 2023/24 an

November 13, 2023

Syngenta Group and CNH Industrial connect digital applications to better serve farmers

International Trade Fair Agritechnica 2023: Bayer collaboration with Microsoft connects farm data to address lack of data interoperability in agriculture
Agritechnica 2023: Kooperation zwischen Bayer und Microsoft sorgt für bessere Datenvernetzung in der Landwirtschaft

November 9, 2023

International Trade Fair Agritechnica 2023: Bayer demonstrates digital technologies as a key enabler for regenerative agriculture
Agritechnica 2023: Bayer präsentiert digitale Lösungen für eine regenerative Landwirtschaft

November 8, 2023

InnerPlant, John Deere, Syngenta to develop integrated precision platform to fight fungus in soybeans

Deutschland - Förderaufruf: Experimentierfelder zur Digitalisierung und KI in der Landwirtschaft

October 26, 2023

Arable and Bayer partner to accelerate agriculture’s digital transformation and tailor plant genetics to in-field conditions

October 2, 2023

Transfert fluide des données : meilleure protection des cultures

September 25, 2023

España - BASF y VEGGA unen fuerzas para potenciar la agricultura digital, sostenible y de precisión

September 22, 2023

Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft: Ergebnispapier der Experimentierfelder-Konferenz 2023 veröffentlicht

September 15, 2023

Syngenta Asia Pacific's Chris Chen on how AI and digital solutions are reshaping agriculture in the region (TechNode Global)

September 14, 2023

InnerPlant secures $300K from United Soybean Board for satellite detection of crops fluorescing when stressed



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