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October 4, 2024

Mark Zwinkels over zijn ervaringen met hoog resistente rassen van Enza Zaden

Texas A&M AgriLife Research leading effort to develop more high-quality, resilient tomatoes - Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center will produce advanced tomato breeding lines

October 2, 2024

Brasil sedia o VII Simpósio Internacional sobre Doenças do Tomateiro

October 1, 2024

Climate change: tomatoes on the brink of an unprecedented migration (Tomato News)
Dérèglement climatique : la tomate à l'aube d'une migration inédite

September 30, 2024

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) statement on tomato brown rugose fruit virus and food safety

Chia Tai Partners with APSA To Host Asian Solanaceous Cucurbits Round Table 2024, aiming for leadership in tropical plant breeding

September 26, 2024

Le choix du porte-greffe affecte-t-il la résistance au ToBRFV ?

September 25, 2024

Solanum pimpinellifolium exhibits complex genetic resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Frontiers)

September 24, 2024

Vilmorin-Mikado Italia - Il pomodoro ciliegino Dantesco F1: affidabilità e qualità anche a temperature "infernali"

Raad voor plantenrassen - Vensterbankgroenten/Mini-groenten/Eetbare siergewassen
Mini or pot vegetables/Edible ornamentals

España - Yuksel Seed amplía su catálogo de variedades resistentes al Rugoso (AenVerde)

September 18, 2024

Axia Vegetable Seeds at the Tomato Congress in Polen

September 16, 2024

Israeli researchers develop tomatoes resilient to viruses and heat to tackle crop threats (CTech)

September 13, 2024

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 50 certificates on August 23, 2024

UC Davis' Student Collaborative Organic Plant Breeding Education (SCOPE) program debuts new zinnias, tomatoes, wheat - Wanted: Collaborators for organic farm trials

Veredelaars hoeven niet meer te draaien aan Rubikskubus - Gisteren praatte Bayer De Ruiter de sector bij over nieuwe rassen en veredelingsstrategieën op de door hen georganiseerde klantendag

September 12, 2024

Progressive Indian grower and innovative tomato variety are winning combination

September 11, 2024

Naktuinbouw - New Seed Extract PCR (SE-PCR) test for SLRSV in tomato and celery
Nieuwe ZE-PCR-toets voor SLRSV in tomaat en selderij

September 10, 2024

China 2024 tomato crop & industry situation

September 6, 2024

Heeft de keuze van de onderstam invloed op ToBRFV-resistentie?

September 5, 2024

Tomatoes in space: UC Riverside scientists making big strides in mission to grow food for astronauts

Teams from around the world tackle autonomous dwarf tomato cultivation in the greenhouses of Wageningen University & Research in Bleiswijk
Teams uit de hele wereld in Bleiswijk aan de slag met autonome teelt van dwergtomaten

September 3, 2024

Hoe ToBRFV zich door de kas verspreidt - Telen met ToBRFV: Een nieuwe realiteit #4

Enza Zaden shares latest developments: "Our gene helps ToBRFV go extinct" (Horti Daily)

Italy - Sensors on tomato plants to reduce water consumption (Tomato News)

How are sensors revolutionizing tomato farming practices? (Tomato News)

September 2, 2024

2024 Asian Solanaceous & Cucurbits Round Table (ASCRT 2024) to be held 24-26 September 2024

August 30, 2024

Drowning tomatoes for science

August 29, 2024

Enza Zaden deelt nieuwste ontwikkelingen - “Ons gen helpt ToBRFV uitsterven” (Groenten Nieuws)

August 28, 2024

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) awarding a $232,728 Seeding Solutions grant to the University of California, Davis to develop a tomato variety with resistance to branched broomrape



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