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July 22, 2024

Celebrating Michael Eskin’s canola legacy - The University of Manitoba canola researcher will be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame this fall (Manitoba Co-Operator)

Harmoniz breeding and demo facility in the Netherlands to open in September (Horti Daily)

Österreich - Rudersdorfer Biotechnologie-Firma Seed and Technology insolvent (ORF)

L’Angola s'engage à respecter les protocoles internationaux sur les semences génétiquement modifiées pour renforcer la durabilité agricole (Medi 1 News)

Sénégal - « Dans sa configuration actuelle, la Division des semences est loin de disposer de moyens adéquats (personnel technique, moyens financiers et logistiques) pour remplir convenablement ses missions « (Senego)

July 19, 2024

A North Carolina State University engineer and plant pathologist work together to create robotics to get ahead of cucurbit downy mildew, a devastating cucumber disease

North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative advances AI for agriculture

Argentina - El Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) organiza el primer simposio nacional de colza

Argentina - Chicharrita del maíz: Protocolo Complementario de inscripción de cultivares de maíz

Fungicide plan and soil data critical for faba beans

Brasil - Zoneamento Agrícola de Risco Climático (Zarc) aponta 80% de chance de sucesso para plantio de arroz irrigado em grande parte do Tocantins

Descubriendo el potencial del maíz colombiano

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks input on an experimental use exception

USDA's Plant Variety Protection Office offers webinar for breeders of asexually reproduced varieties

Performance of heat-tolerant lettuce cultivars in Southern New Mexico in 2020-21

A importância da qualidade das sementes para o plantio doméstico de alimentos 

Kapotte machine start oprichting Koppert Cress (Groenten Nieuws)

Semillas Fitó proyecta llegar a 140 millones en 2026 y abrir una filial en Egipto (El Nacional)

España - El Centro de Diseño de Productos de San Nicolás, el gran surtidor de semillas hortícolas de Bayer Crop Science (Phytoma)

Wintergerste in Deutschland: Woran hat es gelegen?

Takii Europe beschliesst, den Vertrieb ihres Gemüsesaatgut-Sortimentes in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zukünftig selbst zu organisieren

Shaping the future: Aligning the mission of the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) with the new European Commission Guidelines 2024-2029

Scientists develop multi-resistant and high-yield rice variety

Nigerian farmers, scientists divided over GM maize (SciDev.net)

Claydon complète son offre de semoirs avec la barre de semis Evolution (Pleinchamp)

Groundcherry gets genetic upgrades: Turning a garden curiosity into an agricultural powerhouse

Benson Hill announces one-for-thirty five (1-for-35) reverse stock split

Canada - Cereal growers have a new option against herbicide-resistant weeds - Bayer launches Huskie Pre for day one protection against herbicide-resistant broadleaf weeds, incorporating Group 27 mode of action

Camelina, un cultivo de servicio que aporta rentabilidad

Los consejos de un experto brasileño para el control de chicharrita



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