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July 25, 2024

Dietro le Quinte: le attività di ricerca per lo sviluppo della resistenza al ToBRFV

ToBRFV : Minimiser la propagation du virus après sa détection

Investigación de biotecnóloga del Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Fruticultura (CEAF) - Tomates burdeos, desarrollo genético chileno para enfrentar condiciones de estrés como la sequía (Redagrícola)

July 24, 2024

The aroma of tomato resistance
El aroma que protege a los tomates

July 23, 2024

España - HM.Clause avanza firme en la obtención de nuevas variedades resistentes al virus del rugoso (ToBRFV) (Portagrano)

Pomodoro Exhibition: protagonista BASF | Nunhems con innovazione varietale e resistenza alle virosi

ISI Sementi - Giornate tecniche su cipolla, pomodoro, baby leaf (Fresh Plaza)

July 18, 2024

How the ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Spain

Tomates côtelées bio de Gautier Semences : toutes les couleurs sont déjà disponibles

July 17, 2024

Our discovery of the ToBRFV genome – the foundation for today’s resistant varieties

From niche to normal: the rise of snack-sized tomatoes

July 16, 2024

Managing southern root-knot nematode in Kentucky high tunnels using grafted tomato

Tomato grower applies Tobre after contamination - "Stabilization in deteriorated growth of ToBRFV-infected crop" (Horti Daily)

Scientists dig into strawberry, tomato diseases - UC Davis field day showcases research from laboratory to field, diagnostics to new varieties

July 11, 2024

The inside story: How Syngenta’s tomatoes beat tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)

July 10, 2024

Manier Seeds open days - Resistant varieties tested in Türkiye, now demonstrating performance in Spain (HortiDaily)

Tomato triumph: genetic key to chill-proof crops unveiled

July 8, 2024

Pomodoro high-tech: grande interesse per la visita a cura BASF | Nunhems dei produttori italiani in Olanda

España - El mercado de tomate fresco, tendencias y retos

Tomato timekeeper: NF-YA3b gene's role in flowering time revealed

July 5, 2024

Introducing Chocostar F1, Sakata's brown tomato tolerant to ToBRFV

July 3, 2024

España - Harmoniz: “Nuestro objetivo es aportar la mayor tranquilidad al agricultor” (F&H)
Entrevista María José Flores Membrives, Area Manager Levante de Harmoniz Ibérica
An interview with María José Flores Membrives, East Area Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica

España - Tomate Batalla, de la casa de semillas Meridiem Seeds, una solución frente al ToBRFV (Fhalmeria)

University of Florida scientists plan to study whether cover crops or compost can increase the efficiency, resiliency of tomatoes, other produce

July 1, 2024

Vers une tomate 100% marocaine ? (La Vie éco)

June 26, 2024

UC Davis Professor Diane Beckles examines how early harvest, storage affect tomatoes - Findings could help reduce postharvest loss and waste

USDA/APHIS releases Ralstonia Exclusion Program’s updated framework requirements

June 24, 2024

SAIS Sementi - Pomodoro, le proposte varietali per la Sicilia (Fresh Plaza)

June 21, 2024

Resistance to ToBRFV, an additional trait recognised in DUS studies of tomato varieties

New tomato, potato family tree shows that fruit color and size evolved together - Study clarifies how diverse fruits from a group in the nightshade family may have evolved

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