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Drought tolerance

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May 10, 2024

Climate lab at the University of Essex will create crops for ‘tomorrow’s atmosphere today’

May 6, 2024

Les semences céréalières tolérantes à la sécheresse, une alternative d'avenir au Maroc (La Croix)

May 3, 2024

Les semences céréalières tolérantes à la sécheresse, une alternative d’avenir au Maroc (RTBF)

April 22, 2024

Decoding - Agricultural drought: understanding and adapting
Décryptage - Sécheresse agricole : comprendre pour s'adapter

Youth farmer Edelqueen Anyiso’s story of resilience in growing TAAT-promoted drought-tolerant maize varieties

April 3, 2024

Genetic improvement of Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) for high yield and fiber quality properties under semi arid conditions

April 2, 2024

Embrapa apresenta nova leguminosa resistente a nematoides e alta produtividade na Tecnoshow Comigo

March 22, 2024

Philippines - Department of Agriculture XI to implement NextGen PLUS project research project on rice varieties bred to increase adaptability to the changing climate in the Davao region (Mindanao Times)

March 20, 2024

A wholistic approach is the key to improving drought adaptation in crops

March 13, 2024

Tel Aviv University grows tasty tomatoes using less water (Tomato News)

March 5, 2024

Danforth Center and Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research receive $4.9M grant - Funding from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will support improving the productivity of tef, a promising climate-resilient crop

Accord of international center and Spanish cooperative seed supplier Agrovegetal will bolster farmers’ access to climate-resilient wheat in the Mediterranean Basin

March 4, 2024

Développement de graines résistantes à la sécheresse au Maroc?

Retour vers d'anciennes variétés de blé pour faire face au changement climatique en Tunisie (African Manager)

February 29, 2024

Breeding for plant plasticity - Epigenetics has immense potential for helping crops mitigate the effects of climate change (Farmtario)

Logran tomate editado genéticamente que consume menos agua

February 20, 2024

Assosementi, sorgo soluzione resiliente ai cambiamenti climatici: i risultati di un progetto di sperimentazione

Pakistan - Efforts needed for climate-resilient wheat varieties (Dawn)

February 15, 2024

GRDC invests $1.9m in research for climate-resilient crops

GRDC invests $1.9m in research for climate-resilient crops

February 13, 2024

USA - How farmers grew a record corn crop in a season marked by dryness

January 31, 2024

A ‘thirsty nightshade’ could give tomatoes salt, drought tolerance - New breeding lines developed by UC Davis’ Rick Center

January 29, 2024

Israeli researchers use genetic editing to grow tomatoes that consume less water (Y Net News)

January 3, 2024

What will become of rice? (Modern Farmer)

How tomato plants use their roots to ration water during drought

January 2, 2024

New cotton variety a boon for farmers of drought-prone areas in Karnataka (The New Indian Express)

December 12, 2023

Zuckerrübe Behr, von Saatbau Linz – Die ertragsstärkste Zuckerrübe im Trockengebiet

December 4, 2023

Stress hydrique, une contrainte supplémentaire en sélection de semence (Réussir)

November 30, 2023

Peroxidase gene confers drought tolerance in soybean

November 28, 2023

Changement climatique - Maïs : la tolérance au stress hydrique monte en gamme chez les semenciers (Circuits Culture)

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