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September 24, 2024

Bundessortenamt - Die Beschreibende Sortenliste Futtergräser, Esparsette, Klee, Luzerne 2024 ist erschienen

September 2, 2024

Financieel voordeel van gras-klaver

August 19, 2024

United Kingdom - Why red clover is gaining popularity as a sheep feed (The Northern Farmer)

July 11, 2024

Genetically modified New Zealand clover being trialled in Australia

June 24, 2024

Cortevas neues Herbizid: ProClova ermöglicht wirksame Unkrautkontrolle mit Kleeschonung

June 5, 2024

Maximising ‘daughter tillers’ gives grassland managers the best route to a resilient sward this summer, advises grass-seed experts Barenbrug UK 

June 4, 2024

Semences fourragères : LG Rapidor trèfles, un potentiel à confirmer pour 2024 (Téma Agriculture & Terroirs)

May 29, 2024

"De inzet van microklaver is zeer veelzijdig"

April 30, 2024

Microclover: the natural solution for a green lawn

March 21, 2024

New Zealand - GMO clover trial pricks methane bubble (Farmers Weekly)

March 6, 2024

Deutschland - Probleme mit resistenten Weidelgräsern können vermieden werden

January 16, 2024

Scientists are aiming to unlock the potential of clover and other legumes to reduce the use of fertiliser and emissions from livestock agriculture

January 3, 2024

United Kingdom - Forage outlook and options for 2024

January 2, 2024

Aberystwyth University in alternative protein push with new legume partnership (Cambrian News)

New consortium aims to tackle reliance on soy imports - International group wil drive production of soybean, lupin, pea, lentil, bean and clover to address climate and biodiversity crises (Farmers Guardian)

July 11, 2023

New Zealand - AgResearch expands work on GM grasses (Farmers Weekly)

July 10, 2023

Six new varieties named on the Recommended Grass and Clover Lists for England and Wales

July 7, 2023

Special coating reduces the need for fertilizers - Coatings and microorganisms transforming nitrogen efficiency in crop production

June 8, 2023

Overseeding with white clover increases the value of pastures

June 6, 2023

United Kingdom - Clover is all the rage, but watch the caveats

April 12, 2023

United Kingdom - Realise the full potential of red clover silage

February 13, 2023

Barenbrug’s Mhairi Dawson appointed to the committee responsible for the Recommended Grass & Clover Lists (RGCL) for England and Wales

November 23, 2022

Clover is the bedrock of Welsh dairy farm

Review exposes untapped benefits of clover honeys

August 8, 2022

Germinal’s outstanding new forage varieties added to the English and Welsh 2022/23 Recommended Grass and Clover List

August 5, 2022

Kløvergræsudlæg - hurtig og ensartet fremspiring i august

July 26, 2022

Onze klaver is kla’voor een goede start

July 7, 2022

United Kingdom - Newly launched Recommended Grass and Clover Lists for England and Wales

United Kingdom - Twelve new varieties added to the Recommended Grass and Clover Lists

June 29, 2022

United Kingdom - Reseed with red and white clover this year for 2023 gains



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