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July 26, 2024

University of Georgia supports African research network breeding climate-adapted peanuts

July 23, 2024

Saatbau Linz - Leistungsstarke Premiumweizensorten: Aurelius, Arameus, Artimus - ein starkes Trio für Trockengebiete

Clemson University professor leads $6 million study that aims to develop sustainable ways to increase soybean yields in heat and drought

July 10, 2024

Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient

France - Place aux maïs adaptés au changement climatique

July 3, 2024

Advanced turf-type Bermudagrass experimental genotypes show marked variation in drought response

July 1, 2024

Buckwheat responds better than wheat to future climate conditions
El sarraceno responde mejor que el trigo a las condiciones climáticas del futuro
Artobeltzak gariak baino hobeto erantzuten die etorkizuneko klima-kondizioei

June 27, 2024

‘Gold mine’ of century-old wheat varieties could help breeders restore long lost traits - Historic traits could make modern wheat more resilient to disease and other stressors (Science)

Climate-proofing India’s daily bread: The race for resilient wheat - CIMMYT is key in developing climate-resilient wheat in India, boosting food security

June 26, 2024

ICRISAT showcases climate-smart millets and organizes a Seed Fair in Kano, Nigeria

78 million euros for research on resilient crops and ecosystems

June 19, 2024

University of Windsor researcher develop crops better able to cope with changing climate (Education News Canada)

June 18, 2024

Wageningen University & Research participates in major international research on climate-resilient crops
WUR neemt deel aan groot internationaal onderzoek naar klimaatbestendige gewassen

June 17, 2024

Wie Wurzeln Maispflanzen vor Dürre schützen (Bioökonomie.de)

June 14, 2024

Q&A: Finding varieties of corn that are adapted to future climates

June 13, 2024

Researchers net $85m to tap ancient eDNA to inspire next-gen climate resilient crops: ‘The early data is breathtaking’ (AgFunder)

June 12, 2024

Climate resilient crops: Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Wellcome Trust award a grant of up to DKK 585 million to the ‘Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability’

Descubren una forma de hacer producir cultivos resistentes a la sequía

June 11, 2024

Marchouch/ céréaliculture: l’INRA présente les rendements de ses nouvelles variétés tolérantes à la sécheresse

Maroc - Céréaliculture : des variétés plus résistantes face à la sécheresse

Investigadores chilenos logran desarrollar un poroto resistente a la sequía (emol)

June 10, 2024

Maroc - L’INRA et des opérateurs privés s’activent pour lancer de nouvelles semences résilientes à la sécheresse (Finances News Hebdo)

June 3, 2024

España - Tozer trabaja semillas resistentes sin modificación genética (Revista Mercados)

Scientists are on a quest for drought-resistant wheat, agriculture's 'Holy Grail' (CBC)

May 28, 2024

Breakthrough study shows MON 87460 gene enhances maize yield under drought stress

May 22, 2024

Roots are a key to drought-tolerant maize - Study headed by the University of Bonn analyses 9,000 varieties of maize around the world
Wurzel als Schlüssel zu dürretoleranterem Mais - Studie unter Federführung der Universität Bonn analysiert weltweit 9.000 Maissorten

May 17, 2024

Researchers unlock water-saving potential of wheat with TabHLH27 balancing stress and growth

May 14, 2024

Building a climate-smarter Tanzania - In a climate change scenario, a team of researchers and scholars from SUA, UCPH, IRRI, TARI, and KALRO are working to ensure East and Southern Africa’s food security through spatiotemporal mapping, identifying eligible rice lines, and developing climate-smart rice varieties

Small grains offer options for water-strapped growers - Research seeks varieties to beat stress, boost yield, improve quality

May 13, 2024

Indian seed industry bats for a climate-resilient agriculture sector (AgriculturePost)



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