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February 2, 2024

Cotton varieties help Southeast producer make time for what matters most (Farm Progress)

USA - New cotton varieties give growers options - Seed companies step up to offer growers a wide range of cotton varieties (Farm Progress)

January 16, 2024

BASF introduces new FiberMax and Stoneville cotton seed varieties for the 2024 season

January 11, 2024

BASF recognizes Cotton Marketer of the Year at Beltwide Cotton Conferences

BASF recognizes Cotton Marketer of the Year at Beltwide Cotton Conferences

BASF recognizes Cotton Marketer of the Year at Beltwide Cotton Conferences

Record number apply for 2024 Australia Future Cotton Leaders Program

January 9, 2024

Identification of a key gene that regulates the negative correlation between cotton yield and fiber quality

December 21, 2023

USDA/APHIS issues regulatory status review responses for four plants modified using genetic engineering

December 20, 2023

CRDC - Spotlight Summer 2023-24: Cotton goes full circle

December 18, 2023

PhytoGen Cottonseed expands portfolio with two new varieties

December 14, 2023

World-first solution to combat spray drift saves growers time, money

December 13, 2023

PhytoGen cottonseed expands portfolio with two new varieties - New W3E1 and W3FE varieties bring next-level yield potential

December 8, 2023

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 50 certificates on November 3, 2023

November 17, 2023

Scientists unite to combat fusarium wilt in cotton

November 16, 2023

USA - Putting the “ton” in cotton – BASF opens enrollment for exclusive cotton club, truck lease sweepstakes

Algodão: quais lições tirar para a próxima safra?

November 14, 2023

Clemson University, Australian scientists unite to combat fusarium wilt in cotton

Cotton industry leader Dr Janelle Montgomery to lead the Australian cotton industry’s extension program, CottonInfo, into 2024 and beyond

November 13, 2023

A drive to make the U.S. a leader in organic cotton - $3.5 million Texas A&M AgriLife Research-led project to develop an understanding of organic practices, barriers and soil health implications

November 7, 2023

Taking action against disease in cotton

November 2, 2023

Evento voltado a consultores e pesquisadores de algodão debate os principais desafios e tendências na cultura

November 1, 2023

Enrollment now open for BASF’s e3 Sustainable Cotton Program

October 30, 2023

Pesquisador do IMAmt é homenageado pela aDAMA por contribuição à cotonicultura brasileira

October 27, 2023

‘End-effector,’ robotic system developed by Mississippi State University engineering team puts autonomous cotton harvesting within reach

October 26, 2023

Crystal Crop Protection announces the newest addition to its seed portfolio: Sadanand Cotton Seed

October 20, 2023

New Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) board meets for the first time - with $1B value creation on the agenda

October 19, 2023

Cotton is the next crop to benefit from Meristem’s nexgen Bio-Capsule technology

Cultivos transgénicos, la ruta para que crezca el sector algodonero

October 13, 2023

Better late than never: Bangladesh finally introduces Bt cotton after years of dilly-dallying

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