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News archive 1997-2008


June 28, 2024

Argentina - Arvejas: un cultivo rentable y beneficioso para el suelo

June 26, 2024

Cibus expands its intellectual property coverage for plant gene editing and traits

May 24, 2024

Protecting the soil while being profitable: Why alfalfa is the perfect continuous cover

May 17, 2024

Alfalfa: Flexible amid drought and high in protein - UC Davis Small Grains/Alfalfa Field Day offered insight into latest research

April 29, 2024

Des nouveautés fourragères RAGT qui complètent une offre pour sécuriser la production

April 26, 2024

France - La filière semences fourragères mobilisée dans la lutte contre la cuscute

April 10, 2024

Planting and establishing alfalfa

March 14, 2024

Eiwitkoningin luzerne levert duurzame opbrengsten en eiwitrijk ruwvoer (Boerderij)

February 19, 2024

La nuevas técnicas genómicas presentes en la III Jornada Española del Cultivo de la Alfalfa

February 16, 2024

France - Luzerne porte-graine, une prime de 200 €/ha à l’implantation

February 9, 2024

Tips voor luzerne in een melkveerantsoen

January 23, 2024

Capitalize on alfalfa seed coatings (Hay and Forage Magazine)

January 19, 2024

Quantitative DNA tests for lucerne seed wasp and associated parasitoid wasps

January 16, 2024

Ride the riches of a top alfalfa variety (Hay and Forage Magazine)

January 5, 2024

France - Luzerne porte-graine : une campagne 2023 réussie

December 19, 2023

Luzerne porte-graines : pas une culture miracle, mais de bons atouts (Terre-net)

December 14, 2023

Naktuinbouw - New Seed Extract (SE-PCR) tests for hemp and alfalfa
Nieuwe Zaad-Extract (ZE-PCR) toets voor hennep en alfalfa

December 7, 2023

Produire de la luzerne porte-graine : des avantages méconnus

November 29, 2023

Research team led by Michigan State University receives $946K grant to study alfalfa autotoxicity

November 22, 2023

Alfalfa breeding has big potential (Hay and Forage Magazine)

November 16, 2023

USA - National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance releases the 2024 edition of its popular “Alfalfa Variety Ratings - Winter Survival, Fall Dormancy & Pest Resistant Ratings for Alfalfa Varieties”  

October 18, 2023

Alfalfa: A regenerative powerhouse for modern agriculture

October 11, 2023

Argentina - Nuevas semillas criollas listadas en INASE

September 28, 2023

New tech targets high-yield alfalfa (Hay and Forage Grower Magazine)

September 27, 2023

USDA/NIFA invests $3.7M in alfalfa seed and alfalfa storage systems

September 21, 2023

Decrease in the environmental footprint of dehydrated alfalfa — an essential livestock food

September 18, 2023

Study shows that first year management practices is critical to maximizing alfalfa yield

September 15, 2023

myLuzerne : la version iPhone (iOS) de Cérience est disponible

September 11, 2023

Salicrop achieves 20% increase in alfalfa cultivation (on average) under salinity stress conditions

September 6, 2023

DLF acquires Corteva Agriscience's alfalfa breeding program and related assets
DLF opkøber lucerne forædlingsprogram af Corteva Agriscience
DLF acquiert le programme de sélection de luzerne de Corteva Agriscience



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