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Forage crops

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News archive 1997-2008


July 25, 2024

Production goals underpin your grass strategy

July 23, 2024

USA - DLF launches 4Most Seed Enhancement, a new seed enhancement solution created specifically for turf and forage applications

July 22, 2024

SIS Società Italiana Sementi - ASSIST Ep. 1-6

July 19, 2024

ASTA’s Forage, Turf & Conservation Seed Conference and Field Crop Seed Convention now open for registration

July 17, 2024

Swiss Granum, Anbauempfehlungen für Ernte 2025
Récolte 2025 : recommandations de semis de Swiss Granum

July 16, 2024

Benson Hill expands innovation pipeline with advantaged traits  for animal feed, soybean oil, and biofuel segments

United Kingdom - Lincolnshire farm manager sees multiple benefits from growing Syngenta's Hyvido hybrid barley for anaerobic digestions

DSV Zaden - 'Onze strategie is om de bodem zo lang mogelijk groen en beworteld te houden' (Akkerwijzer)

July 12, 2024

Efeitos da inundação sobre lavouras e silagens de milho: como minimizar os efeitos

Properly curing hay is crucial for forage quality

July 11, 2024

Maroc - Commercialisation des semences et plants certifiés : six nouveaux acteurs décrochent l’agrément du ministère (Le Matin)

Uruguay - Resolución del INASE sobre siembras de semilleros de forrajeras al voleo

July 9, 2024

Kløvergræsudlæg - hurtig og ensartet fremspiring i august

Spreading the word: An in-depth look at the longstanding breeding partnership between Barenbrug and the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute in Northern Ireland

Forrageiras e plantas de cobertura: mais produtividade, menos custos

July 8, 2024

AgResearch is working with partners to use genetic modification and gene editing technologies to enhance pasture that forms the foundation of our livestock farming industries in New Zealand

Grazing cover crops benefits soil health in dryland systems

July 5, 2024

Brazil - BRS Integra: nova forrageira para produção de palhada em ILPF

July 4, 2024

Breeding the grasses we’ll be grazing in 2050 - Could a new wave of perennial ryegrass varieties offer solutions to make our farms 2050-ready? (Irish Examiner)

July 3, 2024

Deutschland - Eiweißbilanz: Anteil heimischer Hülsenfrüchte in Futtermitteln fällt um 6,5 Prozent

July 2, 2024

Aliénor, escourgeon fourrager de Lemaire Deffontaines : des résultats encourageants

July 1, 2024

Argentina - Inase autoriza la siembra al voleo de semilleros de forrajeras de forma excepcional (Diario Cambio Salto)

June 28, 2024

Ribbon cutting celebrated for feedlot research, teaching, extension center at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln

How to make grass-to-grass reseeding work

Argentina - Arvejas: un cultivo rentable y beneficioso para el suelo

June 27, 2024

España - Técnicos de CICYTEX prueban un sistema de mejora de pastos usando pacas de heno mejoradas con semillas autóctonas para la alimentación de ganado

June 26, 2024

Eurofins Agro Testing and trinamiX collaborate to optimize feed efficiency

June 21, 2024

Deutschland - Nachhaltigere Eiweißfuttermittel: FONEI-Fortschrittsbericht benennt Erfolge und Herausforderungen

June 20, 2024

Maizex Seeds announces that its exclusive forage and cereal varieties will now be marketed under the Maizex brand, following a similar rebranding of its soybeans line last year

June 18, 2024

Zimbabwe - Grain and feed, annual report



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