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June 19, 2024

ToBRFV : La recherche montre une augmentation et une distribution inégales du virus dans les plantes

Rapsodia, noul soi românesc de roșii în trei culori, poate ajunge la 7 kilograme pe plantă (Agrointel)
Rapsodia, the new tricolour cherry tomato variety from Romania (HortiDaily)

June 17, 2024

USDA/APHIS amends Federal Order for U.S. Imports of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and pepper (Capsicum spp.) hosts of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

USDA/APHIS protects domestic fruit production and deregulates tomato brown rugose fruit virus in fruit for consumption

June 14, 2024

Onderzoek toont een ongelijke virustoename en -verdeling in planten aan - Telen met ToBRFV: Een nieuwe realiteit #3

June 13, 2024

New greenhouse in Made, Netherlands forms strong basis for Hazera’s global high-tech tomato program

Bayer baut Gentechnik-Gemüsesparte aus (Informationsdienst Gentechnik)

Isi Sementi presenta la risposta genetica al TSWV del pomodoro - Appuntamento ai Field Days del 19 e 20 giugno a Verona (Italia Fruit)

Visit Bayer Vegetable Seeds' Tomato Demo House in Kingsville, Ontario

June 12, 2024

Controlling bacterial wilt in tomato in Taiwan with hybrid eggplant rootstocks

A natural variation in SlSCaBP8 promoter contributes to the loss of saline–alkaline tolerance during tomato improvement (Horticulture Research)

Sakata lançará hortaliças resistentes e adaptadas ao clima tropical na Hortitec 2024

June 11, 2024

Italy - New initiative Mediterranea aims to promote processed tomatoes

The processing tomato sector in Hungary

Vem aí a Hortinov: uma experiência inédita no campo, no interior de São Paulo

June 7, 2024

Cultivo doméstico de tomates: 8 dicas para uma colheita abundante

June 6, 2024

España - Tobias, el tomate suelto de Yuksel Seeds resistente a rugoso (Portagrano)

Mexico - Tomatoes and products, annual report

June 5, 2024

Resistencia, cosecha y calidad del tomate – ¡a veces se puede tener todo!

Hightech of niet: mensen willen lekkere tomaten

“Our goal is to provide the farmer with the greatest confidence” - An interview with María José Flores Membrives, East Area Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica

June 4, 2024

E' stata aperta una nuova demo trial di Axia Sementi in Sicilia - Varietà di pomodoro resistenti al ToBRFV, ecco dove vederle (FreshPlaza)

May 31, 2024

Certhon en De Ruiter organiseren een exclusief bezoek om Artemy, de nieuwste oogstrobot, in actie te zien tijdens GreenTech

Sanatech Seed's gene-edited high GABA tomatoes has completed the process of the Philippine Department of Agriculture

New research report – WorldVeg breeding lines more widely used by seed companies in Asia in 2023

Precise gene editing in rice and tomatoes using a tiny enzyme (Natural Science News)

May 30, 2024

Pesquisa identifica, em Goiás, nematoide nocivo ao cultivo de tomate industrial

May 29, 2024

Myrador di Syngenta: il grappolo resistente e redditizio

Naktuinbouw Laboratories develop new SE-PCR tests for bacteria on tomato, pepper and eggplant
Nieuwe ZE-PCR toetsen voor tomaat, paprika en aubergine

European Union - Approval of ToBRFV as an additional characteristic in DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity, and Stability) testing in tomato
Goedkeuring ToBRFV als additioneel kenmerk in DUS-onderzoek tomaat

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