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October 5, 2023

Ireland - Choosing the right winter cereal varieties for your business (Agriland)

October 3, 2023

Ireland - Department of Agriculture's Winter Cereals Recommended Lists 2024 for winter wheat, winter oats and winter barley

August 1, 2023

Genome data rewrite the story of oat domestication in China - Genome analysis of 100 oat plants from around the world reveal that different oat varieties were developed in two different domestication events, challenging current plant research assumptions

July 21, 2023

United Kingdom - New soft wheat Bamford is the focus for winter wheat trials hosted by Elsoms Seeds and Saaten Union 

July 13, 2023

Maroc - L'INRA dévoile 7 nouvelles variétés de céréales et de légumineuses (Medias 24)

June 20, 2023

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 70 certificates on June 16, 2023

June 13, 2023

University of Saskatchewan CDC milling oat variety bred to endure

June 8, 2023

La increíble avena silvestre que tiene la capacidad de “caminar” en búsqueda de suelo donde establecerse

May 24, 2023

IG Pflanzenzucht - MAXiGPS für maximale PS vom Feld

May 18, 2023

Argentina - Mediante Resolución INASE Nº 216/2023 se revuelve que todas las semillas de las especies Avena sativa L. y Avena bizantina K. Koch que se comercialicen en el territorio nacional deberán hacerlo bajo el sistema de fiscalización obligatoria, a partir de enero de 2025

May 9, 2023

Unique collaboration gathers new knowledge about the Nordic Oat Collection – Nearly 800 oat varieties to be characterized

May 1, 2023

Argentina - El Instituto Nacional de Semillas (Inase) determinó que todas las semillas de avena deberán ser fiscalizadas y se armó la polémica (Bichos de Campo)

April 25, 2023

Le catalogue Lemaire Deffontaines 2023 est maintenant à votre disposition

April 17, 2023

Two new varieties accepted into Australia Oat Classification Program

April 12, 2023

New reports highlight best grain variety choices for southern Australia

March 15, 2023

InterGrain's new oat varieties provide flexibility for Popplewell’s

March 13, 2023

Florida Foundation Seed Producers - Invitation to negotiate exclusive licensing opportunity: ITN23-06 - ‘FL12034-10’ Oat Cultivar

February 23, 2023

Sommerungen rechnen sich!

February 21, 2023

Uruguay - El Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE) prevé una mayor disponibilidad de semillas de avena y raigrás (Diario Cambio)

February 13, 2023

Industry research to tackle oat rust - University of Sydney's Professor Robert Park to partner with Intergrain and S&W Seed Co

February 7, 2023

Australia - Dr Pamela Zwer's oat breeding effort celebrated

February 3, 2023

Global oat development gains momentum

February 1, 2023

Could oats be used to manage Fusarium crown rot?

January 31, 2023

Three-pronged strategy to beat oat leaf blotch

January 26, 2023

Australia - Sowing windows reviewed for National Variety Trials oat trials

Deutschland - Sommergetreide: Zehn neue Sorten für Ihre Aussaat 2023 (Agrar Heute)

Collaborations – key for oat weed management tools

January 25, 2023

GRDC ups ante in race to manage oat crown rust

January 23, 2023

Das IG Frühjahr-Sortiment 2023

January 20, 2023

How do dual-purpose oats fit in the HRZ?

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