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November 30, 2023

Bühler and dsm-firmenich join forces to advance efforts to combat hidden hunger in Nigeria

Scaling up health diet seed kits in Zanzibar

November 24, 2023

Die genetische Vielfalt der Pflanzen und ihr Beitrag zur Ernährung
La diversité génétique des plantes au service de l’alimentation
La diversità genetica delle piante al servizio dell’alimentazione

November 21, 2023

Lead role for John Innes Centre as the United Kingdom’s first CGIAR Centre is launched by Rishi Sunak

The plants that feed the world - Trends shaping the future of our crops and the crops of our future

November 20, 2023

Crop Trust and Plant Treaty pledging more than $100,000 to safeguard crucial genebanks in Laos and Sudan

The role of seeds in transforming agrifood systems under the spotlight - International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture’s Governing Body to consider adding more seed varieties to global “food basket”

November 17, 2023

Scientists issue rallying cry for greater global cooperation to safeguard seeds for future food and nutrition security

Journée interprofessionnelle occitane : « Nourrir demain : semences, eau, biodiversité, pour la souveraineté alimentaire »

November 13, 2023

Seeds provide solutions to safeguarding our future - Tenth session of the Governing Body (GB-10) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture to convene in Rome, Italy

November 3, 2023

The importance of wild plant species for food security in focus during workshop – Actions are needed to conserve the crop wild relatives

October 30, 2023

Ghana genebank becomes the 100th depositor to Svalbard Global Seed Vault

October 27, 2023

Global Crop Diversity Summit 2023 - Empowering seed banks to combat the climate, biodiversity and food frises

October 26, 2023

Global hunger challenges grow - Experts see drive to increase food production and feed the world going backward (DTN Progressive Farmers)

October 16, 2023

Welternährungstag: Pflanzenzüchter tragen zu globaler Ernährungssicherheit bei

October 13, 2023

Bayer and Dollar General partner to increase access to fruit and veggies

October 6, 2023

Millets: Climate-resilient crops for food and nutrition security, experts reveal - As the world faces food insecurity and malnutrition fueled by a changing climate, experts reveal that millets, a valuable nutritious and climate-resilient food source, offer an opportunity to enhance sustainable food production and transform food systems

August 31, 2023

Using artificial methods for growing crops could help solve global food security

August 11, 2023

Turning big data into better breeds and varieties: Can artificial intelligence help feed the planet?

July 24, 2023

China’s space seed breeding makes breakthrough, contributing to agricultural technology and food security (Global Times)

July 17, 2023

Risiko von Ernteausfällen durch Klimawandel höher als angenommen (Top Agrar)

July 13, 2023

Die Ernährung der Weltbevölkerung braucht Gentechnologie
Feeding the world’s population needs gene editing

July 5, 2023

Campagne agricole 2023 au Niger : Accélérer la vulgarisation des semences améliorées pour accroitre la productivité (ONEP)

June 28, 2023

Strengthening agricultural systems through plant-breeding and tools for farmers

June 9, 2023

CIMMYT at the Group of 20 - At the recent G20 MACS, CIMMYT endorsed joint agricultural research and innovative partnerships to address global challenges facing agrifood systems through a multi-crop and multi-disciplinary approach

June 6, 2023

Burkina Faso - 14ème édition de la foire aux semences : Relever le défi entre production fourragère et sécurité alimentaire humaine

June 5, 2023

Corteva Agriscience and USAID announce collaboration to support Ukrainian farmers - Collaboration leverages strength of the U.S. private sector and USAID to advance Ukrainian agricultural production and exports

African plant breeders must leverage technology to address food insecurity (BusinessGhana)

June 2, 2023

New research suggests that wheat crops may be threatened by unprecedented weat and drought

University of Ghana’s West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI) has been incredible in efforts at improving Africa’s food security (MyJoy Online)

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