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September 9, 2020
Australian OGTR - DIR 176 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of white clover genetically modified for increased condensed tannins
August 14, 2020
United Kingdom - Say ‘hello’ to white clover - August is the perfect time to introduce clover back into the sward to reap the benefits that this excellent forage species provides
July 20, 2020
Ny kløvergræsmark i august? August er et godt og sikkert tidspunkt for etablering af en ny kløvergræsmark
July 17, 2020
Ireland - Using white clover to increase grass production and quality - advice from Teagasc - The inclusion of white clover in reseeding programmes is a requirement under the new derogation rules (Kilkenny People)
Højere udbytte med ny genetik
Succesvol klaver telen? Zo doe je dat!
July 3, 2020
Celebrating World Microbiome Day: Wonders of the clover - In celebration of World Microbiome Day, Novozymes’ scientists mapped the microbiome of the clover -. They discovered a symbiotic relationship between clovers and a microbe called Rhizobium
June 1, 2020
United Kingdom - New SRUC Grass and Clover Varieties launch - Barenbrug are delighted to announce the additions of four new varieties to the latest edition of the SRUC Grass and Clover Varieties for Scotland List 2020/2021
May 18, 2020
Iran mulls major seed production increase in 5 years: Deputy Agriculture Minister (Tasnim News Agency)
April 17, 2020
Bundessortenamt - Sortenausschuss 5 (Futtergräser, Esparsette, Klee, Luzerne) - Beschreibung der Werteigenschaften der neu zugelassener Sorten
April 2, 2020
These perennial clovers work great for grazing, hay or silage, are excellent in wildlife mixes and make an awesome cover crop
Cover Crop Corner: Using berseem clover to improve alfalfa production - ncrease hay quality through the synergistic relationship between berseem clover and alfalfa
March 19, 2020
New sub-clovers offer productivity gains for Australian livestock producers
March 12, 2020
Das Beste aus Kleegras - Die Verbesserung des Nährstoffmanagements auf Biobetrieben ist das Ziel des NutriNet-Projekts
March 9, 2020
TEAGASC, Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority - Recommended lists 2020: grass and white clover, forage maize, potato, spring bean, spring cereal
February 24, 2020
USDA Plant Variety Protection Office issues 94 certificates of protection on January 29, 2020
February 14, 2020
Bundessortenamt - Beschreibung der Werteigenschaften der neu zugelassener Sorten
February 10, 2020
Fourragères RAGT Semences - Progrès génétique en trèfle violet : Rendement et pérennité
October 24, 2019
New joint venture to improve annual legume breeding
September 4, 2019
USDA Plant Variety Protection Office issues 60 certificates of protection on July 3, 2019
August 15, 2019
Grassland Oregon's Cover Crop Corner: 3 ways clovers can boost your forage system
June 14, 2019
Become more independent and less vulnerable - Get though extreme climatic conditions with a stable production throughout the year with new products from DLF Overvind klimaændringer med stabil foderproduktion - Vil du også være mindre sårbar overfor ekstreme klimatiske forhold og samtidig mere selvforsynende?
June 10, 2019
Clover variety with uber nitrogen fixation turns some heads (Illinois Farmer Today)
May 1, 2019
International effort leads to compelling white clover story
March 17, 2019
France - LG Semences – Un nouveau trèfle violet (Réussir)
January 6, 2019
Red Clover innovation for Wales - New research to ensure more Welsh livestock farmers could benefit from longer lasting, disease resistant red clovers is being undertaken at Aberystwyth University
December 10, 2018
Deutsches Bundessortenamt - Beschreibende Sortenliste 2018 – Futtergräser, Esparsette, Klee, Luzerne
May 31, 2018
Utilizing clovers to improve feed quality of pastures
May 1, 2018
Grovfoderdag for alle med hang til græs - Gødning og doner til græs og kløver
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