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May 22, 2024

Marcadores de ADN para la identificación varietal y el control de comercio en algodonero

May 17, 2024

Spain - Cotton and products, annual report

May 9, 2024

Australia - Cotton research showcased to international brands, retailers and NGOs

May 3, 2024

Uzbekistan - Cotton and products, annual report

Australia - Regional winners turn cotton tools to their establishment advantage

April 29, 2024

Clemson University, USDA scientists research to help boost cotton production

April 19, 2024

Desafios no controle de lagartas no algodão

April 18, 2024

A new mechanism of pathogenic fungus modulating cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt revealed by Biotechnology Research Institute

Bolivia - Se debe reactivar la producción de algodón con semillas mejoradas (El Mundo)

Argentina, Provincia del Chaco - Agentes del Instituto Nacional de Semillas realizaron inspecciones en lotes de la especie algodonero a partir de denuncias recibidas

April 17, 2024

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 50 certificates on March 29, 2024

April 15, 2024

El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario y Acosemillas hacen llamado urgente a productores de semilla y cultivadores para que sean responsables con sus cultivos

April 10, 2024

BASF recognizes cotton farmers’ yield achievements with FiberMax One Ton Club

April 8, 2024

Costa Rica revoluciona exportación de semillas de algodón bajo un modelo carbono neutral y ecológico (CRC 891)

April 3, 2024

Genetic improvement of Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) for high yield and fiber quality properties under semi arid conditions

March 27, 2024

Com previsão de área recorde de algodão, MT finalizou plantio de safrinha e, no Oeste Baiano, produtores focam no manejo de pragas e doenças

March 21, 2024

Australian Cotton Conference returns to the Gold Coast in August

March 20, 2024

National Seed Association of India urges central government to take immediate price corrections on cotton seed prices (United News India)

March 18, 2024

Australia - New appointments to CRDC's Deputy Chair and General Manager, Innovation

March 13, 2024

Allan Williams appointed new Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) Executive Director

March 7, 2024

Se definen fechas para ciclo de siembra de algodón en el Valle en 2024

March 5, 2024

PhytoGen Cottonseed wins big in university trials - Newer varieties offer producers higher yield potential with built-in protection

February 28, 2024

Corteva Agriscience launches Enversa herbicide -  Growers can count on Enversa herbicide to deliver flexible and lasting weed control in soybean and cotton fields

February 26, 2024

Australian OGTR - DIR 203 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for herbicide tolerance and insect resistance

February 15, 2024

PhytoGen brand varieties prove high yield potential three years in a row (FarmProgress)

Manejo Integrado de Pragas do algodão: inseticidas e aplicação

February 14, 2024

Our robot harvests cotton by reaching out and plucking it, like a lizard's tongue snatching flies (The Conversation)

February 8, 2024

USA - Cotton reacts to court’s dicamba decision (Farm Progress)

Uncovering key drivers of profitability in Australian cotton production

February 7, 2024

USA - BASF hosts Ingage Advisory Council meetings with growers and retailers

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