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March 28, 2025

EU Marktinformation im Rübenportal

Sakata + Isla: mais acesso a sementes com volumes menores para pequenos produtores

Conceito visual da Sakata reforça seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade

Reconocimiento internacional para los laboratorios del INTA

Argentina - Colza: una alternativa estratégica para los cultivos de invierno

Brasil - Dia de Campo revela tecnologias inovadoras para as culturas do milho e pastagens

Brasil, CTNBio - Accesse a pauta da 280ª Reunião Ordinária da CTNBio, 10 de abril de 2025

Presentazione della gamma lattughe da serra per il centro-sud Italia

Inaugural International Svalbard Dialogue: saving seeds for the long haul

Légumineuses : entre agriculture durable et sensibilité au déficit hydrique

Intersemillas se une como colaborador de Viles en Flor para cultivar juntos un futuro más verde

France - Production de semences de lin oléagineux : une année difficile, mais une filière résiliente

France - Les semences fourragères face au défi climatique

Philippines Agriculture Secretary emphasizes the critical role of seeds

Note of the horticulture sector in Morocco

Naktuinbouw Annual Report: our highlights of 2024

Einfache Datenübertragung dank neuer myKWS Schnittstelle zum John Deere Operations Center

Australian wheat growers given edge in rust ‘arms race’

International ISTA workshop on insect detection in seed lots at GEVES

ERS Genomics and Jumpcode Genomics sign CRISPR/Cas9 license agreement

Qualitätslabor der Deutschen Saatveredelung erneut ISTA-akkreditiert - Ausweitung auf Gräsersaatgut

Bühler partners with West-Link to strengthen optical sorting presence in Western US with new research and training center in California

France - Predazzo et Francesca, les nouvelles variétés de choux-fleurs de Seminis pour le marché frais

Study reveals how nitrate overcomes plant hormone inhibition to boost seed germination

USA - High hive mortality mars bee business

Egypt - Grain and feed, annual report

Swedish Board of Agriculture - Växtsortmeddelanden (växtförädlarrätter) / Plant Varieties Gazette, 2025:4

Nagaland, Myanmar - Workshop raises awareness on Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers Rights’ Authority (PPV& FRA) (NagalandPost)

Tiny allies may help canola push through drought - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers examine soil microbes to see if they can help a crop withstand dry times (Grainews)

Bihar Agriculture University scientists develop seedless tomato with more pulp, shelf life (Times of India)



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