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June 16, 2023

16th International Lupin Conference in Rostock and online
Internationalen Lupinenkonferenz 2023 im Hybridformat

May 30, 2023

Legume research at NIAB

May 24, 2023

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL - Der LeguminosenTag – ein Fest für Erbse, Soja, Lupine und Co.

May 18, 2023

AGT‘s 'game changer’ lupin varieties poised for release - The release of two new lupin varieties for the 2024 season demonstrates AGT’s commitment to the lupin industry

May 5, 2023

Qualité des graines : découvrez les analyses pour le soja, le lupin et le tournesol

April 12, 2023

New reports highlight best grain variety choices for southern Australia

February 20, 2023

Körnerleguminosen lohnen sich!

February 16, 2023

Le pois protéagineux, la féverole et le lupin: les stars de la nouvelle Pac? (SillonBelge)

December 22, 2022

New South Wales, Australia - New crop varieties for growers to consider in 2023

December 15, 2022

Weiße Lupinen säen: Diese Checkliste hilft beim ersten Anbau (AgrarHeute)

December 14, 2022

Nederland - Groeiende interesse in witte lupine

December 2, 2022

AGT introduce Lawler – the go-to lupin variety for Australia's Eastern states

October 27, 2022

2 Million EUR to accelerate quinoa and lupine breeding

October 5, 2022

Australia - Lupin establishment project sows seeds for success

September 15, 2022

Noriap Groupe - Assolement agricole : le point sur les cultures en test : chamvre, lupin, tournesol et chia

August 31, 2022

France - La demande de dérogation 120 jours pour l'usage du WAKIL XL sur pois, féverole et lupin a été acceptée

Canada - Lupin variety shows promise, could be used for livestock feed, human consumption (Manitoba Co-operator)

August 26, 2022

Lupinen als Alternative zu importiertem Tierfutter

June 27, 2022

Lupin used as winter cover crop boosts summer sorghum yield

May 30, 2022

Bundesverband der deutschen VO-Firmen - BVO-Invo Nr. 05/2022

May 24, 2022

Das I.G. Pflanzenzucht Öko Sortiment 2022/2023!

April 4, 2022

Bundesverband der deutschen VO-Firmen - BVO-Info Nr. 03/2022

March 31, 2022

France - Une nouvelle station d’expérimentation à Guichainville
A new experimental station in Guichainville

Canada - Key investments into pea and lupin research and processing (Discover Westman)

March 28, 2022

Belgique - Protéagineux et oléagineux: les variétés disponibles au printemps 2022 (Le Sillon Belge)

February 2, 2022

Die Weiße Lupine (Lupinus albus) - Eine Leguminose mit Zukunft?

December 27, 2021

New partnership to develop farm-to-fork ecosystem for lupin in Canada

October 6, 2021

Lupins return to highly profitable crop at Neridup, Western Australia (Farm Weekly)

September 29, 2021

Deutschland - Mehr Süßlupinen und Sojabohnen geerntet (Top Agrar)

September 16, 2021

DSV Zaden - Biedt witte lupine kansen in het nieuwe GLB? (Melkvee)

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